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Posts posted by BluBear

  1. Due to RL commitments, I've had to largely knock Sundays on the head, as you may or may not have noticed.
    I don't miss IL2 1946 so much, but I do miss the banter with some of you gits that haven't yet succumbed to the pleasant lands of DCS and / or CloD!

    Don't get me wrong, '46 will always have a place in my heart and it'll never be bettered in many respects, but the graphical advances, technical challenges, attention to accuracy and over all immersion that the newer sims offer have got me hook line and sinker, BoX included (despite rarely flying it!).

    I have to admit though, whilst I'm fond of the Battle of Britain scenario (being a bit of a Spitfire fan boy and growing up in Kent) CloD has become somewhat flat over recent months. It is starting to feel more like a warm up to the short DCS session that follows.
    That said, we have a great crowd of chaps on Thursdays now, some fresh blood, some old hands. I guess I just miss having some kind of purpose, like SoW or a campaign of sorts (ahem fruitbat). Perhaps things will change when the updates finally come out, two weeks right?

    Not sure I'm trying to get any particular point across, just thinking out loud I guess!
    It's looking and sounding like the Tuesday session is shaping up to be Sunday 2.0, inasmuch as the natural progression of things, BoX becoming the ipso facto replacement for '46.
    So, if I can only fly two nights a week, I guess I need to choose, or if there is a general consensus to change things that's cool too.

    These aren't bad problems to have at all, in fact one thing is for certain, the DangerDogz seem to be in fine fettle indeed.
    Great to see such regular healthy numbers again, we must be doing something right!

    Bloody Nora, I've waffled on haven't I, and not even had a drink!


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  2. The A-10 is a lot of fun, welcome to the Hog club Bill! I only have the A as part of FC3 and it's enough for me at the moment. Especially with the Harrier taking up enough of my grey matter.

    I'm sure you'll enjoy that gatling gun, what a tool.

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  3. 3 minutes ago, FoolTrottel said:

    What on earth happended at 1:45? And how can one see the remnants/traces of smoke a few second before that? I am confused.

    The newly restored Mk XVI TB885 was used on the Saturday (Dutch Squadron painted ?) and what you see is the engine going kaput unfortunately! Also worryingly edited to show the ground explosions, nothing crashed don't worry.

    He landed safely and used a different Spitfire on the Sunday (TA805 Mk IX Spirit of Kent to be precise) :salute:

  4. This week, a single seat IL-2 has been recovered from a lake in Russia and is in remarkably good condition, owing mainly to the conditions on the lake bed and method in which it was put down by the pilot in 1943.

    See the thread here: https://forum.keypublishing.com/showthread.php?145747-Single-Seat-II-2-Lake-Recovery-Russia-this-week

    And latest photos here:


    The same restoration team that performed the work on the other two currently airworthy examples will be tasked to return this aircraft back to flight in a few years time.

    What great news! 

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  5. Huge thanks to all the Dogz for being such splendid company at the weekend, I had a blast.
    The show was fantastic, the weather was sublime and the curry was tasty as usual.

    Plenty of highlights to choose from, but if I had to be specific, probably the Battle of Britain film salute with four Buchons attacking the field from the south, three Sptifires to defend and all accompanied by the soundtrack over the tannoy. Wonderful stuff! All aircraft involved were actual stars of the film too (50 years ago this July).

    I'll be putting together a little video again when I get some time later this week hopefully, so watch this space.

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