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3. Danger Dogz
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Posts posted by BluBear

  1. 1 hour ago, CaptJackG said:

    Are his flaps down? They look to be extended for takeoff.

    No, i'd say they're just protruding post impact as the wings have been creased backwards, probably breaking the spar in the process.

    Spitfire flaps are either fully down or up and only used for landing.

  2. 8 hours ago, Jabo said:

    Is that the griffon one that used to have the contra-prop? Nasty prang but you're right, the emergency response was not exactly rapid

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

    Yes mate, owned by Christophe Jacquard I believe. I think it's been at Legends most years in the last decade.

    Lots of questions over whether it should have been operating off grass in the first place. It had a similar mishap a few years ago, clipping the grass on landing rollout sending shards flying.

  3. Regular to Flying Legends (down to display again this year) has had a serious incident at a show in France.

    Prop strike early on in the take off run causes the Mk XIX to flip onto it's back.

    Reports indicate the pilot is injured but will be ok and a member of the crowd was hurt by flying shards of wood from the propeller.

    Video here, shocking lack of emergency cover...


  4. Hey Snacko! Good to hear from you old chap.

    IL2 Co-ops and Long DFs are run Sundays and Tuesdays with Thursday now being our dedicated CloD night.

    DCS is a little more ad-hoc with various chaps popping servers up after the action on the above days or other days of the week.

    Chat box or monitoring TS is usually the best bet for catching some action with the latter.

    Be good to fly with you again sir.



  5. There was some banter on comms last night about the Airacobra and how it was received by the RAF and VVS.
    Co-incidentally, I just came across a thread on the Key forums discussing this very subject, with some interesting quotes from two books I'd not previously heard of.

    This one made me chuckle:

    Ted Parks description of the P39/P400 cannon - because it was mounted in the prop shaft - he said...

    The 37 mm went whump whump whump -When firing the cannon,your legs straddled it,the firing of it vibrated your prostate so the whole essence of war became mildly sexual.I do not know if this was intentional.
    The 20mm version fired faster and went bababababababa and titillated you in a different way.Some men enjoyed it more.I was a 37mm man myself.

    Read the thread here, which also includes a superb rare colour image of the aircraft in RAF squadron service:


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