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Everything posted by FoolTrottel

  1. After (finally) visiting the Pegasus site, I took a look at some photographs and maps, and decided to re-work Sid's Pegasus mission. Three possible approaches now, most of the trees to the southern boundary have been removed now. The dark arc in the middle of the field is just that, no trees there. Mind the Canals and the stone walls though... Am now going to test fly it... lol
  2. FoolTrottel


    From the album: FT

  3. FoolTrottel


    From the album: FT

  4. FoolTrottel


    From the album: FT

  5. FoolTrottel


    From the album: FT

    At a Service station on the M3, on the way to Portsmouth.
  6. FoolTrottel


    From the album: FT

    Flying Legends, Saturday
  7. FoolTrottel


    From the album: FT

    Flying Legends, Saturday
  8. FoolTrottel


    From the album: FT

    R/C model of Mossie, Flying Legends, Saturday
  9. FoolTrottel


    From the album: FT

    R/C model of Mossie, Flying Legends, Saturday
  10. FoolTrottel


    From the album: FT

    Flying Legends, Saturday. Kestrel and (part of) Connie.
  11. FoolTrottel


    From the album: FT

    Flying Legends, Saturday
  12. FoolTrottel


    From the album: FT

    Flying Legends, Saturday
  13. FoolTrottel


    From the album: FT

    Flying Legends, Saturday
  14. FoolTrottel


    From the album: FT

  15. FoolTrottel


    From the album: FT

  16. FoolTrottel


    From the album: FT

  17. FoolTrottel


    From the album: FT

  18. Special effects? No, the video runs back wards for a while somewhere ... Probably to lengthen the video a bit. Anyways, great idea, good show. I mean, you wouldn't want to do that with an airplane, or helicopter, or even an (unmanned) baloon, would you? Looks good... it's a different perspective ...
  19. In the end, you're PO-ed because you 'mericans really are no good at it ... at all Just keep at it with your football, real men battling it out in protective gear, yet the stoopid basics of that game will still make sure players end up with for real damage, like busted knees and backs, and brains shaken to death ... I choose to go for the faked injury and instant healing ... In the end, better for all of us. .. oh well...
  20. Off to one side... In my opinion, a center stick setup will only work if you have a complete cockpit setup, dedicated to pil2oting.... I use my IL2 computer for other stuff as well, as a 'normal' desktop ... A centered joystick will not fit in there...
  21. If you want to make it chronologically correct, then you'll have a darn big challenge... we all need to record a clock, the same clock, in our recordings... Oh well, maybe I am overthinking this again? For sure.... I am! But, indeed, Sweper is correct, we need a track, complete. Two people should record it, live. One to use, one in backup. Preferably, the host, and another one 'close to the host' Next, view the track multiple times, and view all clients' contributions multiple times, then write a story board, of what to put when and where. Run the track, changing the views at the correct times, (according to the story board) and making a base movie of it. Next, insert all selected scenes from the clients' recordings into the base movie. Put in subtitles, and there you go. Simples. Oh, I forgot one little detail... sounds. Well, to have the sounds correctly in the movie, all timed up nicely, and volume wise balanced.... piece of cake! So, who of us has that much time on his hands? Saying; it's is a good idea, I do like it, but do please realise that for a good movie of an hour playing time, one needs a multiple of that time to create the product....
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