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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Happy 142nd, guys! Kelly, I'd have loved to have joined you. You should be able to see the 'waterfall' from where you are too.
  2. Happy 142nd, guys! Kelly, I'd have loved to have joined you. You should be able to see the 'waterfall' from where you are too.
  3. The 76mm HESH is a good round, but more tho the point, Sov export tanks, T-72's in particular, were crap! When 1990 rolled around, and everybody was worried about Saddam's huge army, our gunnery guys were working on a long rod penetrator APDSFS (more mass) and it would blow right on through 3 T-72 turrets lined up front to back. The Americans were working on a 140mm gun for the Abrams, and versions of the 155mm howitzer for a gun tube. They found out that they didn't need them. Even the Marine Corps M-60 A3's with their 105's were good enough (just weak on the armour side.) The 120's that we have now, using the L55 gun tube in the Leo 2, and the Challenger 2's 120mm L32(?) are absolutely the kick ass guns of the day. The Abrams' gun tube is still good, but has less muzzle velocity than the other 2. The Russian 125's have always shown themselves to be lacking in hitting power. I met a sergeant in a tank battalion who exercised through CFB Wainwright in Alberta one year, and he was in the Gulf War (1991). A T-72 sabot hit one of their tanks in the turret front, left side, and stuck there. They left it until they could get back to a servicing area, and the techs just cut it off flush and left it in the armour. When it went back to the States, it went to the Lima tank armory and was studied for awhile.
  4. The 76mm HESH is a good round, but more tho the point, Sov export tanks, T-72's in particular, were crap! When 1990 rolled around, and everybody was worried about Saddam's huge army, our gunnery guys were working on a long rod penetrator APDSFS (more mass) and it would blow right on through 3 T-72 turrets lined up front to back. The Americans were working on a 140mm gun for the Abrams, and versions of the 155mm howitzer for a gun tube. They found out that they didn't need them. Even the Marine Corps M-60 A3's with their 105's were good enough (just weak on the armour side.) The 120's that we have now, using the L55 gun tube in the Leo 2, and the Challenger 2's 120mm L32(?) are absolutely the kick ass guns of the day. The Abrams' gun tube is still good, but has less muzzle velocity than the other 2. The Russian 125's have always shown themselves to be lacking in hitting power. I met a sergeant in a tank battalion who exercised through CFB Wainwright in Alberta one year, and he was in the Gulf War (1991). A T-72 sabot hit one of their tanks in the turret front, left side, and stuck there. They left it until they could get back to a servicing area, and the techs just cut it off flush and left it in the armour. When it went back to the States, it went to the Lima tank armory and was studied for awhile.
  5. The Brits came out quickly with 2 other tanks to combat the IS2/3; the Conqueror (same problems as the IS 2/3 - too heavy), and the Centurian. It first had a 20lber (well, 17 in the design phase) but was upgunned to the 105 L7 soon after. It was an awesome tank, just a little slow by today's standards. The Russians had a lot of the IS2/3's, but were still depending mainly on the T34/85, which was a great tank in its own right. I think that you can extrapolate the Israeli's experiences overall for what might have happened if the Sov's ever took on NATO. Better training and technology likely would have won out in the end. Still, I'd hate to have been in an American tank (or anybody's except the Brits) up to the Abrams. One thing; when I was taking my 'gunnery god' course in Gagetown New Brunswick, we had a few East German T-72 G's that were brought over in 1992 for testing. Our 105 APDSFS went though the front turret armour of the T 72's like it was a hot knife through butter. Actually, our tank trainers, the Cougar (low velocity 76mm from the British Scorpion) would penetrate the same armour with HESH rounds. Just goes to show you what the Sov's were giving their 'friends' as export tanks.
  6. The Brits came out quickly with 2 other tanks to combat the IS2/3; the Conqueror (same problems as the IS 2/3 - too heavy), and the Centurian. It first had a 20lber (well, 17 in the design phase) but was upgunned to the 105 L7 soon after. It was an awesome tank, just a little slow by today's standards. The Russians had a lot of the IS2/3's, but were still depending mainly on the T34/85, which was a great tank in its own right. I think that you can extrapolate the Israeli's experiences overall for what might have happened if the Sov's ever took on NATO. Better training and technology likely would have won out in the end. Still, I'd hate to have been in an American tank (or anybody's except the Brits) up to the Abrams. One thing; when I was taking my 'gunnery god' course in Gagetown New Brunswick, we had a few East German T-72 G's that were brought over in 1992 for testing. Our 105 APDSFS went though the front turret armour of the T 72's like it was a hot knife through butter. Actually, our tank trainers, the Cougar (low velocity 76mm from the British Scorpion) would penetrate the same armour with HESH rounds. Just goes to show you what the Sov's were giving their 'friends' as export tanks.
  7. Yeah, happy birthday, Rico. Hollywood I would congratulate as well, if he ever showed up..... Have a great day, Rico - celebrate tomorrow with a bunch of kills!
  8. Yeah, happy birthday, Rico. Hollywood I would congratulate as well, if he ever showed up..... Have a great day, Rico - celebrate tomorrow with a bunch of kills!
  9. That there would be Saskatchewan. They don't change to daylight savings time.
  10. That there would be Saskatchewan. They don't change to daylight savings time.
  11. John, you find the strangest things.......
  12. John, you find the strangest things.......
  13. Very nice, mate. Pre-built? Looks like 1/72 scale.
  14. And here we are.....a bunch of grown men who bitch when we dont get enough "flight" time in a week.....LOL I knew that was coming, Andrew. Can you really compare us to that?
  15. Unfortunately, that's just plain pitiful, and all the moreso that some twit decided to publish it for the world's entertainment. It's indicative of the crappy job some parents do with their kids. What would have happened to you if you did that to your parents when you were growing up? Oh, right: IT WOULD NEVER HAVE GOTTEN THAT FAR IN THE FIRST PLACE!! I wish that society had a better grasp of how to actually limit children's exposure to endless sessions of network-driven obsessive behaviour. [/rant]
  16. You've never been to Canada have you?
  17. They're aerators, GreyKnight. They oxygenate the water. Keeps things healthy, just like an aquarium.
  18. From the UBIzoo recruiting thread, it looks like I joined sometime around mid-August, 2005. It's been a long time, and a lot of fun so far! Good to see a large number of guys out last Sunday!
  19. That Maxtor looks pretty good for the price, BG. How about this..... http://www.ncix.com/products/index.php?sku=39386&vpn=301435U&manufacture=Lacie
  20. Hey, congrats Chet! I didn't know you were expecting!
  21. I might be able to understand Canada Goose with the new proggy........ Don't know about Delta7 though!
  22. That's crazy! But, it drives down the price of lower end i7's. Yay!
  23. I've noticed that before too, Arthur. One second it's in a blaze of glory, the next it's cool as a cucumber?
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