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3. Danger Dogz
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Posts posted by BluBear

  1. Hey guys, here's a crazy thought...

    I've read conflicting reports, some say yes, others say no no no, but what if I just added the 16Gb to my existing 8Gb to make 24Gb*?

    Will it do any damage trying or just a case of switch off and whip out the 8Gb if it has a hissy fit?



    *quick maths

  2. 2 hours ago, DD_Fenrir said:

    Is that speculation/wish on your part Nick or have you a source....?

    Well they have performed with Sabres, Lightnings, Bearcats and Spitfires so I suppose it's possible...

    There is a Sabre in France now (Fred Akary exchanged Moonbeam McSwine for one).

  3. Thanks for the advice chaps, I guess I'll be looking to build a totally new rig at some point, not this year though. There's still life in that old dog yet I think. 

    It's on an SSD which does help and the gtx970 I have is decent enough for the time being. I haven't yet OCd the i5, so that could be another tiny win with the extra RAM?

    Dave - thanks PM sent, I'll certainly give them a go if you've no use for them.

    I know it's not always advisable, but maybe I could try mixing them with a brand new pair of Corsairs to make up to the 32? Would that be a bad idea?

  4. Howdy chaps,

    For those of you that fly DCS with me, you'll know that most of my time these days is spent swearing whilst it takes most of the evening to load with my measly 8GB of RAM.
    Every update it gets worse as more and more goodies are added to DCS. So, I'm finally pulling my finger out and ordering some new RAM for my (now 5.5 year old) i5 rig.

    The big question I suppose is, should I go ahead and buy 32GB outright, or go in at 16GB to start with and see where that gets me? Will I really benefit from 32GB with the age of my rig?
    I used the crucial scanner to help identify roughly what I can take, which helpfully reminded me that I have a Gigabyte GA-Z77-DS3H mobo.

    After a bit of searching on ebuyer, I've got my eye on this nicely discounted (£75.14) 16GB set of Corsair Vengeance sticks that should be compatible:


    I've been expecting to pay about £120 for 16GB, hence my question of just stumping up the extra cash, biting the bullet and going for two sets of the above.


    It's been a long time since I upgraded, so would be keen to hear any advice from fellow Dogz before I click the buy button. :)

    Thanks in advnace!

  5. Due to RL commitments, I've had to largely knock Sundays on the head, as you may or may not have noticed.
    I don't miss IL2 1946 so much, but I do miss the banter with some of you gits that haven't yet succumbed to the pleasant lands of DCS and / or CloD!

    Don't get me wrong, '46 will always have a place in my heart and it'll never be bettered in many respects, but the graphical advances, technical challenges, attention to accuracy and over all immersion that the newer sims offer have got me hook line and sinker, BoX included (despite rarely flying it!).

    I have to admit though, whilst I'm fond of the Battle of Britain scenario (being a bit of a Spitfire fan boy and growing up in Kent) CloD has become somewhat flat over recent months. It is starting to feel more like a warm up to the short DCS session that follows.
    That said, we have a great crowd of chaps on Thursdays now, some fresh blood, some old hands. I guess I just miss having some kind of purpose, like SoW or a campaign of sorts (ahem fruitbat). Perhaps things will change when the updates finally come out, two weeks right?

    Not sure I'm trying to get any particular point across, just thinking out loud I guess!
    It's looking and sounding like the Tuesday session is shaping up to be Sunday 2.0, inasmuch as the natural progression of things, BoX becoming the ipso facto replacement for '46.
    So, if I can only fly two nights a week, I guess I need to choose, or if there is a general consensus to change things that's cool too.

    These aren't bad problems to have at all, in fact one thing is for certain, the DangerDogz seem to be in fine fettle indeed.
    Great to see such regular healthy numbers again, we must be doing something right!

    Bloody Nora, I've waffled on haven't I, and not even had a drink!


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  6. The A-10 is a lot of fun, welcome to the Hog club Bill! I only have the A as part of FC3 and it's enough for me at the moment. Especially with the Harrier taking up enough of my grey matter.

    I'm sure you'll enjoy that gatling gun, what a tool.

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