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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Has anyone played Red Orchestra lately.
  2. Beautiful work; I'll have to show that to one of my colleagues - she's an Art PhD, and teaches at my school as well.
  3. I've done that to my dear wife with our cats, running the laser up her leg. I get a good run in right after that.....it's amazing how fast a woman can run when she's pissed off!
  4. I love his choice of cover, right between the 2 girls.....
  5. I remember that Jaguar in a magazine. It also has relaxed stability - it was flying next to a Tornado at low speed, so the Tornado's tailplanes were at very high angle of attack, while the Jaguar's were actually at a negative angle of attack at the same speed!
  6. Not a problem, Asas. We all have our periods of inactivity due to work and vacation. Just join us online when you can, and relieve your stress reading about what's going on in the forums. Hope to see you online soon!
  7. Try checking out NCIX.com, Kelly - that's where I got mine, and they build and test it for $50.
  8. Did you check out the Mossie as well? Is Russ Bannock still around. or has he passed on?
  9. Well, I'm still in the middle of our 3 weeks in the Yukon, and 4th of my 8 weeks, Aurthur....
  10. What the heck are the Germans still using Phantoms for? Radar calibration? Hacks?
  11. What the heck are the Germans still using Phantoms for? Radar calibration? Hacks?
  12. Boy, you're right - those wing and tailplane roots are flawless! Looking good so far, even the cockpit. Drybrushed on the left side, or are those decals?
  13. Boy, you're right - those wing and tailplane roots are flawless! Looking good so far, even the cockpit. Drybrushed on the left side, or are those decals?
  14. Nice pics, Dave! Thanks! I've always loved the looks of the Tornado. Beautiful plane! @Sulky - not an amalgamation? Too bad. It's a shame when proud regiments/squadrons are disbanded. Are they at least keeping up a reserve unit or cadets of some kind?
  15. Nice pics, Dave! Thanks! I've always loved the looks of the Tornado. Beautiful plane! @Sulky - not an amalgamation? Too bad. It's a shame when proud regiments/squadrons are disbanded. Are they at least keeping up a reserve unit or cadets of some kind?
  16. Have a great day, guys! I hope yours turns out a nice as ours was!
  17. Have a great day, guys! I hope yours turns out a nice as ours was!
  18. But only on Thursdays......
  19. But only on Thursdays......
  20. Someone was trying to show off.......that's when crap happens....... Shades of the airshow at Toronto in 1995 when a Nimrod crashed into the lake. The pilot pulled a very hard climbing turn, and didn't have enough height to pull out on the bottom of a high yo-yo (why he was trying to do that in a Nimrod is beyond me....)
  21. Someone was trying to show off.......that's when crap happens....... Shades of the airshow at Toronto in 1995 when a Nimrod crashed into the lake. The pilot pulled a very hard climbing turn, and didn't have enough height to pull out on the bottom of a high yo-yo (why he was trying to do that in a Nimrod is beyond me....)
  22. Bovington is THE tank museum in the world, as far as I've heard. Some day...............some day..........
  23. Bovington is THE tank museum in the world, as far as I've heard. Some day...............some day..........
  24. Whose C-17? Did ATC tell you?
  25. Whose C-17? Did ATC tell you?
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