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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by BBloke

  1. Very neat idea Friar
  2. Fireman, I think you just drop it into the folder of TrackIR or a subfolder containing other profiles Then you can access it from the drop down selection list.
  3. Just looked at TS and the ready room is set to Speedx 25.9.
  4. Upload is what you need.
  5. Bugga the P51.
  6. IIRC I had a 32kb upload when I hosted 13 players.
  7. I think the worst thing on hosting is TS.
  8. Some great advise and sounds like it'll be a trial and error thing to sort it out.
  9. Happy Birthday Rattler.
  10. Not had this problem and the possible best place to start is post up your DXDIAG info so we can have a look at it. The DxDiag file is simply a text based list of the hardware and drivers installed on your PC. It allows us to identify possibly problems or find trends in major issues, and should be included in all Technical Help requests. (Not my instructions - I robbed em off somewhere else ) To get your DxDiag file, go through the following steps:
  11. OOOooooooooooooo.... cutting remark Jim.
  12. Happy Birthday Jim.
  13. Indeed.... Whats that you say.
  14. I've come to the conclusion I'm better off answering one of the numerous emails I receive on a day to day basis telling me I need a penis enlargement than apply any mod to the game. I'm also going to start my own spamming campaign as I find the afore mentioned emails down right annoying.
  15. BBloke

    New Password

    Sorted (I hope).
  16. BBloke

    New Password

    Don't worry have found it
  17. BBloke

    New Password

    Whats the username you have registered with?
  18. Oh boy.
  19. Still very nice pictures SkyPup
  20. Was just thinking the same GK.
  21. I was going to stay mum on it but I won't fly any modded version on or offline.
  22. Love those holes on the Spit.
  23. No not yet but I now have an incentive
  24. Sweet.
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