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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Holy crap! Who left the door open? HEY DUDE!!!!!! How ya been?
  2. Cool, man! What are they using, Siemens equipment? You've driven them before? Good for you mate!
  3. I'm going to do mine again a'la Beebop's instructions. When I copied a version of my 4.08m and deleted all of my mods (which should have brought it to 4.08m clean), I patched 4.09 over it.
  4. Nice job, Dave. I'd agree on the Paveway thing with Sulky.
  5. Let's see... 13 hrs from M4T, or 30 min via torrent...... hmmmmmmmmmmmm
  6. We're not weird, we're just really really nice.
  7. I'll do it at home in a clean installation. [edit] I'm actually not too impressed by the new stuff. I think that the mods are doing more for IL2 now than the 4.09 offsite developers are. Just my 2 cents.....
  8. Just watch when passing oncoming traffic!
  9. I'm doing my best to let my students know all ab out it. I'm running the Remembrance Day ceremonies at school again this year. Salute Shifty, and the gent who met him at the airport.
  10. I'm proud to say that the Canadian delegation, under the orders of our PM, did not even attend to be able to walk out. We never even gave him the legitimacy of being there. A person who denies the Holocaust and the right of Israel to exist does not warrant the attention given to a leader of a country. Our PM was at a Tim Horton's giving a press conference!
  11. "Lovely plumage......" Even a german in the mix?
  12. "Hi mom!" ?? YIKES!
  13. Trump is an ass kisser to the rich and famous/powerful.
  14. Salute, Adrian! Great to have you flying with us again after all the renos!
  15. Rattler

    Mosquito run

    You got it....literally. But Greenstreaks avenged them by getting me before my mates chewed them all up.
  16. Cool. So is that going to get written up as -400 procedure then? The 'Cap'nJack' no-flaps approach? BTW - it's talk like a pirate day today. Cap'nJack, you're doin' it right! Arrrrrr.
  17. Don't know if this one's been around, but
  18. Is it worth it to invest in a Triple Screen setup for IL2? ....... Let's take a look... Single Screen
  19. A buddy of mine uses 3 right now in IL2. Also in ArmA. He uses the Matrox splitter. [edit] So yes, I think that 3 monitors can be used in BoB as well. See below.... Andrew - Kosh says hi!
  20. Cool. Thanks, Todd.
  21. No names, no pack drill!
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