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3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by guitarman68

  1. Have a great day mate
  2. Happy birthday pete, have a good one
  3. Birthday greetings
  4. British by birth English by the grace of God Very proud of it.
  5. Found this on my forum travels.
  6. Hmm, i would love better in game sounds but i think it will come at a heavy price.Once the game code is cracked to allow modding it just opens up Pandora's box to all sorts of evils.I will gladly suffer being shot down time after time to somebody who is better skilled in flying but to continually be killed by some hacker I'd rather eat my own shit . I gave up on online FPS because of that very reason.I feel very strongly on hackers and they would stand along side the worlds terrorists that i would have lined up against the wall and shot
  7. I'll ask them about it on saturday,im off to airbus to change their fibre link.
  8. Maybe one night we can fill it up with the dogs just for a change in scenery.
  9. A couple of tube links for all you 262 Junkies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbQwO_zZ ... re=related
  10. For all WW1 fanatics who cant wait for that game that i have forgotten the name of to come out, check out this site looks like a great bit of fun
  11. This looks fantastic..........
  12. Looking at the spit i think my pc might be dead
  13. Did i mention i have a buttkicker
  14. If i had 9 inches of " travel" that fitted into my palm i don't think i would change it either.
  15. Lo GK, There called EZ masks made by a Chris Loney from Ontario Canada.This set was specifically for the Accurate Miniatures
  16. A big thankyou to them all.
  17. Sorry for the slight delay in this next post Tamiya decided to recall their spray paint collection over misprints on the cans, and guess who ran out of undercoat
  18. Great work GK, thats a fantastic finish for such a small scale.
  19. On my way GK
  20. Take a look at this. http://arrse.co.uk/cpgn2/index.php?name ... 17#1597051
  21. Take a look at this. http://arrse.co.uk/cpgn2/index.php?name ... 17#1597051
  22. ~S~ Pooka
  23. ~S~ Pooka
  24. If it makes you feel any better i will be flying coops tonights
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