Heres my sorry excuse for a B-29 model lol. i started building it when I was like 16 and got impatient and quit building it, that was like 3 years ago, so I tried to patch up what i could and make it half decent.
The end
Im thinking i can get software deals from the school or my teacher might hook me up. ive been pretty good. i really dont know what you guys are running for il'2 anymore AGAIN. guess thats what i get for distaperin all the time.
I got accepted into a computer class at a trade school where I'm from and its great I get to bata test windows 8. so basically my class is gunna hack it destroy it and dismantle this thing so we can tell Microsoft to get there Sh*t strait Just wanted to share that with my DAWGZ. i just want to get back in touch with all of you again. I tend to fall off the face of the earth time to time.