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Everything posted by Enforcer57

  1. Sometimes, I still have photo oriented programs (I got a bunch of em) start on the activation of my computer, no matter how many times I go into this thing and tell it not to. They will sleep for a while, and like a case of GD herpes, keep coming back to life, even if Ive never used the damn things (not that I know what herpes is like, I see this stuff on TV, so......). I use my AVG virus software (free) and my spyware software (some free, some not) to scan for stuff like this pretty regularly. Sometimes it finds spyware crap. My AVG usually tells me if it's a virus before it kicks in. As for hacking, I dunno about that. After you straffed me on the ground last sunday, I would be fully justified in hiring some geek kid to vandalize the hell out of your computer. I survived BTW.....but I'm gonna find our dreaded wackjob and see what he can do. Seriously, I think you may have a photo software program doing its thing, as Rattler said.
  2. Amazing.....the virtual depiction of huge hooters is so good it promotes the general acceptance of sloppy seconds.
  3. You could always try and paint the ejection chutes for the 20mm, if you can locate them correctly. Been a couple of decades since I did any of this, but I always limited the amount of detail i put in a cockpit of this scale due to size. The plastic may be a bit thick to try and cut neatly. I never spray painted my planes, mainly due to the fact that the spray borders, though it may look nice, are totally out of scale. If you look at most pix of planes taken at a distance that would approximate this scale, the demarcation lines of the camo look solid. It only gets a bit more realistic to spray them at 1/32 scale or above methinks, although it does look good.
  4. Remember to put several waypoints in the turn to keep it from being too sharp and to look more realistic. Remember to check the speed as well, and keep in mind that the default speeds are in kmh and are very slow. Your CV should be going around 30 knts, which is about 50kmh I think. I always put a very high number to make sure its going max speed. Remember to do the same wiht any escorts.
  5. amazing how many guys asking questions know nothing about the sim apparently. Duh. Would really help if Oleg would get a translator for his answers. Some neat stuff though. Flying a Tiger moth will be kinda neat.
  6. That's a cool shot Rattler, but what makes them look so close is the distortion and compression caused by the Zoom lens on high magnification. It probably didn't even look like this through the lens. One of the odd things caused in cameras by zooming. You can take a shot of somebody standing 100 meters behind another person, but a zoom lens shot taken from a distance will make it look like they are no more than 10 feet apart.
  7. GM68, great sig pal. Love those scenes.
  8. And if you wear glasses, DON'T wear them with the Tir. It confuses the blazes outta that thing. I found that out the hard way a few mos back.
  9. Heh heh. He's my hero. Contributed greatly to my vocabulary growing up. I credit him with my ability to leave morons mouths agape and aghast with my insults.
  10. Ditto what JP, Logos, and OT said. I was so busy conspiring to kill you on the Axis forums that I missed this (story of my life-happens with chix all the time). And here is my present to you.....a bottle of excellent German beer in a sealed container that will fit nicely under the seat of your Spit. BUT...you must wait at least until sunday to open it. Ignore the ticking in the meantime, as that's just a security measure for your own safety. Open on the runway amongst your comrades so they can be envious. Oh ok, here's a better present......It's AC related, so nobody should be miffed at you.
  11. I had to deal with this kinda fanaticism when I was a kid in South Alabama (Ft. Rucker was there and my dad was a flt instructor). The very fact that I was interested in military history and aircraft rather than foooball incited so much indignation that i had to hire hitguys to keep these miniature knuckle-draggers off me.............you'd be surprised how much trauma a moon pie can purchase from a 15 yr old in the 6th grade. I also poisoned 6 of those AHs with moldy little debbie cakes one day, but that's another story. When a teacher tried to discuss the recent Apollo 11 moon landing, one village idiot exclaimed; "Who cares....it's not like it's sumthin important like a fooball game." I swear I'm not making that up. When the population is made up of many of such geniuses, and nearly all the politicos are lawyers, you can understand why the country is going ape.
  12. Oooooh man. You need a hobby. Bad. Pretty good though.
  13. Yeah, cool. I'm gonna steal this one.
  14. Hooters forever.
  15. Eeewwww...........
  16. How the hell......? I mean, the animated figures fit so well into the IL2 sim. Sure would be nice if movie makers and cmpn blders could get together on stuff like this.
  17. Ha..............um.......................is that smiley doing what I THINK he's doing? Somebody should be punished for this..............
  18. I think you have a slam dunk divorce case man. I am so glad I'm not ........owned. heh heh. I do kinda talk to my dog alot though. And you guys on TS. And I work 6 15 hr days a week and still can't show much for it. Hmmmm..........wanna trade shoes?
  19. Hmmmmm...............I'll get back to you on this one.
  20. My late Dad and I used to watch that show without fail when it was originally on, and it had to be the best thing on TV. I remember seeing him literally fall outta his chair with tears in his eyes watching Conway and Corman.
  21. Holy crap. Dopers will do anything for money. What a warm feeling of friendship when I read that........sort of like the one I get when Flying with you guys. heh heh.
  22. STop Painless, yer killin me!! The mental imagery is beyond my humor capacity....I'm in horrible pain laughing so friggin hard.
  23. Man I love hanging out here.
  24. Heh heh. Good one JP.
  25. I spend 95% of my time in this sim working in the FMB (which takes an outrageous amount of time when you are building a cmpn) and it's really the only way you can see the full potential of this thing, as well as see all the neat stuff you can use.
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