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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by guitarman68

  1. Is it to late to change sides . J/K
  2. Nice site.Here is mine.
  3. Just got the mission manual, pure class DT. Can't wait to play one of the most interesting parts of ww2.
  4. Suite you Sir.
  5. No ropes mate, just walk up and touch history.
  6. I went down to Yeovilton today to have alook at the Corsair KD 431 they have, what a great aircraft it is.Here are a few photos:
  7. There is some stuff on carrier landings aswell :wink:
  8. Here is a link for a nice practice session, with Glenns next project in mind.Its a nice campaign of which im part way through. Banzia! :arrow: http://mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads&file=details&id=54 Also Glenn there is a nice bit of reference material with it, if you need any.
  9. I made it :oops: one afternoon fiddling about with psp.
  10. Im easy, or so my wife keeps telling me :shock:
  11. guitarman68


    Apologizes for being absent recently but after receiving a 90 Redundency notice i have had little time for flying.I hope to get on the server for a hour on thursday. Hope i haven't missed to much. :shock:
  12. Sorry for my absence over the last couple of weeks, i have a a world cup addiction.But i should be flying sunday, see you then.
  13. guitarman68


    Right were do i get my ticket from.
  14. Im saving for a set
  15. For all BF2 fans, it made me laugh. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5733044300866646599
  16. Yeh baby hit me again :shock:
  17. Top class Colin.
  18. Glenn check out this link it has the complete campaign all in a folder with maps and info, i have been playing it on single player mode and its very good.Speak to you on t/s in the week. Hope this helps. http://mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads&file=details&id=4
  19. Glenn how about doing the Battle of Britian, there is a great set of missions already made with maps and all the info needed.It would save you alot of work and most of the missions are pc friendly.It can be downloaded from airwarfare.com just a thought if you were stuck for ideals. :wink:
  20. Waldo that is a quality remark and made me laugh for quite some time.
  21. I have the trackir 3 pro with vector and it works a dream for what i need.If you got the cash to spend then go for the 4.
  22. First class evening with a great bunch of guys, i know some people had issuse's and i was down to single figure fps over caen but shit who cares it was great .I think the red plan of organized chaos was spot on and after 3 missions it was a close run thing. I think we should all chip in and send Glenn to bangkok for a week for all his hard work.Can't wait for the next, maybe the Battle of Britian :wink:
  23. Okay own up who let the hun in
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