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Posts posted by BluBear

  1. Hi chaps,

    I've been trying to update to the latest version on and off for a while now and it's driving me potty.
    I've followed most of the advice from the forum, AV and FW switched off, ports are open for launcher.exe as well as il-2.exe, running in admin mode etc. but it always hangs for about 5 mins on 0kb / 2Gb then throws up the failed to update message.



  2. Aircraft participation list quite a bit lower than previous years thus-far, with a distinct lack of European acts on the bill.
    I've heard rumours that the CAA have introduced new regulations that may be hindering this, which would be a damn shame.

    Also, looks like the Horsemen have pulled out according to the listings on their website.

    In much more positive news, the HAC De Havilland DH-9 has been added for it's airshow debut. The only airworthy WW1 bomber in the world with an equally unique power plant. Sweet!

    Not long now gents...


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  3. There's plenty to see down in the South East as well for free or a reasonable fee, i'd recommend:

    The Kent Battle of Britain Museum at Hawkinge on the sight of the former RAF BofB airfield
    The nearby BofB memorial and 'Wing' experience at Capel le Ferne with a spectacular view out from the white cliffs
    Manston's Spitfire and Hurricane museum and neighbouring RAF History Museum
    Honourable mention to the de Havilland Museum in Hatfield, home of the Mosquito with three complete examples including the prototype.

    If you can stretch to it, a tour of the Biggin Hill Heritage Hangar is excellent, the most (airworthy) Spitfires under one roof in the world I think...

    There are quite a few other smaller museums and collections dotted around as well, Brenzett, Shoreham, Headcorn etc.


    Fenrir and I are Kent residents, so feel free to drop us a DM if you require any assistance!

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 5/8/2019 at 1:54 PM, BluBear said:

    Looks like we may finally witness a P-47 being put through its paces this year if this video from the weekend is anything to go by!
    Must be Richard Grace at the helm, that's certainly not the usual sedate approach usually taken by Stuart Goldspink - no offence to him of course, he puts on a wonderful Hurricane display, just never seems to wind up the Jug.

    Also, this could be the year of warbird aerobatic teams, if the Horesmen cometh and we get to see Nellie B as part of the new ULTIMATE FIGHTERS team. (Hints of Breitling Fighters most welcome)



    Great article by Richard Grace here about flying "Nellie B" - splendid photographicals from Mr Dibbs too, as always.



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  5. Looks like we may finally witness a P-47 being put through its paces this year if this video from the weekend is anything to go by!
    Must be Richard Grace at the helm, that's certainly not the usual sedate approach usually taken by Stuart Goldspink - no offence to him of course, he puts on a wonderful Hurricane display, just never seems to wind up the Jug.


    Also, this could be the year of warbird aerobatic teams, if the Horesmen cometh and we get to see Nellie B as part of the new ULTIMATE FIGHTERS team. (Hints of Breitling Fighters most welcome)


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  6. Gents,

    I've been struggling to find the time this year to commit to my ideal two nights a week, sometimes even one is difficult. This is regretful, but hopefully only temporary.
    Currently it's the combination of a new home-life situation and a demanding job that often leaves precious little evening time or energy for anything else.
    Having reluctantly made the decision to ditch Sundays a while back due to focusing on the newer sims, I have missed the banter with certain dogz for some time now.

    Honestly, 1946 doesn't really do it for me anymore, I've been well and truly bitten by the DCS bug so tend to gravitate there should I find myself with an evening free to fly.
    Even CloD is losing it's appeal in recent months due to its developmental stagnation and drop in regular Dogz numbers.
    I want to spend more time in BoX, but if I only get one evening free it's simpler to just fire up DCS. (plus, there has been considerable investment here compared to elsewhere :))

    Perhaps as Tom says, another review is in order?

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  7. 2 minutes ago, FoolTrottel said:

    Could work.

    Damage can occur while handling the modules. When within specs, nothing will go wrong with the modules when the PC is switched on.

    Placement could be relevant, some boards want some specific placement of modules of different sizes.... Manual should tell you that.

    So as long as i'm careful installing (always) then it might work, nice.

    I'll check the manual for pairing and placement etc and report back :)

    Thanks FT.

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