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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Arsenal

  1. lol class!
  2. There's not a poll option for this, but I prefer early war 1940-42
  3. Everyone knows that ninjas are cool. Finally a ninja has come out and started answering ninja related questions! This one pertains to Ninja Dogs. Ninja conventions Midget Ninjas or "Minjas" The Ninja answers tons of questions! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpTaBulIL_w The Ninja takes on multiple revolutions
  4. I'll try to make it to the next one.
  5. I only see one problem/pitfall for you trap. You say that you are looking for a group to fly with, and then later move on to a squad. I feel it is necessary to inform you that once you join us, there is no going back. We are the "cosa nostra" of the flight sim community. Every time you try to get out, we pull you right back in! Seriously though, I think you'll find that once you fly with us, you won't want to go anywhere else. We have a lot of dedicated pilots, and we always have a great time regardless of the situation. You're welcome to fly with us, but I'll warn you....we are like a bad crack habit!
  6. Reds won 1 & 3, and the war! We pulled out #1 with literally seconds to spare, thanks to a quick strafe from Painless on some trains. Glenn, I had a great time, despite some of the bitching I did. I know you put hour upon hour into this, and it was well thought out, and put together. I just wish that some people had taken the time to read the excellent mission briefs that you put together, and read the boards (especially concerning the rules of war, ahem). I think this is the first time we've had this many people on one server ever, so I can understand that lag was an unforseen problem, though it seemed to get better on the last mission. for me anyway.
  7. Sounds like there is a driver conflict with your soundcard. You need to uninstall the drivers for the soundcard, and download the newest ones from the internet. The AFD.SYS is related to TCP/IP connections and Windows 2000. I'm a bit lost here, but Rog might be able to help. Get your sound card sorted, as an error here, can really foul up a lot things that seem unrelated. The IRQ problem generally denotes a hardware conflict. You need to check your device manager to see if there are any errors noted. (right click "my computer" --->"Properties"--->"Hardware"--->"Device Manger") Look for any yellow circles with exclamation points in them.
  8. Hard to believe ain't it?
  9. Hey Chief! Glad to see that you registered. By the way dogz, retnavycpo is an old friend of mine, and I'll get him up to speed on the game part, but I had no clue on the CH stuff, so I asked to post here in the hopes that someone who uses CH products could lend a hand. I appreciate the links there Dave. I didn't even think about AirWarfare, derrrrr.
  10. I like this red dog too: It leaves the blue dogs looking like this: What Happened?
  11. I'd say go ahead and have you're way with them. Just put your hand over their mouths if they start to "BAAAAA!" too loudly.
  12. Sorry, but I checked, and God, Allah, Jaweh, and Vishnu are on our side for this mission. Guess the blues are out of luck.
  13. BLAST! Our plan has been revealed! Oh well, back to the drawing board.
  14. I heard the man called the lion's mom a "whore".
  15. I have many ideas for tactics, but I will not discuss them here since ze enemy iz watching! I'll draft it in an email format and send it. Guaranteed victory I tell you! but to answer your question, I prefer the P-51 more than anything, so I'll probably be flying that.
  16. Delta 7 put up a good training mission under the downloads section. Fly the Hurricaine against He111. He111's are hard to take down with the .303's, but the Hurri puts out so much lead, it's much easier to tell where you shots are going. It helped me get the feel for how much lead I need to give relative to closing speed and distance. Just don't park on the bomber's 6 o'clock, or you'll be in for a short ride.
  17. I shall give my answer in haiku format. I will fly for red, You fly blue, you will be dead, Enough has been said.
  18. You only missed one episode. I'll provide you with a synopsis. DoubleTap was drinking a Pimms and wound up crying in the corner when BG accused him of being a pussy. BG was found working in the saw mill the next day, pretending that nothing had happened. FriorOne married Dr. Rattler, but later found out that Rattler was pregnant with Cannon's baby. FriorOne quietly caught the next train to Clarksville and Pooka met him at the station. Frior was subsequently run over by a hot air balloon. Sloan was playing volleyball with some little kids, and wound up being put in a coma. He later woke up, but had amnesia, and thinks that JensenPark is his long lost brother from Guatemala. Oh, and we found out why Mike is called Painless. Apparently he takes horse tranqualizers before every flight session. Von Tonar staged an interdiction, but before everyone could arrive, Painless pulled out a Hispano from his trench coat, and shot Von Tonar. Painless is currently on the lam, but is being persued by BadAim, the bounty hunter. Arsenal married the entire Dallas Cowboys cheerleading team, made a bunch of money, and is currently living on an island in the Pacific. Uhhhh, I think that's about it.
  19. Hey, I remember that one! I was doing all I could to get you to overshoot, all to no avail. Even stalled the ol' A6 there in the beginning. I didn't realize that we came so close to colliding on those occasions though. Twas a good fight indeed.
  20. Sweet pics and vid Glenn. That mustang sounded awesome, but in my opinion, nothing sounds better than a radial. It's funny that most men I've talked to have been wired the same: the sound of a jet or the rumble of a piston just makes the hair on your neck stand up. We love power! I think that blue plane is an F-6F and that twin engine bomber is a B-25.
  21. How do I live off of old ladies? Snatch their purses? Steal their social security checks? Or are you implying that I need to become a senior citizen jigalow? :x
  22. Awwww, you guys are lonely!
  23. You're wish is my command, sire!
  24. One needs only to read between the lines so to speak, to discover the true reason behind the condition of the couch. Waldo, ya big stud, not so rough with the missus next time, mmmkay? Your furniture just can't handle it!
  25. I'm definately going to go see this one! http://www.ebaumsworld.com/videos/ten-things.html
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