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3. Danger Dogz
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Posts posted by BluBear

  1. I believe our very own Fenrir made it to this show at the weekend, witnessing Dan Griffiths put on this stonking Spitfire solo. Tight rolling manoeuvres that keep the aircraft firmly in front of the crowd, with hints of the Mustang whine as the .50 cals flute with the high angle of attack. This guy really knows how to show off a Spitfire, lovely stuff. (shame about the shaky vid, but you get the idea)


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    • Haha 1
  2. 35 minutes ago, bongodriver said:

    I heard the pilot was Mark Levy, gear was retracted deliberately and early assessment is the aircraft is quite repairable.

    Was a very frightening sight as it unfolded because from my vantage point it looked like he was going into the Airspace hangar.

    Bloody quick thinking from that man, all in a matter of seconds.

    Tom and I were at the AirSpace end and saw it all unfold, from our viewpoint I thought he'd come down on the M11.

    Glad to hear she's repairable.


    Looks like he's one of the Yakovlev team:


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  3. 1 hour ago, Jabo said:

    Actually, having looked more closely, I'm not convinced this is quite so good - firstly I'm not sure the engine is in line with the fuselage and there's a nasty crease in the fuselage just in front of the damaged wing and a corresponding crease in the doghouse on the same side - bent spar?

    Don't take this the wrong way, this is vastly preferable to some of the alternatives, but...

    Yeah I reckon she's gonna be out of action for a good while mate, but it's not as if there's a shortage of Mustang spares.

  4. Just a few from me and my Samsung Galaxy S7...

    Me and Jabo enjoying the sun and ale on the Friday:



    Berlin Express before she became a cabriolet:




    The beautiful dh 88 Comet:


    Count the Hurricanes!


    Fruitbat getting down and dirty for 'that' shot:


    Jabo and Delta7:


    Fruitbat and taking a break from flying duties, our very own bongodriver:


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  5. Top weekend with the Dogz, feeling slightly frazzled now but contented. Great to meet you Dave, thanks for showing me the way of Talisker :salute:

    Will report fully when I have the energy, but just thought i'd share this from the events of today to show how a heart stopping moment turned out good.

    P-51 Miss Velma - Engine failure and forced landing:

    Image Sequence

    Video stills



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  6. 1 hour ago, bongodriver said:

    I got to watch the Berlin express arrive at DX, I have to say I'm baffled as to why they didn't put her in a shipping container but at the same time I am in awe of the adventure that epic flight must have been.

    I wondered that too, especially as Frenesi is owned by the same people and that got shipped over. Then I read this from a man in the know over on the Key forums:

    "It was just sold to Dan Friedkin/Comanche Fighters last month (just a few weeks ago) - it had previously been owned by Max Chapman. There of course wasn't going to be enough time to have the aircraft shipped over to England in-time for Flying Legends, so that is why the trans-Atlantic flight quickly came about. "Berlin Express" and "Frenesi" are two of eight flying Mustangs in the Comanche Fighters stable - an A-36 "Apache", P-51B "Berlin Express", P-51C "Princess Elizabeth", P-51D "Frenesi", P-51D "February", P-51D "Double Trouble Two", P-51K "Fragile but Agile", and TF-51D "Bum Stear"."

    That's quite a collection of 51s!

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