3. Danger DogzContent Type
Everything posted by Arsenal
Tonar-san, Your computer room is a disgrace to bachelors the world over. I have compiled a list of discrepancies than need to be remedied post haste: 1) Bachelor shall have no less than 5 empty beer cans in or around the computer desk. They may be on the floor, but no further than a radius of 4 feet. Cans may be in various states of crushing. Acceptable forms of crushing include: the hand squeeze crush, forehead slam crush, the "I don't give a damn" thrown against the wall crush, etc. 2) Bachelor shall have a least one pair of dirty underwear somewhere in or about the computer desk, preferably draped over the monitor. For the fastidious bachelor, a clean pair may be substituted, but must be of a dark color so you can't really tell if they are clean or not. In any case, underwear must be in such a state to evoke the smell test to decipher if they are indeed clean or not. 3) You have no depiction of nude or scantily clad women posing over various man items like cars, motorcycles, power tools, locomotives, jet engine turbines, or barbeque grills. Need I say more on this one? 4) As a bachelor, you should strive to arrange your needed items in a more haphazard fashion. It should take you no less than 10 minutes of thurough searching to find what you are looking for. We will overlook the fact that your computer desk is a well constructed item suited for the task. Typical bachelor computer desks should consist of plastic milk crates duct taped together with a bean bag for a chair. Please provide photographic eveidence that you have addressed the above discrepancies.
That's what I'd do mate. I did a search for cyrillic fonts, but I couldn't get them to open in my paintshop program. It must not be supported, but I would think that it wouild be the same file font in a .ttf format. Hrmmmm. Maybe need a cyrillic keyboard too? Anyways, I'll let you know if I come across something (for one of your future projects).
Nice pics! Just in time for Talk Like A Pirate Day. http://www.talklikeapirate.com/ AARRRRRRRRRR!
What...you don't have tentacles down there? Freak!
No worries, you didn't miss anything because they didn't show. Plus my internet connection went to the dogs on the couple of last missions. "Warp speed, captain!". @ Delta: Too bad you didn't post the pics of our slow-mo fight! You know, the one where I finally rammed you from behind in a totally non sexual way.
There's another joke similar to this: There is an army officer who has just been assigned to a remote military base in the desert. Of course there are no women to speak of in this desolate place. As time goes by, the officer begins to feel urges so he asks the first sargeant what he does to relieve the pressure. "Well sir," the sargeant replies, "whenever myself and the men get to the point where we just can't take it, we use the camp camel and get our relief." Disgusted, but holding his tongue (he is new afterall), the officer thanks the sargeant and goes about his day. One night when the moon was full, the officer felt the urge something powerful, and despite his instincts to the contrary, decided to pay the camel a visit. So he snuck out to the stable and had his way with the camel, and despite being initially disgusted, he found the camel to be quite pleasurable! The next morning, he calls the sargeant in. "You know sargeant, when you recommended using the camel, I was disgusted and questioned your judgement, but I have to say that last night I had my way with the camel and it was wonderful! Now I know what all you gents were on about!" The color drained from the sargeants face and he appeared very taken aback. "What's the matter?" asked the officer. "Well sir" the sargeant said, "when I said me and the men use the camel, I meant that we ride it into town to the local brothel.".
Psychology 101: Making fun of Bbloke just means we like him. Kind of like in grade school where you pulled the hair of the girl you liked (I still do that *wink-wink* *nod-nod*). Since Bbloke doesn't have any hair to pull, we resort to direct insults concerning his sexual preferences. So you see, it's really all about love..... Goat and sheep love! :shock:
Addendum: Also goats in a tree! Are any of God's creatures safe from Bbloke?
http://www.expressen.se/index.jsp?a=682758 You're probably thinking, "Hey, sheep can't climb trees!". For the most part you would be right, until you factor in sheep that are trying to get away from Bbloke. Then you would see that all sheep can climb trees given the proper motivation!
We all know the real reason you come back here Dubbo. You can lie to us, but please don't lie to yourself. Denial can be a harsh mistress, so go ahead and admit it. You're a closet chunky lover!
In reality, there is no Mrs. Psycho. It's actually just one of Jim's OTHER personalities.
Do you have a map? Because I'm lost in your folds...errrr EYES! I mean eyes. Yes, that's it.
Blasphemer! As the saying goes, it's all the same color when you turn out the lights. Or maybe they were talking about something else? (Chris, keep your sheep out of this)
Exactly. This isnt' some hardcore battle is it? To get the max enjoyment out, we should fly what we want, or give us a choice like on Glenn's dogfight days. Speaking of which is this going to be a dogfight only scenario, or are there going to be objectives?
NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! *runs in slow motion*
See that Colin??!!!! See how easy it is to get along? Just cause you got a direct line to the Almighty......
Father, keep in mind that a silly colonial made the banner, so I sometimes need edu-macation on such things. I'm planning on redoing the banner anyway, this one was just a temp fix, but I will probably keep the flags in some form or fashion. Along the edu-macation lines, would the Scots prefer the lion over the cross of St. Andrew? Oh, and Shadow, what does the flag for Xanadu look like? Is Olivia Newton John on it?
Most definately for me as well. I've read Flags and Flyboys, both of which are excellent. A signed copy of either one or both would make my day!
Awesome book, and the movie looks like it will do it justice. Finally get to see some Corsair action! Can't wait to see this one and Letters from Iwo Jima. http://www.flagsofourfathers.net/flags-of-our-fathers-trailer/
A friend of mine sent me these pics and I thought they were awesome so decided to share. This next series are my favorites...
300m on the machine guns 250m on the cannon for air to air and 800m on the cannon for ground attack. My logic is as follows; The items that do the most damage to an enemy aircraft are obviously the cannons, but you also are limited ammo wise. I attempt to fire my machine guns to determine if my lead is correct, and then open up with the cannon if everything looks good. Of course if I bounce someone and they don't see me, then they get the full money shot! I try to wait to fire until 300m and 9 times out of 10, I'm closing on my target, so my cannons will be most effective at this range. The method tends to work fairly well, but sometimes I'm a bit slow to pull the trigger on the cannon and may miss a good opportunity.
Not too terrible, but my upload speed is, as the French would say, "Le Suck".
I will be flying for the ever venerable US Navy of course! "Anchors aweigh my boy, anchors aweigh! Farewell to foreign shores we sail at break of day, To our last night ashore, drink to the foam, And 'til we meet again here's wishing you a happy voyage home!" Can't tell you how many times I had to sing that in bootcamp. :?
I would be open to keeping Saturdays going with one caveat. We could get a DF server going and once 3+ people show up, we could go into war clouds or something and fly as a team. Then, if at least 6 players are present, we can switch back to coops. Meh, just a suggestion.
To hell with ponds, they just attract frogs, and who wants a bunch of French people hanging around? Now what your house really needs is a moat and a drawbridge. Or maybe a little motte and bailey action. It what every country gentleman really needs.