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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Good luck, and try not to get into too much trouble over there, mate!
  2. And aren't we all Spitfire lovers?
  3. Well, just wait for the show then. The prairies get fantastic light shows in the late Spring through to the Fall. We even had thinder this past Winter! And thanks for the kudos on the sig. I just use MSWord and the GIMP to shrink 'em.
  4. That's an awesome shot, Sweper! If I were you, I'd see if you could find someone who'd pay for it.....
  5. No problems, mate.
  6. Vertical synchronization (v-sync, v-synch, vbl-sync, vbl-synch) refers generally to the synchronization of frame changes with the vertical blanking interval. Since CRTs were nearly the only common video display technology prior to the widespread adoption of LCDs, the frame buffers in computer graphics hardware are designed to match the CRT characteristic of drawing images from the top down a line at a time by replacing the data of the previous frame in the buffer with that of the next frame in a similar fashion. If the frame buffer is updated with a new image while the image is being transmitted to the display, the frame buffer gives it the current mishmash of both frames, producing a page tearing artifact partway down the image. Vertical synchronization eliminates this by timing frame buffer fills to coincide with the vertical blanking interval, thus ensuring that only whole frames are seen on-screen. Computer games often allow vertical synchronization as an option, because it delays the image update until the vertical blanking interval. This can cause lowered frame rates due to latency (the period of the refresh rate at maximum), which might be undesirable in games that require fast response (e.g. first person shooters), although in practise it is impossible to achieve a visible frame rate faster than the refresh rate of the monitor. [from Wiki]
  7. With your frames all maxed at 62, it looks like you have v-sych turned on. That's good for quality, but bad for framerates. If you're happy with around 60 max, leave it on. If you average too low, then turn it off.
  8. I don't know that my gunnery is all that great. I tend to waste a lot of ammo.
  9. I'm building a 1/32 Mustang D, a F4F-4, and a Spit Mk. 24 right now. Oh yeah, a FW 190 A5 as well.
  10. NCIX in Vancouver Canada has this on sale right now - it's the samecard I have, and it's very over-clockable. GeForce 9800GTX+
  11. Yes, the Canadarm is made in Canada by Spar. The Int'l Space Station's arm is also made by Spar. It is the one that can move itself around the station like an inch worm - it has anchors on both ends.
  12. That was too funny. I was almost able to show it around until the last one.....still, very funny!
  13. Pretty tame stuff, but incredible athleticism. This probably grew more out of the fitness craze rather than the entertainment industry. Highlights From The U.S. Pole Dancing Championship 2009
  14. Yeah, I enjoyed it too. Sometimes, you get into flying one day, and you suck so bad that you just want to chuck your HOTAS and pedals against the wall, and pick up a game of Freecell.......
  15. I'm emailing this to Natalie. I'll let you know what she thin...
  16. "Bring Back Crystal Pepsi" So what, John?
  17. I couldn't believe this until I saw their website...
  18. Just doing my part. I just showed 2 films in Social Studies class - Shake Hands With The Devil (Gen. Romeo Dallaire's experience in Rwanda, 1994), and Schindler's List. We spent a few weeks with WW1, 2, and the interwar years. Also, I invited my brother to come to the school for the day to share his experiences in Afghanistan. One of our English classes is studying The Kite Runner, and Derek has read it and can give his insight into the novel. He'll also talk to my gr. 11 Social class, and a couple of other classes.
  19. Rattler

    My new toy

    A friend of mine at work and I both make models. We're buying ourselves Tamiya 1/16 scale tanks when we retire. That one looks like a lot of fun, Zooly!
  20. I just figured out how to do it with GIMP. Needed to preserve the animationa rather than merge the layers. a little bigger physically than Gec's, but under 60kb.
  21. How about 11 kb?? But it doesn't animate anymore...
  22. Welcome to the Pound, Sweper. Thanks for all the great hockey players you've been sending us.
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