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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. It also allows carrier operations with catapult launches from certain carriers. Very cool.
  2. Dogz take care of Dogz. 'nuf said. Good on you Tribunus. Glad that you had a nice vacation and safe trip, Zeus-Cat.
  3. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the "lawnmower" sound the wind? I don't think that the video is giving us just the engine sounds in their pure glory.
  4. Very cool, dude! Good for you for asking them!
  5. No. "Not available in your country due to copyright"
  6. I don't believe that we're doing anything different for Pedestal, Carl. That would change the parameters of the whole campaign, and unbalance things. As far as I know, we'll still be on AAA 1.1 It would probably give Glenn apoplexy to change things right now!
  7. Those distortions are completely avoidable with the max/min zoom settings.
  8. I don't think that he is, but I see the difficulties that are happening. Let's summarize this way: 1. The Dogz are officially using AAA 1.1 as our modded version. 2. Many Dogz have several versions in use - make sure that you refrain from using them when flying COOP's so as to avoid conflicts with the host. 3. AAA 1.2 (and then soon to follow AAA 1.3 over 4.09m) will be the standard used for most online servers. Warbirds of Prey are switching on Oct. 20 to AAA 1.2, and my other squad's server (Balance Of Power) is already using it. For that matter, you can connect to Zekes right now with AAA 1.2 as it seems that they have disabled CRT=2. So, if you can manage it, you should be downloading both the 4.09m patch and putting it into a clean version, and AAA 1.2 as it will be in online server use VERY soon. I have 5 installations: 1. Clean 4.09m 2. AAA 1.1 (which switches between 4.08m and modded, and 4.09b1m and modded) 3. AAA 1.2 (which switches between 4.08m and modded and 4.09m and modded) 4. UltraPack 1.8 5. Clean 4.08m Yikes!
  9. No Friar, there is no fix for that.
  10. I love the SANS FOV Changer.
  11. I've been using it for a couple of months now, Brando, with no problems. I'm using a TIR3 with vector expansion.
  12. I just finished installing it as I left the house this morning. Took quite a bit to download it, as I was just finishing flying on Zekes and was going to head to bed. Got them downloaded around 12:20 am, and installed it this morning. I'll be checking it out when I get home, but I'm looking forward to it! No more AAA fire through clouds, or AI planes seeing you through clouds: yippee! No more AAA firing madly away at parachutes (which we already have on our OAC server - works really nice!) Now I have a fifth install.....
  13. Here you go Click me Theo, please!
  14. Wow, that is super cool! If it would do gravel, my wife could use it to go to work.
  15. Actually, the age limit is chronological, and it is set to be a benchmark for the squad as a minimum requirement. We need to set the limit somewhere, and it seems to be working out for us. It does not mean that those who are over 18 are automatic; they can be dropped for their immaturity. As for the WWJD quote, please don't trivialize it by incorporating it into such a discussion. It is not about being 'nice' or 'friendly.' The age restriction is a yardstick, and we'll be sticking to it. Cheers, and I hope that you can find a squad who'll take you, StealthOwl, or simply keep flying online (or offline, as you prefer.) As mentioned, please join us on Saturdays for UbiZoo COOP's.
  16. Yup, that's Clarke, AKA Sunflower or SF1 on Hyperlobby. We've been tearing it up the last while on Zekes. Our own server is up and running as well right now, using AAA 1.1 and the new version of Zuti's Moving Dogfight Mod.
  17. We were having a great couple of days on Zekes with the squad all flying together. The one guy, Guts, flies bombers most often, and the rest of us fighters. Wed. night we were on Turkey Shoot and got 16 kills between the 4 of us in 2 sorties for 0 losses.
  18. A short movie a friend made of us flying on Zekes the other day...
  19. Can I vote twice too? I want to see Madzia again....
  20. Oh my........ Spent a little too much early life playing Dungeons and Dragons me thinks......
  21. I'm up and ready to go with installation #4..... Not as crazy as that trottel yet......
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