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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Oh, absolutely, Dave. It depends on the model, of course (there are some real dogs out there for 1/32 planes.)
  2. Latest update, after getting my butt in gear....
  3. http://www.viddler.com/player/15969a79/
  4. I doubt if it would have been made in a Western country. My Browning HP in the army went through 2 barrels in my years of service, and it never once malfunctioned. Not even a single stovepipe casing or misfeed. It was perfect! Made in 1943 by the Inglis Refrigerator company. It's probably still in service! I do remember that there were some European made HP's that were full auto from the factory. I never saw one in the military. Too hard to control to be useful, and the pistol was only there to make us tankers not feel so naked when we went to orders groups. I preferred my C8 carbine.
  5. That does it. I'm calling Burt.
  6. That's absolutely gorgeous!
  7. More pics....
  8. Did someone say "hey Pete, have a pint...."??
  9. Most of the time we had sunny weather in the mid-20's celcius. What's the matter with the haircut? Never goes out of style...don't need a comb, and it dries in 20 seconds!
  10. As promised, here are a few pics...
  11. Ah, well. I guess that it's difficult to carry on a discussion that is not face to face over a topic such as this. Too bad. Glenn, I very much appreciate your view and opinion expressed in this thread. It is very close to me, as a historian and Social Studies teacher here in Canada. I would have liked to continue this, but I think that it will just cause more problems. I very much appreciate the United States, and everything that it was founded on and stands for. It is a shame that it gets vilified for as much as it does in the world, but at the same time, as the most powerful nation on the planet, you are bound to attract the attention of critics. It's much easier to hide from the rest of the world when they don't realize that you exist!
  12. Haven't heard of that one. Looks interesting.
  13. I've seen that series on PBS. Very good!
  14. Except when India gets on your ass. Ghandi's all peace and cooperation at first, but when HE gets ahead and starts building the starship, he turns into a complete a-hole!
  15. I used to play Need For Speed quite a bit. I do not support street racing. I play Civ 4 from time to time. I do not support nuking countries in order to take them over.
  16. It is so overwhelmingly supportive of citizens using guns to protect themselves, that the anti gun groups never bring it up.
  17. I wonder what the ratio of citizen using a gun to prevent a crime is compared to a citizen using a gun to commit a crime is....
  18. They are. http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/high_end_gpus.html It comes down to your preference, and what you've heard from others. I would've gone with a GTX
  19. That first one is too cool! The second one just shows haw heavy water really is.....what force!
  20. Noice, mate! Working slowly on my P-51D. Don't sweat the finish stuff. Only you will know it! Do you have a Hellcat to go after it, now?
  21. See you soon, Zooly! When I built my new machine this year, I specifically went Win XP due to Vista's driver issues.
  22. Zooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...................
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