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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Well, happy birthday to the T_O_A_D, then! Have a good one!
  2. Spits Vs 109's 27 April 2010 Spitfire Mk. VIII vs Me 109 G2 Trop One of 3 109's shot down on this sortie.

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  3. Nice shot, Kelly! The re-build of Bannock's plane. eh? I love that plane! 418 "City of Edmonton" Woot!
  4. Can you pump some of that water this way? Things are a bit dry over here.....
  5. I was thinking the same thing as Tribunus. 0 deg C? Yikes! We hit 24 deg C 2 days ago; 23 yesterday
  6. I'll have to see what Natalie thinks about that one....
  7. I'll have to take a look for that campaign, FruitBat. Looks like fun. I'm just reading "Fighter Boys" right now. Good read.
  8. I'm flying FC 2.0 right now, SnackO. I have FC installed as well, as I thought it was a purchased add-on. I'm finding FC 2.0 easier to figure out than FC was. The F-15C is da-bomb!
  9. I just got it yesterday. Steep learning curve again, but once you get used to it, it all comes back again. Each plane needs to have controls set up separately, so it's best to focus on one for now. I'm working on the F-15C right now. Their training tutorials are whacked out: YouTube videos? Really? Yuck! Multiplayer seems to working fine so far. Flew with a few guys last night checking out radar modes and wingman/formation flying. Need to work on my jet fighter brevity codes now! See you guys up in the (much higher) skies!
  10. I think they train pilots to keep pressing that flare button on low level stuff, MANPADs scare the heck out of most pilots. The ECM settings of modern jets can be set to automatic on an attack run, making the pilot's workload much less hectic on the run. It'll release flares and chaff, depending on the need, or according to a preset program. There are ecm suites out there that will even custom cut the chaff to different lengths according to the wavelength of the emitters detected to maximize their effectiveness. See this article: towed radar decoys too! What will they think of next? http://typhoon.starstreak.net/Eurofighter/defences.html
  11. Rattler

    Sid's Mig

    I agree with Dave. I'll never go back to hand brushing again! Look around for a good setup, avoid canisters of air: I got a decent setup for Christmas 3 years past for about $250 CDN. Don't give up, Sid! Looks great so far, BTW! I want to get a few Russian birds for my collection.
  12. Rattler

    The Gallery

    1/32 scale Dragon P-51D Stock kit, after-market decals 1/32 Monogram Me-109 G4 Trop Stock 1/48 Revell Spitfire XVI Toned down the matt finish since; I'll post a better one later.
  13. Rattler

    The Gallery

    Post pics of your finished models here! Enjoy!
  14. Just how close is that to your work, JP? I could always meet you for a drink after work on the weekend....
  15. Isn't that Indian bus supposed to have kids and itinerant workers up on the roof, too?
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