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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Arsenal

  1. Hey Waldo, great film, thanks for the post! Unfortunately, I'm sad to see that I bear more resemblance to Hazy than any of the other characters.
  2. Delta7, you are the fookin' man! I changed a couple of settings at a time, so i don't know exactly which one fixed it, but I think it was "Sound Setting ID=8". Mine was set at 2. I thought this setting had something to do with in game microphone, but I guess not. Anywho, it works! You'll get to play that mission I promised tomorrow if you can make it! P.S. I'm proud to announce to the K9 teams that I'm having D7's baby
  3. OK. VonTonar posted a couple of days ago about his sound suddenly ceasing to work in game. I thought it was a pretty odd error myself, and couldn't think of what could have caused it. Well, the reason I'm posting is that it has now happened to me! Can you believe that? Wonderful Arsenal has a problem! Anyway, my sound works for every other application that I could conceive of trying, and oddly enough, the menu music in IL2 works as well. But once the mission in launched, no sound what so ever. There may be a mea culpa involved in this, as I was messing around with the Uber Quick Mission Builder (UQMB) today, and this is the first time the problem has occured. My sounds worked fine last night. I created a mission using the UQMB this evening, and was going to test it out, but the sounds do not work now. The sounds no longer work in the default missions either. I'm venturing a guess that something has been changed in my config file, but I can't determine what it might be. Like I stated, all other programs/applications work aces, so it's not a hardware related issue. By the way, the mission I created kicks major azz, so whomever helps me figure this out will be rewarded with a mission filled with copious amounts of destruction, unprecedented action heretofor only dreamed about, and a wonton desire for more, more, MORE! <--- (This guy played it, and his ass caught on fire!). It's a veritable orgasm of awesomness!
  4. I couldn't do one of those flights because all the women would want to rape me. I just get visions of some old lady 30min into the flight, standing up and saying, "Let's all have a mile high orgy!" Shudder! Imagine flying on that plane after their flight, AAARRGGGHHHH!!!!! I'm never flying again without wearing a body condom!
  5. I work with what I got! Plus I had to make it look like a xerox copy, and that ain't exactly easy.
  6. That's odd. I can see maybe mistakenly turning down a particular volume in game settings like menu music, but I wouldn't think you could inadvertantly turn down all of the volumes. I would check you game settings anyway, just to be sure before you go reinstalling things. Did you make any changes to game files where maybe you renamed the sound folder or accidentally deleted it?
  7. Does your sound work on other applications?
  8. Does your sound work on other applications?
  9. Can we make this a sticky? Next victim coming soon!
  10. My favorite is: When Chuck Norris goes swimming, he doesn't get wet. The water gets "Chuck"! :rr: Kelly, you need to get the Chuck Norris video game! http://www.thatvideosite.com/view/1558.html
  11. Great story! It's unfortunate that this generation is disappering at an alarming rate, and I think many people have forgotten the sacrifices they made so long ago. I was in my town not too long ago, and there was an old fellow that was "taking his time" in getting into a parking space, and the resulting backup of traffic, which was only three cars led to some honking horns out of the frustration of having to wait a whole 45 seconds while this fellow got situated. I noticed he had a Disabled Veteran tag, and he seemed embarassed at the honking horns, so when he got out of his car, I offered a kind word of "don't worry about it" sort of flavor. I asked him about the liscense tag on his car, and it turns out that he had been a Marine and was wounded in the back and leg during Guadalcanal. It really made my blood boil to think of the asshats who had cause this man embarassment over a 45sec wait. I also wondered what waiting 45sec on Guadalcanal would have been like in his day. I'm sure the jerks honking their horns would have a different perspective if they had experienced that hell.
  12. I would be interested in this as well, but I'm with Dazza in thinking that it would be better if we just used our TS server. Plus, I will fly under the stipulation that I get to shoot Kelly down if I start to get frustrated, reguardless of his alliances. :evil2:
  13. Scotch is indeed highly flammable!
  14. Looks like there will be a lot of these at the conclusion of this mission: ! Looks cool, Delta.
  15. Arsenal


  16. Oh, K9Admin guy, though you hide behind a guise of anonymity, you cannot hide your true awesomeness from mine eyes! Thanks for the smilies B16! (yes I know it's really you, Minnie told me on condition of my silence). I now feel I have the appropriate tools to express my many nuanced emotions! Cheers!
  17. Arsenal


    Good Joke! P.S. We need more smilie options, and also, I love boobies
  18. So....you're saying that I shouldn't cut my head off the next time I have a headache?
  19. Arsenal


    Welcome back homie! We all know why you were really gone....to get over your addiction to beer! Doesn't look like you were successful.
  20. Yeah, that was fun. No worries on the engine start stuff, it's not exactly intuitive. At least you didn't drop your bombs prior to takeoff and kill everyone on the runway like BG did! The jet mission was excellent, I'm gonna add that to my favorites.
  21. Yes, those do look very nice. But like IL2, I'm attracted to this era due to the imprecise munitions used, and the necessity to get "in the face" of the enemy. Those modern sims have too many computers and complications for my tastes. Let me know how it is though!
  22. I like all things flight sim related, and there has been a huge vacancy in the helicopter flight sim area for quite some time. I think the last decent one I had was Jane's Longbow 2 which has long ago ceased to work on my computer. The publishers of IL2, 1:C is publishing a new helicopter sim this year based upon the Vietnam era. It seems pretty interesting, and I will post more details on it as they become available. Any other helo simmers out here in our ranks? http://int.games.1c.ru/whirlwind_of_vietnam/ Cockpits look nice! Terrain engine looks like it will be similar to IL2
  23. Yeah, lookin good! I like the gray and green as well. So are we going to have to re-register for the new one, or are our accounts transferrable as well?
  24. I got dibs on a drumstick when "Cold_Gobbler" meets his maker!
  25. Arsenal

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