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Everything posted by Arsenal
I do not envy you the time you had to invest in getting that job accomplished. I imagine you woke pretty damn sore the next few days. Moving bricks is not a fun task, that's for sure!
I'd like to man, but my docket is unfortunately filled for this evening. What timezone is Xanadu in? Maybe we can work something out for Friday if no one steps up today. P.S. Have we flown together before? I can't say that I recognize your name, but I can hardly remember what I had for lunch today, so no offense intended. :wink:
with all the dress wearing and high heel donning, shouldn't the song go: I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok I sleep all night and I work all day I like to have sex But only if it's gay I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok Seriously though BG, I had a old navy buddy who's dad was a lumberjack in upstate New York. Keep your head on a swivel doing that dangerous job, and come back to us with all of your extremities intact!
Does anybody know what the consequence of not getting the download will be for online play? Can we wait until all three add-ons are released, hopefully as a cheaper bundle? Any thoughts? Refer to this topic :silent: http://forums.dangerdogz.com/viewtopic.php?t=210
Finally! I was about to ask my mail order Russian bride to bring me a copy from the republic (would help save on shipping). Now I'll just ask her to bring a friend instead!
Sure thing: http://www.chevyapprentice.com/view.php ... 13724ff5a7 It doesn't get old, does it? :toothy7:
That's like asking, "Why is the sky blue?". Sure I could get all scientific on you, but I'll just say that "Sometimes, things just are the way they are.". Besides, Germany loves him, so there's got to be something there.
LOL! Yeah, I'm also glad that everyone in the future speaks English. Can you imagine if you thew another language into the confusion? Juan: Attencion hombres! Hai muchos Cylons en vicino de las posision nuestros! Apollo: What the feck is Juan talking about now? Starbuck: Dunno, probably some crap about burritos or sombreros or something. 30 Seconds Later... Apollo and Starbuck: (in unison) Shit! Cylons! Juan: Gaaahhh! Gringos estupidos!
Yeah, maybe K.I.T.T. was like Steven King's car in Christine. I mean, let's face it, David Hasselhoff is a sexy dude. I bet K.I.T.T. had a hard time pretending to be hetero when working with The Hoff. I think K.I.T.T. was programmed to be hetero, but David turned him gay. It wouldn't be the first time this has happened. I think that little light K.I.T.T. has on his hood is pretty badass too. It does look just like a Cylon with the sound and everything. I used to love Battlestar Galactica. I wonder why in every episode, despite the vastness of space, Galactica was always running into Cylon scout ships or battle cruisers. What are the odds of that? You'd think that by that time in the future they'd have some kind of stealth technology better navigation or something. Then again the computer consoles on the original looked like a combination of a Speak and Spell and Lite-Brite. Plus their targeting computers had those vector graphics a la Atari's Battlezone. Damn, now that I think about it, I don't know how people with that kind of technology could have gotten into space in the first place. Damn, that show was so fake!
Meh, I carpool with David Hasselhoff and 2 Germans. I ride in KITT every day. Seriously though, that is pretty cool. I've always thought that it was silly when people would get worked up about seeing a celebrity, until I saw one out in public, and for some unknown reason, it excited me (no not in that way). OffTopic: If you had to ride with K.I.T.T. everyday, I bet it would be pretty annoying. You'd be doing your regular driving thing, and the car would be bitching about "Why didn't you wash me this weekend", or "It's time for my oil change". You couldn't tell him to STFU, or threaten him with pulling out the drainplug or something because he could do something crazy like lock the doors and ram into a tree, sending you through the windshield. And I bet if your dating a girl, and take her out, K.I.T.T. would get jealous and depressed cause he's a robot, and everyone knows robots don't get no lovin'. So when you're leaning over the console to give your girl a kiss goodnight, K.I.T.T. will give you a gear shifter to the balls, and mumble some shit about "feeling his pain". Then he'll call your woman a bitch, and she'll dump you. Ok....so maybe I'm the only one who thinks of these things...
Hmmm, interesting.....ehrm......I mean, what kind of loser would use that? That's a heinous cheat, that I didn't know about, and therefore must try out just to prove how terrible it is! :x
Us southern types only use our mopeds to pick up chicks. If were going to be racing or bootlegging, we'll dust of our IROC Camaro's, crank up the Hank Williams Jr., and throw up some rooster tails of dust on the dirt roads. If anyone remembers that movie Smokey and the Bandit with Burt Reynolds, they filmed quite a few scenes from that in my home town. I also lived on a dirt road for most of my life. That should give you an idea what a true redneck I am, even though I don't really sound it.
Like BG, I'm not a big fan of shooting stuff from 20 miles away, and where evading a threat is as complicated as how quickly I can hit the flare button. I do agree that it looks awesome though. I guess I'm more of the "start engine, firewall throttle, pull trigger" kind of flyer.
Not pictured: Arsenal getting his ass handed to him by Bf109's and Me262's while these two lollygagged about.
You may want to get another opinion on this, but when I have a hardware issue such as yours, I would go to: Control Panel --> Add/Remove Hardware and remove the ROM drives from the list. Restart your computer, and XP should auto detect the drives, and adjust the registry accordingly. I don't know why you would get this error if all you did was blow out some dust. Did you check the connections to the drives? (generally it's a gray wire that looks like a ribbon). Push it in to make sure it is seated correctly, as you may have jarred it loose when cleaning. The error you are having sounds like a software related issue though, as opposed to a hardware one. There is the possibility that a wire is loose and Windows cannot identify the hardware that the registry entry belongs to, hence the error, but I don't think this is the case. Worst case scenario is that the drive has failed, and it is a coincindence that it happened when you were cleaning your computer. Any response from the drive when you start your computer? Does the light on the drive come on?
Why do I get this feeling that in another life, BG's favorite song was: "Yo-ho, Yo-ho, A pirate's life for me!"? Well, BG does fly that gay pirate ship P-38. :| I too will be looking at this, as my system has been a bit wonky lately. Every time I try to install SP2, my mouse refuses to work. Actually, all of my USB items quit working, and I have no idea what to do at that point other than restart in safe mode and do a system restore. I can't find anything on this problem either. Grrrrr!
Ok, the naked chick was fine, but this crosses the line! Take your filthy smut elsewhere! :violent3:
There's a stick in those pictures? *pant, pant, pant*
As I understand it, the roll rate is greatly increased when a wing is shot off as well! I believe that BG has conducted many experiments in this area. Seriously though, that's good to know. I'll have to try it out in other planes as well. Thanks for the heads up!
I am pleased to announce that the American Rebel Alliance's (tm, all rights reserved) terror campaign against the english countryside has been an unparalleled success! The populace is cowering in fear as evidenced by the linked newpaper article (http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20060407/od_afp/afplifestylebritainfoodrabbitoffbeat_060407152117). Our genetic engineers have released a mutated were-rabbit against the gardens of unsuspecting Englishmen and women. Soon, there will be no cucumbers for your cucumber sandwiches! There will be no crumpets (whatever the hell those are) for you to munch on with your tea! There will be no more boiled cabbage for your sustenance! Bow down before the A.R.A.'s might, or you will most likely be inconvenienced! MMMUUWWAAAHHAHAHA! Beg for mercy in the presence of the were-rabbit! We made the ears extra large so it can echo locate your sqeaks of dread! (*note - the gentleman pictured is a highly trained and equiped were-rabbit handler as evidenced by his chew-proof vest. Despite his training and equipment, notice the absolute terror in his eyes! Be sure that this is a deadly creature that would nibble your toes off just as soon look at you!) We are also working on our modified attack rabbits. We first tested them against your Crusaders centuries ago. Behold evidence of their attack! I have only one piece of advice for you....Run away! Run away! :twisted:
after seeing this ad : http://www.chevyapprentice.com/view.php?country=us&uniqueid=11cb8e54-152a-1029-98eb-0013724ff5a7 :hello1:
This is what her sister looked like? I'd hit it.
I saw your request for help, but didn't reply because I know very little about internet issues. Glad you got it sorted though, and surprisingly, turning things off and on again does help in many cases. Now if I could just find the off button for some people that rub me the wrong way....
I got an X52 as well, and finally sat down and attempted to program all of the buttons. I was doing pretty well until my brain caught on fire. Deciding what button will do what and when is not exactly an easy undertaking, not to mention this stick feels totally different from my old Sidewinder that's 10 years old. I look forward to dying more than usually in the coming days, but I can already see that eventually, I will be better off than with my old stick.