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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Arsenal

  1. Hmmm? What's this now, a reskinned ship?
  2. That guy is with the Atlanta Journal and Constitution, and actually has some anti-military views. Perhaps that's why he got such a thurough introduction to the effects of g-forces! I went to that airshow here in Atlanta. It was a couple of weeks ago, and it was the last time the Blue Angels will be in Atlanta since they are closing the naval portion of the base. It was a poor day weather wise, but I never ceased to be amazed by the Blue Angels. The sound of jet engines makes the hair on my neck stand up! Some pics from the show:
  3. Arsenal

    I'm Back

    Glad to hear it!
  4. Oh my lord, this is freaking hilarious! http://www.shaveeverywhere.com Don't forget to roll your mouse over the shaver at the bottom left of the page. Testimonials and Test Drive had me rolling!
  5. Arsenal


    As a mod, I feel that it is my duty to inform you that you are treading on thin ice in this forum. You're on step away from a permanent ban mister man! I have to agree with Dazza an this one. At first I thought the topic was about a proxy checker, and with that in mind, Dazza's post made no frickin' sense. But when I saw that the new member's name was actually "Proxy Checker" it all became clear. I agree that it is fishy. Therefore, I submit for the team's approval, the following proclamation: "Here ye! Here ye! Notice all ye present this 11th day of May, the year of out Lord 2006, that Proxy Checker shall provide proof of difinitive human existence by posting in this thread and/or by dunking him/her into water to see if he/she floats. Failure to do so shall result in confinement of up to 6 months in the town stockade or a 2 hour conversation with Psycho, whichever punishment the magistrate shall deem more appropriate. Upon completion of the sentence, Proxy Server shall be banished from the kingdom of Kay-Nine-Dia forever, and escorted to the border by BG, provided BG can be enticed to put the bottle down long enough to make the journey. Thus be the ruling of this court, and may Oleg have mercy on your soul!"
  6. It's not electricity unless it starts a fire! :shaking2: BZZZZZTT!!!!! <--- This emoticon has nothing to do with what I posted, I just wanted to use it.
  7. Fo Sho! I'll send it when I get home this afternoon.
  8. Not in evidence on my machine Sir Waldo. (I know you said to tell you if we did find it, but I thought I'd post anyway, so you'd know it wasn't an XP process. Guess you know that though :hal )
  9. too bad At least you'll be back this weekend!
  10. I've been thinking about this a lot, and I came across an idea for a map that I would like to make, if you're open for submissions Glenn. The idea is this (I got this awesome idea from Enforcer actually): Team A (Germans) has a large armour column moving in to capture/destroy Team B's (American/British) airfield. Team B must defend their base. Team B has a large number of ground units, static artillery and perhaps a ship on the coast to assist in the defense of the base. Team A's goal is to destroy these defenses so that their armour units can move in with minimal resistance. It would be a winter map so that you can spot ground units a bit easier, and there will be many smaller skirmishes going on to add to the feel for battle. Time frame would be 1944ish, and I'd like to have American and British plane sets vs. Ze Germans. Sure that's not totally historical, but I think it would be more evenly matched. I'd also like to do a scenario similar to this in the 1941/1942 time frame in North Africa.
  11. No worries mate. I too become easily frustrated, especially when the stupid AI makes a beeline for you with no intention of altering it's course, grrrrrrrr!
  12. I've heard a lot of good things about the Viewsonic. I'd go to a flat panel, but I'm deathly afraid of losing the precise color a CRT allows. You'll have to let me know how it is!
  13. I'm smiling because I have my hand on my joystick!
  14. I'm not usually a Robin Williams fan, but this made me laugh. The Scots and Golf http://www.thatvideosite.com/view/2313.html
  15. yeah, Roger is the greatest! Definately an asset in every area, especially when it comes to the team. Too bad I didn't still live in Maine. I lived in a house on the coast that was converted to apartments, and my landlord was an old lobster fisherman. He provided me with a trap that I tied to the dock next to the house. Once a month, it was pretty much guaranteed to have a few 3-4 lbs lobsters in there, and we'd boil them up within an hour of pulling them up. It's indeed a sad thing when you get tired of eating lobster, but it happened to me! Could go for one now though...
  16. If anyone ever comes to Atlanta, we can take a flight in a: RAF Expediter P-51 SBD or AT-6 Provided you have $500+ that is :thumbleft: http://www.dixiewing.org/aircraft_rides/index.htm
  17. You can position light objects on 6 axis. It's not all that hard, but the things that guy did would be pretty time consuming. I don't know how he did the ball of fire because as far as I know, you can't position fire on the vertical axis. I may be mistaken with that though.
  18. That means it's working!
  19. Fall under the spell that is Hasselhoff!
  20. Yes, you heard me correctly. After I slip them a roofie that is...
  21. Senor Carlito of the Revolutionary Forces, Check out the pic that Cold Gambler posted for you in the hardware section. This is the only power you need (except for the power supplied by your motherboard itself), and you should have an extra connector coming from your power supply for it. Also, as Roger mentioned, you don't need an installation CD. Just go to www.ati.com to get the latest drivers for it. Follow this link for the appropriate drivers: https://support.ati.com/ics/support/def ... olderID=27 Click on your operating system, and then on RADEON. The latest Catalyst drivers will work for the 9700 series. On another note, your power supply needs to be at least 350 watts to run this card. When I originally purchased this card, I did not have enough power (using 300 watts) to run it, and after about 10 mins of play it would lock up. That seems weird now, because my current PSU is 540watts, and back then 300 seemed like a lot. How things change!
  22. I used to be in the porno biz. Best 5 minutes of my life. Unfortunately, they couldn't fit my member on screen without a wide angle lense, so they had to let me go. All at the same moment, the entire female contingent of the adult film star actor's guild sighed in dispair. true story.
  23. Welcome! BG told you that the new guys have to buy a round for everyone else right? I'll have a screwdriver served in a pineapple with a miniature umbrella and plasic sword skewering a cherry and orange slice if you please!
  24. Damn, now I have to dig out my pitchfork and torch and run your gay ass out of town!
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