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Everything posted by FoolTrottel

  1. Just discovered this 'tourlike' site of my hometown, you can even visit the shop were I bought most of my model kits: Wentink Modelbouw
  2. It's a picture of an old church in my hometown. The lighting was so beautiful around 15:30 yesterday, that I just couldn't resist... Here's a link to a website that lets you look inside, if you go outside there (door to the right) looks like you end up in a Google's streetview like environment outside.... No blurred faces there though, I am gonna look and see if I can find myself strolling around there
  3. So do I... it looks very bare at first glance, maybe there's not enough stuff on it?
  4. In HSFX7, using the FMB, I can no longer find/load the map "Channel Online (kt)" It's gone from the list. So, I can no longer edit (at least three) missions I created on it (First Mustangs, Second Mustangs, and Neptune....) But... I can still host those! Weird. The map seems to simply be missing from the FMB, not from the game. Could anyone please try this? Could it be my system/game install? Attached is one mission on said map. - Can you play it? - Can you load it succesfully in the FMB? Thanks in advance! FirstMustangMKIs.zip
  5. Sounds like a good card, specially for the money (well, if that'd be anywhere near where you got it for) You will enjoy that one!
  6. One thought comin' up at #37, "Norway is the best country in the world, the world, the world!" Weird, isn't it?
  7. Someone said 'Beer' .. me likes! Happy Happy Merry Merry!
  8. Yeah, amazing.... I am though wondering whether there's also a 'ground effect' soundwise... there must be!
  9. w00t ! played that one twice, the second time with the bass shaker chair switched ON
  10. Probably due to a missing ' Attempt Stencil Buffer' setting, or OpenGL not being activated. Anyways, should all be fixed by Jabo's solution. Do I get the prize for 'most useless post of the day/week/month/year' ?
  11. Great post Jabo! One remark on #8: Expert mode will be enabled by default by CheckMods! Thanks FT - I've updated my post.
  12. Yeah, arcing would take plenty more waypoints.... Decided to space them in the vertical plane, well, seen from above then: These show the first waypoints, ships will appear to be in a line, while in fact they are not... Fingers crossed spacing is sufficient! Then again, a mid sea collision could've happened, no?
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