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Posts posted by BluBear

  1. Whilst out for a cycle ride this afternoon on one of my regular routes, something caught my eye on the corner of a T-junction about 2 miles from my house.
    It looked like a granite memorial headed with the recognisable RAF crested motto, something I can't remember seeing before; I carried on but made a point of stopping off to take a look on my return an hour later.

    It turned out to be a (relatively new) memorial to a 603 Squadron Spitfire pilot lost on Battle of Britain day: F/O Arthur Peter Pease

    Here's the excerpt from the BBM website:

    F/O A P Pease
    Arthur Peter Pease, the son of Sir Richard and Lady Pease of Richmond, Yorkshire was educated at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge, where he read History. He was a member of the University Air Squadron and was commissioned in the RAFVR in September 1938.
    Called to full-time service in October 1939, Pease completed his flying training and was posted to No.1 School of Army Co-operation at Old Sarum in late May 1940.
    He met Richard Hillary there and they became friends. They went to 5 OTU, Aston Down on 23rd June and after converting to Spitfires they joined 603 Squadron at Dyce on 6th July.

    Pease shared in destroying a He111 on the 30th. He was hit by return fire but returned to Montrose, unhurt. On 3rd September he claimed a Me109 destroyed and on the 7th he made a belly-landing back at Hornchurch in Spitfire L1057, after being damaged in combat over London. On 15th September 1940 Pease was shot down and killed in combat. His Spitfire, X4324, crashed at Kingswood, near Chartway Street, Kent.

    He was 22 and is buried in the churchyard of St.Michael and All Saints at Middleton Tyas, Yorkshire.


    It's the closest Battle of Britain loss to where I live that I'm aware of and it kind of struck a chord with me today, especially as I hadn't previously been aware of it; I've lived in this area now for almost 12 years.

    So, I've decided to honour F/O Pease, virtually. For the foreseeable future, I will be flying in the Spitfire he was lost in, X4324 on Thursday's CloD nights.

    x4324_0003_Layer 1.jpg

    x4324_0002_Layer 2.jpg

    x4324_0001_Layer 3.jpg

    x4324_0000_Layer 4.jpg


    Further reading here, it seems a retired American academic paved the way for the above memorial:



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  2. Now that I can actually launch the game online without those silly authentication errors I've had a dabble on multiplayer. I jumped on to a purely dogfight air-start server yesterday after CloD to get a feel for it.

    My first impressions: 

    1. I need to adapt to BoS, it's another different beast from CloD and DCS for sure.
    2. Teamwork! I had my arse handed to me five times in a row, with only a few hits on the enemy, even in an La-5 I was outclassed on my own. 
    3. I think I need to hone my set up, controls still feel too sharp and i'm finding it difficult to achieve a decent gun solution.
    4. Track IR - it feels sluggish in BoS and looking up in particular is a problem, does anyone else have any tips here, or a profile I can use? Currently using my IL2 profile (which is different to my DCS one).

    It certainly has potential, but I really need to spend some time on my setup I think to really start enjoying it.

    Twice I had to belly land and I had a grin on my face as I slid along the ground, kicking up dirt, wings bending, grass flapping against the leading edges and the canopy slamming open and shut. Very immersive, even in defeat! :P

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  3. 22 minutes ago, delta7 said:

    Do you use the launcher or  exe ? best to use exe 

    ( mine is found here "C:\Program Files (x86)\1C Game Studios\IL-2 Sturmovik Battle of Stalingrad\bin\game\Il-2.exe" )

    One thing to try is to put the exe and master server address in the exceptions list for your firewall 

    I launch the game from the splash screen with the big red play button (i'm guessing that's the launcher?) and il-2.exe is already on my exceptions list.
    I'll try straight from the latter exe.

    Just now, Crash said:

    Uninstall reinstall?

    ...refund? Hmmm, maybe as a last resort.
    I'm just baffled as to why it's chosen to stop working after last time.


    Thanks chaps

  4. Well, I finally got some nozzle time on the Harrier yesterday and boy is it a lot of fun! I was surprised by how smooth and controllable it was in the hover, although get it wrong and you soon know about it.
    I would say that a few years of DCS Huey flying has certainly helped me understand and appreciate the added dimension of flying in the vertical plane, but the lack of torque and vortex ring state makes the whole experience a little less bum clenching! Once you appreciate the physics of the hover and how nozzle position and thrust affect the behaviour of the aircraft, you soon find yourself in a rhythm. That said, so far i've only flown lightly loaded and in low winds.

    I'm looking forward to the real challenge next, working out the weapons systems, firing off some Mavericks and managing the weight of the aircraft in order to understand it's operational envelope.

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