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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by guitarman68

  1. VT, check out this link there's also a demo at the bottom of the page. http://www.naturalpoint.com/trackir/02- ... p-PRO.html
  2. After having the T/R 3 Pro for sometime i was still suffering dead spots when flying, more so when i was trying to see what was behind me( which i spend most of my time doing ).So i decide to upgrade to the vector exspansion clip hoping this would sort out the problem, although it was a bit better i still had problems.Then after seeing a demo video of the pro clip of i thought i had nothing to lose, i ordered it on monday it arrived on wednesday i took 2 minutes to install and setup and its the dogs do da's.What a difference no more hat and better still i can now see whats shooting the s**t out of the back of my aircraft.Well worth the 29 english pounds it cost.
  3. Have a good one mate.
  4. A truely great day and to put a face to many of the T/S voice's topped it offer, it was a honour to meet you all.As Air shows go there is no other to touch the flying legends a must for any warbird fan.Can't wait for the next one.
  5. Bloody things, took me 20 minutes last night to sort out my pc before coops, bloody game bloody track ir bloody x52 bloody pedals Then Rattler and Fireman handed my ass to me several times ,great flying by both of them learnt alot last night.
  6. Nice shots mate.
  7. "I hope he when got the little fanatic on the ground, he kidney punched him until his tiny little jihadi testes fell off. " Pure genius
  8. Very well made movie i liked it alot, just not to sure with the wooden voice overs.
  9. I ordered my ticket a few weeks back
  10. Yes mate its out now. http://mission4today.com/index.php?name ... ls&id=2471
  11. Just 2 words, LUCKY BASTARD. Well done jimmy
  12. "Lest Not Forget"
  13. You lucky bugger, i've seen the BOB mem flight and the lancaster is a impressive sight.
  14. Lo Dazza hope your well, you will be pleased to know the T/S chat is a gay as ever.Hurry back you are missed
  15. Off the Zoo............ I just found this on the flying legends website!! Let's hope they don't encounter any kind of problems along the way, so we can enjoy a p38 in the air once more over here in Europe! I for one never saw one in real live... FROM GLACIER TO GLORY OPERATION BOLERO II TO SET AVIATION MILESTONE AS LEGENDARY P-38 GLACIER GIRL COMPLETES HER HISTORIC WORLD WAR II MISSION Philadelphia, PA (May 24,2007)—On July 15, 1942, a United States Army/Air Force Squadron departed American soil on Operation Bolero, a World War II aid mission to support U.S. allies in the war torn European theatre. Due to insurmountable weather-related problems en route, the entire squadron of six P-38s and two B-17 Bombers was forced to abort its mission and make an emergency landing on a remote ice cap in Greenland. “The Lost Squadron,â€
  16. Spot on Shadow
  17. Hurry back mate the bosch are missing you
  18. Lo redeye, that was my fps reading when i took the screenshot.
  19. Here's the view i had on the trip home from kuban mission 3, and lived to tell the tell.
  20. Hey pete where the hell do you live
  21. Hi BA i need all the help i can get, i have tried all the suggestions on the saitek forums and im getting nowhere fast.At the moment i have the x52 and pedals working but i cant export profiles in for my 52 nor can i make new ones, i have had a go at removing the drivers but im not getting rid of all the installed files when i tried to remove them. Any help would be great as all i have at present is 1 mode setup.
  22. Shadow what driver version are you running for your x52 and SST software, your picture of the data view for creating profiles is green mine's a different colour.
  23. Colin before i changed to my new pedals i was using a thrustmaster steering wheel and pedal set.They were joined together via ps2 connector then to the pc with either comm port or
  24. Cheers mate.
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