3. Danger DogzContent Type
Everything posted by Arsenal
The only problem I have with cockpit only mode relates to the departing airport. In my opinion, the field of view is just too limited to safely take off especially during the initial spawn when the airport resembles a monkey humping a football. You can't maintain decent situational awareness with people unexpectedly spawning willy nilly on the airport. It's hard enough to keep from running people down even with outside views. And as most have witnessed, when your airfield is under attack, recently spawned players tend to put the throttle to the firewall from the ramp to takeoff regardless of the airstrips actual location. But I do just as Pantless does when airborne, and I use my cockpit view only. I also like the limited id tags idear. With 5km tags, all of your tactical planning goes out the window when you know the enemy can see you from so far away.
I would be open to doing the same one flying from the other team.
I know I have flown German planes off of carriers in a dogfight map. Obviously, there is no tailhook on them. IIRC, the Germans developed a naval version of the 109 Emil with strenghtened landing gear and a tail hook. I can't imagine flying a 109, with it's narrow undercarriage off of a pitching deck, much less landing there. Seems to me a 190 would be more suited for the task.
Polish Navy seems to think so... http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060727/ap_on_re_eu/poland_graf_zeppelin More info on the Graf Zeppelin http://www.german-navy.de/kriegsmarine/ships/carrier/grafzeppelin/history.html Pretty cool. If it is the Graf Zeppelin, I hope they can salvage it. It's probably too far gone though.
Have a good holiday frior. Don't go jumping off of rooftops with an umbrella deployed. It doesn't work like it does in the movie. Personal experience.
I hear you can get a tan by sticking you head in a microwave. If you think you're getting too blue, you might want to give that a shot.
a question on electrical supplies. (a dell service update)
Arsenal replied to Friar's topic in Jim's Place
As long as UK uses 220 volts, you should be perfectly fine. The plug you added does have a ground, right? -
I'm not big into comic books (p.c. term "Graphic Novels"), and I own exactly zero examples of one. I saw this posted in another board that I frequent and thought it looked pretty interesting. You can download a .pdf exerpt from the first edition. Seems to be a lot of rivalry and banter going on between the British and Americans, but I dunno, it could be good for some entertainment. This is what caught my eye though. Beufighters! Linky: http://www.dccomics.com/comics/?cm=5592
May I point out that I was appointed Chaplain for this fine group of fighting heros. Smite him! Smite him! Oh, and Sged, there was a black fighter pilot in WWI. I don't know a lot about him, and I'll shut up so Enforcer or Waldo don't have to put me straight, but I know that he did exist.
For pay programs, I have Webroot Spy Sweeper, and it is the best program I have encountered. I was getting annoying popups even without my browser open, and this program ended that. Spybot, AntiVir, and Ad-Aware couldn't find what this program could. Good stuff.
I heard Glenn's thinking of sending you on vacation Kelly. I cruise I believe he said. :wink:
Uh huh, I know what you "forgot" to do.
So, who do you think will win? Personally, I'm partial to Miss Costa Rica :shock: Oh, and I'd bang Miss Canada like a screen door in a hurricaine too. And for DoubleTap: Who's your fav? http://www.missosology.org/missuniverse06/mu06candidates.html
LOL, I like how they watermarked that picture like it was some great piece of artwork that needed to be protected from photoshoppers. :roll:
This wasn't exactly a "great" fight, but it was one of those instances where things work out perfectly without prior planning. Me, Redeye, and Cannon were flying F4-U1C's (with the cannons) in the role of protecting some F4-U1D's who were to destroy a bridge in Okinawa. On the other side was Psycho and Sged flying Zero's though I don't remember the model. Anyway, the flight was taking too long, so in typical DD fashion, we gave out our coordinates and arranged a place halfway inbetween our positions to throw down. For some reason, Sged was having some difficulty keeping up with Psycho, so Psycho made first contact. At this point, it was 3 on 1 (Allies advantage). Cannon was in front of me, and Redeye was above and behind me. Psycho charges in on Cannon, and gets on Cannon's tail with me probably about 2km away. I dive in on Psycho while he's distracted with Cannon (who's doing nice easy turns, dragging him along). My closure speed is too high, so I overshoot, but my rounds were close enough to make Psycho break off in a steep dive that I was out of position to follow. Redeye was probably about 1km away from me and dives after Psycho; blasting off his wingtip at almost sea level and sending him into the ocean. All of this probably took about 2 min max, and by this time Sged had arrived. Almost exact same thing happened to him. He was following Cannon, and I was rapidly approaching his 6 with Redeye right behind me when an AI F4-U1C comes out of nowhere from a 90 degree angle and killed poor Sgeddy in one pass. I know this doesn't sound like a great fight, and indeed in a 3 on 1 situation it wasn't "fair", but I think it was the first instance I've been involved with where we all worked together without a word. We didn't transmit our intentions to each other, we didn't preplan anything, we just executed. it was pretty sweet. Too bad I rammed an enemy from behind shortly thereafter.
Some additional pix from my dad's aviation career-p-51s,etc
Arsenal replied to Enforcer57's topic in Jim's Place
yeah, awesome stuff. What's that plane that bent the gear on? Luscombe 8A? *Edit* Upon further examination, I suppose that is a Aeronica Champ as well, since the Luscombe is a side by side and not a tandem configuration like the aircraft shown in the pic... -
Welcome back to the kennel. bout time you got back because someone needs to put a leash on that rabid dog named Psycho. Without you to fill his crosshairs, he's been resorting to attacking everyone! I should be able to make it tomorrow, but at my normal after work time of around 6:30 est. If you all can't hold out that long though, no worries.
I concur. I wasn't having much of a problem the other night, other than a couple of warps, but this should help things.
I came across a WW2 training vid that I'd like to watch, but it is a bit torrent, and I have no clue how they work (yes, I tried). Does anyone already have this film that they can send my way, or anyone have a grasp on how torrent works? I would much appreciate it! http://www.torrentspy.com/torrent/611840/German_Snipers_training_film_1944_English_German_Audio
Sorry i had to bail on My fellow HH ers, but $$ called......
Arsenal replied to Enforcer57's topic in Jim's Place
Pics or it didn't happen! -
Guess who had a good day flying today? (Sunday)
Arsenal replied to Waldo.Pepper's topic in Jim's Place
Updated for Correctness! jk Good goin BG, you must have had an extra ration of Scotch this evening! -
I have the same card as you and have the latest catalyst drivers, and my computer has done this as well. It's not necessarily related to launching a game though, it sometimes does it when I start my computer. A restart usually fixes it, and it doesn't happen often enough for me to go to the trouble of rolling back the drivers. I have noticed that it may be related to my sound card. I can't replicate the problem on purpose, but have noticed that it usually happens when I use a particular program concerning my sound card. Anyway, this really doesn't help you, I know, but I tend to agree with Roger that it may be a driver issue as opposed to a heat issue.
Welcome Flash! Just as a side note, we fly almost full real. We use icons though. You've been flying for 2 years, so hopefully it won't be a big shock for you, but just wanted to throw that out there. If you have any problems, there is no end to the team members who will go out of there way to help, so don't mind about asking. Look forward to flying with you!
Cool, thatnks! Can't believe that someone isn't trying to make a buck off of this
Roger is correct on all counts. The main thing you need to look at is file size. A bit map image is much larger in comparison to a .jpg. What you plan on doing to the picture once you take it should dictate what file type you use. If you take a large picture, and want to crop it, the final quality of the crop is going to be much better if the original file is a bitmap. I'm not a big fan of .jpg because it has too many artifacts for my liking, especially if you "zoom" a particular part of the picture. Typically, I usually use a bitmap, and edit it to the point where I am happy with it, and then convert it to a .jpg for file size purposes. You will still get some artifacting, but it much better than trying to edit a .jpg in the first place. My 2p anyways.