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NEW DISCORD SERVER DETAILS - SIGN UP NOW - Dogz Members Only Private Thread ×


3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by guitarman68

  1. Any guesses who the lady is??? if you get it right i'll post the full colour photo, now there's a challenge.
  2. Thanks to everyone on the server last night for helping to sort out my teething problems, i had a great night and im looking forward to the next sortie.Im off now to sort out my dodgy 4.04m patch. cheers all..
  3. First pic, is me flat out at work again, and the other is a visit to the german occupation museum in jersey with my to angels :roll: .
  4. Thankyou all for your kind words its always hard joining a new club or group when you dont really know anyone there, but you have made me feel most welcome.As for thursdays flight i will be online from around 7.30pm GMT., just need to get home from work and sort the kids out and i'll be ready to go (and probably die in a big ball of flames) :oops: . Look forward to seeing online.
  5. guitarman68


    Hello all, i've just joined the ranks and i thought i'd post to say hello :? .Im a big flightsim fan but still learning when it comes to combat flight sims.Im 37 and from the UK, live in Bristol and married with 2 daughters.I have sorted out teamspeak and look forward to saying hello, and will be online thursday night if anyones around. all the best nick
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