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Everything posted by Enforcer57

  1. I wish I knew why the F I can't see any of this stuff. I don't even see any thumbnails or anything. Truly bizarre. I assume they are equipped with standard M-16A2s? Does the Canadian army still use the Browning P-35 as its sidearm? I'm kinda behind the times I think.
  2. Here's a link to the ubi zoo where I posted it in the skinners forum. Note the work of your fellow K9 wing members Beebop and Shadow. Gonna be "two weeks" till I release it. Also note the incredible work of Nightshifter, who did some amazing spit and A26 stuff for me (as arranged by Beebop). Now THIS would be a neat SEOW........ http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/ ... 4151014266
  3. Hi Crash. Welcome to our alternate universe. FIRST.....go find a soap on a rope and keep it with you.........that way you will never have to pick it up if you drop it in the squadron shower. Long story....just take my word for it. SECOND....go back through the general discussion forum and check up on the assorted issues of Combat comix.......you will see the actual combat photos from our recent SEOW, and will get an idea of the type of military......"discipline" we have around here. THIRD.....don't be hesitant to ask questions and jump in the middle of stuff. THere are a few outfits out there that put emphasis on the amount of starch in your uniform shirt, but around here, we put more emphasis on having a great time and learning stuff that's fun. We do get a bit serious when we are in a SEOW with each other, and a bit more serious when we get into ti with another outfit, but we still have fun. FOURTH......anyone and everyone messes up on a fairly regular basis.....though some of us do it more than ohters (I crashed on take off two misns in a row in the SEOW and nearly jumped off a virtual bridge at that point). This is a game and we do it for fun. Nobody is going to invade our country if we don't defeat their air force. THis isn't the Battle of Britain, but we do simulate it. HAVE FUN. FIFTH.....the secret to getting alot more power out of your plane is to hit "cntrl E".
  4. Well, there is the name that RAF pilots gave a particularly lousy German recon plane early in WW1.........the "pig". It was so bad that it was not considered sporting to shoot at it, so they gave them a free pass when encountered.....usually. I don't remember what the actual name was.
  5. Heh heh. Brilliant.
  6. I see now why you fly so......erratically.
  7. Yeah, I was wondering about being able to switch between three variations (08, 09, 09 w mods) but I think Im keeping my main install away from the mods for now. I am thinking of making a separate install for the mods, as there is a switch file for it at the 352 site as well, but it does take up alot of room on the hard drive. I THINK that is the only safe way for now until some genius (like Quazi or one of the other walking star fleet computers) comes up with a way to safely switch around. As for our "uncertain" members who find this reminiscent of not knowing what outfit to wear on a date...........(that'll make em wonder heh heh).......they are just......confused. There's a reason for concern about the treatment of sheep around here. Not all of us are as stable as I am...........
  8. Gotta love those mk 108s.
  9. So THAT'S where my appendix went. ....and it's fun killing each other on a weekly basis. I think we're all Cylons since we keep coming back.
  10. ummmm...........there was one posted on the general thread a few mos ago, with me flanked by two much younger college chicks I'd just worked a ballgame event with. Or you could just take your pick of wanted posters at the post office.
  11. Man that's fer sure. That fury replica looks good. My dad flew for four decades and he and his friends thru the yrs had all sorts of tales, some hairy, some funny, many amazing. You'll have fun here.
  12. Ive sent similar cards to chix thru the yrs. Never got me anywhere, but htey DID remember me. This is hilarious.
  13. What a neat place. Those things are pretty durable it appears.
  14. at that scale, you may as well paint it by brush,as you really couldn't see the spray effect anyway. A friend of mine built the Monogram 1/48 B1B yrs ago........it had rubber tires yet, and metal gear struts. I have the monogram 1/48th B-24 kit I found many yrs ago, but never built it. I never had any place to put something that big.
  15. Amazing. Gotta love the RAF, then and now. I especially loved the other vid taken from the nose on those runs. Those vids give a good perspective on what it took to do that. Never
  16. Ha! this is priceless. The cops probably knew it was like that and drove it anyway. At least the cops I know would have. That's hillarious.
  17. I knew that guy was nuts when he walked across the railing like it was a tight-rope. Sheesh. Looks like it could crumble under an adult's weight at any moment. 700 feet, my god. We have a couple of bridges on the main drags around town that are a mere 70-80 ft high, and when I used to peddle my bike across the sidewalks on the side, it would literally take my breath the first few times. 700 feet on pavement that looks like graham crackers........not me. I've seen the local FD (and dispatched them in the distant past) in action in some pretty hairy rescue scenarios involving tall bldgs in these death trap plants around here as well as said bridges. They sure don't get paid enough for that stuff.
  18. Enforcer57


    As I've said before, photography is a dirty bsness, but somebody has to do it. The photos were what solved the "case". That guy is no doubt a member of the Ga. State legislature now.
  19. Heh heh. For the record, If I had been there, I would have looked at her posterior to......and tried to sneak a picture. I'm a pro, so nobody try this at home.
  20. First time I've seen an Isreali Merkava MBT airborne. Sheesh. I knew computers were evil.
  21. I dont do skinning, but Ive sure used alot of them, and Ive never seen any use of such on ordinance. I kinda doubt it, as it woulda been done by now. Can't do them for ships or vehicles either apparently.
  22. It looks like 1/35 scale. so detailed.
  23. And the Navy has their own Psycho. I dunno whether to be glad or terrified. This was priceless. I remember that guys dad doing the countdown thing for yrs.
  24. Wow, incredible work. I love model tanks, havent built one in about 30 yrs. Used to do Tamiya and Mongogram stuff mostly. Loved them. Dunno where they went. I still have many of my planes, but none of the dozen plus tanks I made. I liked them because You can be a little sloppy on a tank and get away with it, since htey are kinda sloppy looking after they've been in combat. A nice kit.
  25. Yeah, cool. Sure looks like a hellcat to me.
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