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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. That is awesome, Mick! Great job!
  2. Looks really nice. I hope that the towns/cities don't drag my processor down to a crawl like Slovakia's do.
  3. Have you tried PM'ing Flatspinman himself about this?
  4. Great to hear from you, Kevin! Hope to fly with you again soon some night!
  5. Hey bud! Looking forward to flying with you again soon! Have you updated your profile to show you new digs on Google Maps? I want to see where your house is!
  6. Very cool, Kelly. Let me know when it arrives (as if there's any doubt that it will
  7. Rattler

    It's 1945...

    Uh, oh. I see a conflict going on here. 2 separate modding communities in competition with each other for our downloading needs? Could spell trouble. I hope that this does not cause any loading problems or issues in COOPs.
  8. Rattler

    It's 1945...

    Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.......... Sea Fury............
  9. 'grats, guys! Have a great day!
  10. That's me. I've been looking at the UbiZoo modeller's thread and cringing - I have a M1A2 to finish with a M88A1 taking out it's powerpack, and a Challenger 1 Desert War as well as all the 1/32 planes I have on the go. This last bit of work on the Mustang is as much as I've done since my 1/48 Spitfire and the 1/32 Me 109. Still, I'm enjoying it alot!
  11. You mean like this? http://www.aviastar.org/helicopters_eng/sik_x-wing.php "This then progressed into trials involving an X-wing in place of the main rotor. Using a compressed air system this airfoil could be blown to affect cyclic and collective pitch. The wing could be stopped in flight and Sikorsky believed the design had potential for future use as a high-speed 'convertiplane'. First flight took place on 2 December 1987, but after three further flights all funding was suspended and the S-72X1 was placed in storage at Edwards AFB. "
  12. I'm going to be making the engine cowling either removable, or off altogether. I haven't seen any pictures of P-51's being serviced with the engine panels propped open.
  13. 1. Yes, yes I am. 2. The panel is removable now as it is, but I'm going to see how it fits after painting. It will be in 3 pieces like the real thing, and I may leave the other side closed it the fit doesn't look right, At least one wing will be nice and clean then. This is what most planes look like at airshows, so I might have it as such, and make a small door-prop to keep the front gun bay door open, while the other 2 sit on the wing.
  14. Ok, the left wing gun bay is done. Compare the before and after - first time I've done something like this. The inside edge border is cut up spare/scrap brass from the model's own photo-etch set, painted flat aluminium.
  15. Ah, Glasiers. A cop friend of mine showed me one once. Begins to expand if it hits a piece of paper for Pete's sake! Guaranteed (as close as you can get with ammunition, anyways) to not go through a bad guy into any innocent bystanders or hostages.
  16. Left wing gun bay. Needs some attention to the area around the ammo trays, but it will look good when it's together. I painted the ammo 4-1 ball to api-t. Pain in the tuckus!
  17. Your buddy will know, but I'll be surprised if he will answer.
  18. I doubt the taliban give two hoots about the Geneva convention so why should the UN? Like I said before, it's not about the Taliban, it's about us. We can't stoop to their level, otherwise we lose our moral basis for operating as we do.
  19. Well, a lot of the Conventions have to do with the humane treatment of prisoners and civilians. You can't use civilians to clear minefields, for instance. You'd be surprised with the brutality of warfare prior to 1900 towards prisoners and civilians. Rounding people up into buildings and burning them down and such. Much of the Geneva Conventions are now used in wars crimes tribunals such as Rwanda, and Kosovo, and Srebrenica. Someone has to have guidelines for troops and commanders as to what is and is not allowed. Some people just don't have any boundaries when it comes to war.
  20. As far as I know, because of the Geneva Conventions as you stated, Carl, most nations' armies only use FMJ ammo. The use of JHP rounds would be a stooping of the military in question to the same level as that of the insurgents. I know it might not be the safest for the soldiers in question, but the professionalism of our militaries is part of what makes them so trustworthy in the eyes of the rest of the nations of the world, at least the ones that count. As for special forces, I wouldn't know myself. I will ask a buddy of mine in JTF2, if he will/can tell me!
  21. And is getting pretty good at it! Not bad for an 11 year old (in Sept!) He did all of the work, except for the tracks - I helped a bit there.
  22. Man, that must take some video card to run!
  23. Tail assembly completed. Rudder is posable, as was the elevators to be, but they had too noticeable of a gap, so I cemented them in a slight droop (hydraulics have let them sag a bit after parking at dispersal.)
  24. A man after my own heart.
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