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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by guitarman68

  1. Thanks for the reply mate, bloody saitek i've spent all night messing about and its their fubar software.I got the pc to stop crashing now but any old profile wont work on the new software.They are so say working on a converter for old dat files.
  2. Great profile, but i have a question. I have added the profile to the folder but when i go to select it the pc crashes and reboots its also doing it with other profiles. Any suggestions im slowly losing the will to live.
  3. I converted it to mpeg4 and put it on my psp so i can watch it wherever i go.If my memory's correct Galland was one of the techincal advisors.
  4. Hoorah, they have arrived.I must say they are fantastic lots of adjustment on the pedal movement with a tension dial. Brakes work well, need to get used to them.I think overall they are one of the best pedal sets out there, the size of the base and pedal set is great compared to the ch set which are far to close together.
  5. Im not a closet nazi honest i collect war memorabilia, i have a loft conversion where i keep it all.My favourite is a ww2 russian mosin nagant infantrymans rifle with a rather nasty bayonet.
  6. Some very nice things here if you are feeling flush http://www.dominicwinter.co.uk/ I have one of lot 130 on my wall, original didn't know it was worth that much.
  7. This is a strange one, i can see it on any game i play bar il2 any ideals.Had it working before i did a new install of 1946. i download the latest version and no joy.
  8. Tried a set of these at the flightsim show in december, bought a set today for £60 should keep me alive for at least another 2 minutes
  9. Don't work to hard mate, i'll miss you blowing the wings of one of my crates.See you at duxford.
  10. Shame about the weather
  11. Morning all, heres a link for recruitment video done by the tangmere pilots. Very well made worth a look.
  12. Just got a nice 1/48 TBM 3 Avenger kit, will post some pictures when he starts to take shape.
  13. Hello and welcome.
  14. All fixed chaps, got rid of all the old installs and now have one new one,backed up all the important files and put them back after the new install.Thankyou for all the help
  15. Thankyou guys its nice to be missed.
  16. Sorry in advance for being a muppet.I download the 4.08m update and installed it ok.But when i launch the game it still loads 4.07m, i had the switcher installed for the 4.04-4.07 , do i need to be doing anything else.Im launching the game with the 1946 exe on my desktop, also tried putting the dvd in and booting from there. Any help mucho thanko
  17. Salut Gentlemen,I hope all the dogs are well.I must say sorry for my absence of late but i took a break from flying and pc's in general.The web site and forums are looking good and reading some of the posts i see no one has lost their sense of humour.Has there been any updates on PF front or is it still 4.07, or what version are you chaps using.All the best speak to you soon. Nick
  18. I have 4.07, but i think dave has the right ideal play on 4.05 until the final patch is out.
  19. I got a buttkicker for xmas, they are great fun and adds a whole new feel
  20. Thankyou sir.
  21. I have installed the new 46 on a different drive so i can keep my old versions safe, which file is the one with my old setup i.e joystick mapping. so i can copy it into my new folder.
  22. Oui, 4.04 and 4.05 or new 46, good reports coming from everyone who has tried it.Works like a charm.
  23. Checkout this link. http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/ ... 8961077415 NOTE: Triple switcher MUST be installed in the game folder ONLY.
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