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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. You forgot: 14.a Open door to get out and retrieve cash, because you're too frightened to park within arm's length of the ATM. Make sure that you bash the yellow/black striped concrete barrier pole nice and hard (again) so the new paint job from the last time that you did this can be re-done.
  2. I thought that they were Yak's because of the long tail, and very far forward main wing. We had one of those at our local airport for the last few years, and it flew overhead all the time. Really nice boomy radial sounds out of that one.....
  3. Did you invite them down for a cuppa?
  4. Nice one, SkyPup!
  5. Aw, I thought you had some dirt on some cheatin' and shenanigans going on. Nice skins, Beebop. Were these done as a request, or a mission/campaign?
  6. That's what I was thinking as well, Erco. Those Chinese copies of the Yak's are quite popular.
  7. The strange thing is, when training to fire 3 round bursts on the LMG, troops often actually only fire 2 rounds.
  8. Some of those are really funny......
  9. I was in tanks. I started to give a discussion of what I had in training and when I taught on basic courses, but that's not 'real' infantry training. I did a rough estimate of an 8 man section's loadout, and it came to around 2500 rounds of 5.56mm for a combat load. Rates of fire are usually quite controlled, either normal rate of fire (6-10 aimed shots per minute; single fire) or rapid rate of fire (up to 20 aimed shots per minute, or one every 3 seconds - this varies.) There's very little 'rock & roll' shooting like you see in the movies, even with the automatic weapons. All Canadian Army weapons will fire on full automatic, even rifles (C7A1's - Canadian made M-16A2's.)
  10. Ok, now do it with a Mossie! Nice flying guys!
  11. Thank goodness that nothing serious occurred. Beautiful plane!
  12. Weird..... Glad no one was hurt! Kinda makes you wonder what happens when things fall off of planes these days too, or a satellite comes down.
  13. That is ABSOLUTELY hilarious, mate! Good find! I laughed out loud at school, and had to show a couple of colleagues.....
  14. The Fw-190 is an AWESOME aircraft for early to mid war - later it starts to get a bit too heavy and acceleration suffers and its contemporaries start getting faster. Out of all the aircraft in the game the 190A4 is my favourite aircraft - it's the ultimate hunter's fighter in having the firepower to devestate anything it can catch unaware. Salute, Bard! Good to see ya trolling around here! I agree with you completely - the early FW's, (A3-A6) really rule in their element from '42-'43.
  15. Sorry to hear that, Angus. My prayers go with you and yours.
  16. I play ArmA2 with the guys from the OAC, and I play on some other servers as well. I very much enjoy it. The vehicle operations are quite simplified, but adequate. It really is an infantry sim, not vehicle or air. It has an extremely faithful and sizable community of modders, and is very open to modding, so there are already a fair but of mods to use. I find the gameplay to be excellent - I haven't encountered a bug yet. There is hope that an accurate tank fire control system mod is in the works, as there was in ArmA. It really enhances the tank warfare. In ArmA, it was quite realistic. I don't have any experience with the other games guys have mentioned.
  17. Check out the website for the trip here; lots of pictures! Click me...
  18. So, Kelly send sme an email about this plane coming into the city, and invites me up to dinner with the crew, the local aviation museum, and the local RCAF squadron association. Of course I can come! Fantastic evening, Kelly! Thanks alot! I'm not sure how much you guys know just how much of a supporter Kelly is of Canadian aviation, but damn I'm impressed with his efforts! Kudos, mate! You do our vets proud! Oh, but the way - did I mention that I got to sit next to this guy during the whole dinner and talk shop with him? Click me... (the top guy on the list, Lee. Wow! Fantastic bloke to meet! Working right now on a beautiful restoration of a Mk IX Spit at Duxford. Thanks again, Kelly!
  19. Geez, I spend that much sometimes on aftermarket upgrades!
  20. Yep, that's an old CF-101B Voodoo on display at the museum in Edmonton, Carl.
  21. Very cool, Kelly! Thanks for the pics. Now, just get them to park it over in the aviation museum, and break something so that it can't move....
  22. Wing is on, but not filled/sanded yet. Fit was a pita! Notice the flap/aileron articulation. The only ones that don't work are the elevators. Oh well.
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