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Posts posted by DD_Fenrir

  1. In the near future the Dedicated Server will have all maps available - as clients you'll individually have to own it to be able to connect if the server is running a payware map when you wish to connect.

    We would have to open up the decision to a vote as those without a given payware map would be unable to join the Dedicated Server at those times that those missions using payware maps are in rotation and thus we risk excluding certain members from using the Server at certain times.


    • Like 1
  2. Hello chaps/chappesses,

    Think it's safe to upgrade our Skyhawk installations to v1.3 now, not sure about compatibility with host, so if we all smile sweetly at FT and batter our eyelashes, maybe he could install it to the Dedicated Server...

    Available here:


    A-4E-C v1.3.zip is the file you need.

    If we could all have this by Monday 22/4/19 eve chaps could help pre-empt any potential issues joining the server.


  3. Victory205, an ex-real Tomcat driver posting over at the ED forums has covered everything you need to know about getting Tomcat aboard the Carrier in his post here: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=235301

    There is a PDF attached. Read it!

    As an adjunct, he details the functionality of the flaps, slats and spoilers here: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=235701

    The functionality of the Tomcats hanging-outy bits can seem a bit disingenuous so again, read the attached PDF to familiarise yourself with how, why and when these bits work or don't.


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  4. Evening all!

    "What is SRS and why should we care?!" I hear you cry.

    SRS stands for Simple Radio Standalone. It was originally developed as a plug-in for TeamSpeak but now runs completely separate - hence the name.

    Imagine TeamSpeak tied directly to the virtual radio systems in your DCS aircraft. You select a specific channel, on a specific radio and you will only be able to communicate with others on that specific frequency. Change the channel in you virtual cockpit and you change who you can communicate with. Clever, eh? 

    Add to this moves towards making comms sound more realistic, and the ability to simulate various real-world limitations such as line-of-sight only function for certain types, degradation of signal strength over distance, and you can see it's an impressive and immersive little package.

    Why should you care? Well, for our run-of-the-mill nights it'd be overkill, sure, however as we get a bit more cosy in our various a/c I'd like to move towards some slightly more realistic co-op style missions, with multiple mission types occurring at once - in these cases having everyone on a single comms channel could well prove a bit overwhelming and the ability to at a key juncture be able to filter out some irrelevant chatter about a dogfight 80 miles away could save your ass when your wingman's SAM launch warning isn't squashed by some loud bugger yelling about the bandit he just splashed!

    Add to this the increasing number of interesting dynamic-theatre based servers other than our own that are out there that almost all use SRS, having it installed and being familiar with how to use it will allow us as a group to descend en-masse into a server other than our own for some away action, or for you yourself to investigate and participate a little more fully on these servers if you fancy moonlighting on your own if no other Dog is around.

    By no means is this mandatory, and will not replace our Teamspeak comms but I recommend you at least check it out.



    If you get far enough to set-up your own favourites list, our SRS is running on:

    I would recommend getting familiar with the in virtual cockpit mic switch button bindings for your particular rides, and have a spare key/button binding to make TeamSpeak Push-to-Talk activated, else it kinda negates the point! ;)


  5. 2. Pulse Dopplar

    Many thanks to Mudspike for putting up the article here: https://www.mudspike.com/dcs-f-15c-combat-guide-for-beginners/

    Of which I copy the relevant part below as it sums up what pulse dopplar is all about far better than I could hope to emulate.I recommend dropping in to Mudspike regularly during your internet sojourns to see what other nuggets of info they can furnish you with.


    Terminator Vision: How does a Pulse Doppler Radar see the world?

    Whoever has seen a Pulse Doppler radar, whether in real life or in pictures, could think they are pretty alien looking devices. A large electronic piece of equipment, with wires and tubing coming in and out, and a large, often flat antenna at the end, which usually has the ability to move. This all hidden in a nosecone that is completely translucent, but only to radio-waves. Surely there can be no comparison to something as mundane as the human body?

    Technically, radio-waves are waves of a type we call electromagnetic radiation. Another type of electromagnetic radiation is.. Normal every day light. The very type coming of your screen right now. There are major differences of course. The cellphone right next to you can communicate with the closest cell tower with no problems, while your vision is limited to the very room you are in now. You cannot see very far in bad weather, but the radar at your local airport has every nearby airplane on their scope. In order to visualize the radar, I’m going to compress the wavelength, λ from metres into micrometers (µm) In order to allow you to see them! Technically, a specific hue of yellow sits in the middle of the visible spectrum, but in order for the best contrast I’m going to ‘calibrate’ my radar to green.

    © NASA


    This is what you see with your own eyes when flying over a specific part of the Georgia terrain near the mountains. beautiful, is it not?


    This is the very same scenery as seen through a Pulse-Doppler radar. Important to note that all the colours are gone. I’ll explain more about that later. Also the beautiful atmosphere, which reflects a lot of blue colours, is not very good at reflecting radar waves. Any targets high in the air have nothing but cold, dead space as their background.


    We see an F-15 that is travelling away from us! but somehow it has a different colour than the background. This is because by travelling away from us, the F-15 causes reflected radar-waves to have a lower frequency, their wavelength elongated. This causes it to appear to be of a different colour to the Pulse-Doppler radar. It is now very visible, and could possibly be locked on to. This effect is called Redshift8.


    We now see an F-15 coming right at us! The effect is reversed. The frequency is increased, the wavelength gets compressed. It now appears blue to the Pulse-Doppler radar!

    This concludes the first learning objective of this chapter. A Pulse-Doppler radar is sensitive to motion of objects closing in or receding.


    © Universal Pictures

    A vision based on movement. Quite useful when one has to fight fast-movers, don’t you think? However, what would happen if we didn’t close in or recede from the doppler radar all? Just perfectly sideways? We now don’t close in or recede from the radar any more than the surrounding terrain.


    With only cold space as our background we are still very visible.


    However with only terrain as background we become nearly invisible! An important thing to remember is that it may take longer for a pulse to return from the background terrain than it would from your jet. So under certain conditions ( either high altitude or at slant angles) The lock could possibly be maintained.

    For the next learning objective. I have a task for you to do. I want you to look up some images of 4th generation fighters. The F-16, The F-15 (naturally) and also some newer or stealth designs. The F-117, the B-2, the F-22 and the F-35. I want you to take a good look at the air intakes especially. Even to the untrained eye, it is apparent that the designers went through a great deal of effort, even on the 4th gen, to hide the first stage compressor blades, “the fan”. On the stealth designs, the fans are not visible at all from the outside. The fifth generation US/NATO fighters appear to have some sort of system that can block the view on the fans, called a diverterless inlet25 which also has other benefits. In-case you didn’t see any of those, I’ll provide one image.

    Image credit: ontheroger.proboards.com

    With those images fresh in mind, let’s take a look at the complete opposite. An abomination in terms of RCS (radar cross section). The A-10C Thunderbolt II. Also known as the Warthog, a favorite aircraft for many readers of this article, I’m sure.


    In this angle, the Warthog is approaching us and thus appears blue. However, there is something special about the fans. Fans typically move at a high subsonic speed. In this angle, half of the blades are moving away from us,they appear red to our radar. The other half is approaching us, and appear Violet (You can think of violet like blue, but worse). This effect is about as attention grabbing to the Pulse-Doppler radar as a poison dart frog is to your humanoid eyes. It is also an important component of the NCTR (Non-Cooperative Target Recognition) system. The computer ‘understands’ these are the intakes and with other parameters, calculates the distance between them and compares this with a table of known aircraft models. The last thing is that the fan, by its very nature is, constantly moving. This means that whenever a new pulse arrives at the target aircraft. The fan will be in a different position. Each and every pulse than has a chance to be reflected ‘perfectly’ of a fan blade. Increasing visibility. The chance is increased if the repetition frequency of the pulse is higher. What are you supposed to learn? The F-15 may give his position and presence away if flying directly at a hostile. That’s the only way you can get to see the fans on the F-15.

    There is a weapon in your arsenal that allows you to defend yourself against radar.. It’s called Chaff. Chaff are strips of aluminium, tin or plastic coated with a metal that reflect radar waves. The purpose of this is to present ‘fake targets’ to the enemy.


    Chaffs are very hard to see under normal conditions. So I will use a cloud to represent chaff. Like all other objects, Chaff appears coloured to the radar.


    Chaff doesn’t fly very fast. It pretty much floats a few hundred milliseconds after it was dropped. Like all other non-moving objects, it appears green. This radar is not fooled by the enemy. Let’s hope the pilot had something nice to eat during his last meal because it was probably his last. Dropping chaff is near useless when approaching or receding from the enemy. You can only hope a bundle of chaff blocks the radar from looking directly at you if you are receding. So what happens if we combine the knowledge with what we learned before? If we fly directly sideways and then deploy chaff?


    Jackpot! Add in background clutter and it will be even more effective! 


    • Like 2
  6. 1. Antenna, Scan Areas and Range

    Lets start with the basic misconception.

    I have a honking great radar on the front of my awesome supersonic fighter jet, so it can detect any plane too far for me to acquire visually in front of my aircraft, and display it on a nice fat radar screen which upon which can easily see them all and determine friend from foe, and each their altitude, heading and airspeed.


    This is the more accurate version:

    I have a honking great radar on the front of my awesome supersonic fighter jet, that - if I manipulate it correctly - might detect some planes too far for me to acquire visually in a very narrow slice of the sky somewhere in a horizontal 120° arc in front of my aircraft, and display it on a small confusing radar screen that - if I manipulate it correctly - might let me determine friend from foe, and if I'm lucky their altitude, heading and airspeed.

    Adjust your expectations accordingly...

    So, lets start at what the antenna can actually see...


    The main lobe is what we use to do the detecting - in the F-14Bs AN/AWG-9 this is kicking out the bulk of the 10.2 kilowatts (!!!!) of radar energy and sending it down range, relying on the sensitive receiver antennae to pick up the faint reflected returns of anything that got in it's way. 

    Now for the surprise. This main lobe is effectively only 6° wide total.

    "Hang on a minute, Fen!" I hear you cry, "you said that we can see in a horizontal 120° arc in front of the aircraft! How on earth can a beam only 6° wide see a full 120° arc???"

    Well, simply it can't and neither can you. Much like walking through an unknown and very dark building with a flashlight, you would naturally scan your beam of light left to right to make sure you're not about to bump into anything nasty. So it is with your radar antenna. It is sweeping left and right to the limits 60° either side of the bore-sight line of your aircraft.

    At any given snapshot you cannot see the entire 120° arc - any contacts displayed are always shown at the last position they were detected when the antenna last swept over that location.

    This azimuth sweep is automatic, and commences the moment the radar is turned on and in a search mode (there are modes on which it does not sweep but more of these later) and the speed of the sweep depends on a variety of factors. However the typical time to sweep one half cycle (i.e. From left most to right most limit) is generally around 1-2 seconds depending on the radar.

    In most of the radar equipped aircraft in DCS that are flyable this is represented on the radar display in some form: as a line on the F/A-18 radar page, similarly on the F-14 DDI and as a carat on the bottom edge of the F-15 radar display are examples.

    It should be noted that 120 is not the only option for your scan width; there will be times when it is advisable or even mandatory to select a narrower azimuth range to be scanning but more of that later.

    To be expanded - awaiting still more typing from Fen.....

  7. Gonna start a series of mini-lecture threads to give you guys something to reference to hopefully dispel some misconceptions you may have and increase your understanding of how some of the systems in real-life work and how they are emulated in DCS.

    We'll start with Radar, as this is not quite the magic, invisible, omniscient eye that some may (thanks to generations of earlier jet-sims with massively over-simplified representations of radar and its capabilities) think it is.

  8. Lovely little(!) railway there Mark, my Dad's just gotten into US G gauge 1:32 scale (or was it 1:29...?) and is threatening to make a start on the permanent way this summmer. That's alongside the shed he built for his o gauge layout! Seems you can't have enough railways....

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  9. Some resources specific to getting lock on dem pesky MiGs in the Cat:

    Long range for AIM-54 Phoenix:

    The RIO has full control of the radar in this mode. The RIO should be in TWS mode (Track While Scan).

    Jester will be in 'TWS Auto' as a default.

    Make sure as pilot your "MSL PREP" switch is ON, and has been for 2 MIN before attempting to launch.

    Ensure your Horizontal Situation Display Indicator (HSD) [lower of your two TV screens] is set to TID - use the square topped switch on your right vertical panel by your right virtual knee; it needs to be in the middle position.

    This offers no control of the radar; it is simply repeating the Radar display that your RIO/Jester is currently manipulating.

    Hide your Control Stick to get better visibility of the TID. Default keybinding is 'Backspace'.

    Select your Phoenix missiles by pressing your "Weapon Select UP" switch till you see Sparrow (SP) in your HUD. Then press "Weapon Select PRESS" - note, NOT "Weapon Select DOWN". You should then see see Phoenix (PH) in your HUD and a number below indicating how many of them you have loaded currently.

    Flick the Master Arm Safety cover up (right click the red-white switch cover on the right hand side of the ACM panel immediately below the HUD) then switch the Master Arm Switch itself to "ON" with a right-click.

    Jester will call any bogeys/bandits/friendlies detected in the field of view of the radar. He will also try to identify unknowns via IFF.

    Range is indicated by the dashed lines. Each represents 20 nm, as do the gaps between. 

    Friendlies will have a ̑ symbol above the contact dot. 

    Unknowns will have a  ͆  symbol above the contact dot.

    Hostiles will have a ˆsymbol above the contact dot. 

    Numeral to the left of the contact dot indicates altitude:

    0 = 0 - 4,999ft

    1 = 5,000 - 14,999ft

    2 = 15,000 - 24,999ft

    3 = 25,000 - 34,999ft

    .. and so on.


    The Weapon Control System (WCS) will automatically start assigning target priority numbers to unknown or hostile contacts. These will appear to the right of the contact dot. They will number as many Phoenixes as you have aboard the aircraft.

    These targets are all being tracked and are, for want of a better word, soft locked. You do not have to enter any further key inputs.

    As soon as the target is within maximum theoretical range it will start to flash and you will see a "HOT TRIGGER" light lit on the ACM  panel immediately below the HUD. DO NOT FIRE AT THIS POINT. Unless your going 1000mph at 40,000ft and your target is a huge lumbering bomber/transport that can't manoeuvre a damn, you'll be wasting a shot.

    Let the target(s) get under 40nm (25-30 is best) and then press the trigger - NOT the pickle button - for 1 second to release the first AIM-54 at the first priority target. IT WILL TAKE 2-3 SECONDS TO COME AWAY AS THERE'S A LOTTA SHIT GOING ON! The "HOT TRIGGER" light will extinguish.

    The priority one target symbol on the TID will change from number 1 to a countdown indicating the missiles Time of Flight.

    Wait a mo and the "HOT TRIGGER" light will re-light letting you know that Phoenix 2 is ready to fire and will be assigned to the no. 2 prioritised target.  Press the trigger for 1 second to release it. Again it will take a few seconds before the missile leaves the aircraft.

    Rinse repeat until all your Phoenixes are gone.

    Select your Sparrow missiles with "Weapon Select PRESS" (SP in your HUD) and get ready to pick up any stragglers with PAL lock... see below.


    Under 20 nautical miles:



    And some specific Sidewinder modes:



    • Thanks 1
  10. Gentlemen, the Cat has landed...


    You Hornet jocks have some new toys to wrap your grey matter around also.


    Gonna be a biggie so get d/ling...

    As with any large update, I would recommend deleting your "fxo" and "metashaders"/"metashaders 2" folders from your x:\Users\*yourusername*\Saved Games\DCS folder prior to running chaps.


    DCS: MiG-19P Farmer by RAZBAM Simulations is now available.
    DCS F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations.
    Introduced of the DCS Dedicated Server.

    DCS World
    • Static objects linked to a parent object with offset fixation will ow rotate with the parent object (i.e. static objects on an aircraft carrier).
    • AI combat vehicles. Buildings and allied units in the the line of sight prevents weapon fire.
    • MP. Multiple clients will not spawn in the same location on the CVN-74 deck.
    • Fixed bug that could potentially cause SFM aircraft to explode at spawn.
    • Improved performance of some scripting functions.
    • Open mission/track panels. Added ability to sort files by typing by first letter of the file name.
    • Fixed frequent crash with mission scripting - script trying to destroy aircraft when aircraft trigger some event , as result - aircraft destroyed in the middle of self activity which result crash on next line after posting event.
    • Aircraft AI. Fixed crash caused by the bingo fuel landing at aircraft carrier.
    • JTAC will now not report Rapier as SA-2.
    • ME. Ground units. Added different colors for detection and engagement range rings.
    • ME. Deleted non-functional PLANNING CARGO indicator from aircraft payload menu.
    • MP. The glass in the cockpit will be transparent, not black, during texture loading after spawning into the cockpit.
    • MP. Some tuning of Server options panel.
    • MP. Client aircraft disappears, if he disconnects from the server on pause and joins back, fixed.
    • Mi-8MTV2 and UH-1H AI helicopters. Onboard gunners are implemented. From now the AI gunners will engage different types of threats within their (gunners') weapons range.
    • Airborne troops can embarking to second helicopter after disembarking from the first one.
    • ME. Corrected an enabling checkbox of Sand storm setting.
    • Scripts. Fixed frequent crash with mission scripting - script trying to destroy aircraft when aircraft trigger some event.
    • AI KC-130 will not taxiing reverse after refueling.
    • Input axis binding causes UI "freeze" and Lua error in dcs.log fixed.
    • MP. Increased timeouts to 10 minutes.
    • ME. Triggers. Added new field to message action with delay message in seconds.
    • Fixed a crash when player left aircraft for AI control with scheduled two identical failures, which caused them to mess.
    • Fixed a crash if player ejects himself in the middle of refueling procedure.
    • Dedicated server. Log update now checks if lifecycle is enabled.
    • Dedicated server. File selector: 'Saved Games' topmost folder. Only show relative path from it.
    • R-27R and R-27T DLZ is corrected.
    • Black screen flickering on the some video cards fixed.
    • Fixed crash when use trigger "Start player seat lock" with incorrect number.
    • Ship's cruise missiles. Fixed a wrong launch orientation of missile.
    • ME. Corrected unit templates: Hawk SAM Battery standard and Hawk SAM Battery reinforced, S-300, Patriot. Corrected name of Rapira position.

    DCS M-2000C by RAZBAM
    • Weapon positions fixed
    • Cockpit internal lighting improved
    • Mission 1 and Mission 12 updates in the Campaign
    • Previous fixes now added:
      -Weapon positions fixed

    • Weapon positions fixed
    • MPCD Transparency background fix
    • KC-135 MPRS wingtip vortices position fixed
    • Bitching Betty sounds upgraded
    • Cockpit internal lighting improved
    • Ground Proximity Warning System enabled
    • Previous fixes now added:
      -Weapon positions fixed
      -MPCD Transparency background fix
      -KC-135 MPRS wingtip vortices position fixed
      -Ground Proximity Warning System enabled
    • Tpod Point track issue Fixed
    • ASL line behavior fixed
    • Fuel Probe Model Changed
    • Training Missions Updated
    • Fuel Probe Model Adjusted to match real airframe
    • DMT can now track moving targets
    • MPCD Brightness control enabled

    DCS C-101 by AvioDev
    • Improved textures of cockpit structure and front panel
    • Fixed canopy textures
    • Fixed pilot textures
    • All liveries are now also accessible to users that do not own the module
    • Fixed engine failure due to ice accretion
    • Added the following failures:
      Engine flameout with relight
      Engine flameout without relight
      Engine anti-ice failure
      Chip in oil (including engine damage accumulation if engine is mishandled)
      GS and LOC signal failures
      VOR, TACAN, DME, ADF and radio altimeter failures
      Pitch trim runaway - Nose up
      Pitch trim runaway - Nose down
      Control stick pitch trim switch failure
      Control stick aileron trim switch failure
      Rudder trim failure
      Left gear extension fault
      Left gear retraction fault
      Right gear extension fault
      Right gear retraction fault
      Nose gear extension fault
      Nose gear retraction fault
      Flaps fault
    • Front and rear cockpits synchronization in multiplayer (multicrew):
      Fixed dc bus tie and engine anti-ice syncs
      Added fuel valve, submerged pump and fuselage fuel quantity syncs
      Added partially functioning transfer pumps and start-up sequence syncs
      Fixed fuel pumps synchronization
    • Fixed refueling on ground (Still WIP, can only refuel up to 97% and cannot defuel)
    • Added buffet vibration and sound, due to high angle of attack, high g-force or high airspeed.
    • Fixed refuelling and defuelling processes.
    • Solved issue with engine shutdown at high altitudes when moving throttle in a slightly abrupt way.
    • Added Force Feedback.
    • Fixed emergency fuel lever full travel. It now reaches the max position.
    • Improved buffet. It now vibrates depending not only in G load but also in AoA at high G loads.
    • Added new ejection seat to external model.
    • Added synchronization of the following systems to multicrew:
      -Canopy (partially working)
      -Radios priority
      -Navigation priority
      -VOR/TCN selector
      -HSI course/heading selector
      -Fuel test
      -Emergency air brake
      -Emergency landing gear deployment (working partially, only front cockpit)
    • Updated CN localization.
    • Solved issue with telebriefing dimmer moving ADF intercom button.

    DCS Christen Eagle II by Magnitude 3 LLC
    • Introduction of new pilots and associated textures.

    DCS Fw 190 D-9
    • ME, payload. Corrected the order of hardpoints.
    • The asymmetrical loadouts in the ingame payload panel are not possible now.
    • The sensitivity of rotaries EZ42 Gunsight Target Distance Control and EZ42 Gunsight Altitude Aiming Correction Adjusting Knob I is decreased for fine tuning.

    DCS Bf 109 K-4
    • Corrected the parking places in the Taxi and Takeoff training mission.

    DCS F/A-18C
    • MIDS with Link 16 datalink functionality was added
    • Situational Awareness (SA) page basic functionality was added: MSI symbology, PPLI, F/F, and SURV tracks, EW symbols, air defense zones, TUC data, chaff/flares data, waypoints and route, and Sensor subpage
    • IFF was improved: possibility to interrogate target on RDR page with no radar lock
    • Link 16 capable AI aircraft were improved to interact with F/A-18C
    • NCTR function was added
    • Corrected Hornet 1989-OCA.miz
    • Turn rate indication on ADI page was fixed
    • HARM Target of Opportunity (TOO) mode was added
    • Some minor fixes in HARM SP mode
    • Tone for HARM handoff in SP mode was added
    • WYPT indication on HUD will not jumps when heading goes through zero.
    • Switching DDI's from left to right will not causes loss of contacts.
    • On the SA page, the TDC will always be displayed as priority and "over" other symbols.
    • SA TDC will be yellow color.
    • Fixed bug that can caused to ghost contacts on SA page in multiplayer.
    • SA page. Locked donor will be marked star symbol.
    • Only a contact determined as hostile (red, chevron), will have a diamond TD marker on the HUD.
    • Fixed uncommanded roll with crosswind.
    • Added HARM TD box on HUD.
    • F/A-18C. The TDC will be always displayed as priority and "over" other symbols on the SA page.
    • F/A-18C. AGM-65 and AGM-88 don't disappear from stations 2 & 8 after fired fixed.
    • Corrected heading values on radar page.
    • F/A-18C missions: added HARM instant action mission, added more threats, added Hornet Nevada mission, updated sound trigger, updated SAMs, added waypoints, Added Hornet low alt recce mission for Normandy map, added new Hornet instant action caucasus mission, added voice-overs. Added French, Korean and Russian localization. Updated for datalink. The big part of Instant Action missions relocated to the Single missions.
    • SA page with large number of threats will not causes significant FPS hit.
    • Hostile identification on SA fixed (WIP).
    • INS alignment procedure fixed (WIP).
    • Added initial Latent Track While Scan (LTWS) mode
    • Missing AGM-65F timing after re-arming is restored.
    • Correct sequence of bombs release from double rack.
    • Optimization of afterburner nozzles animation.
    • Folded wings produce bug on 2nd and other LODs fixed.
    • INS set correctly on Autostart.
    • INS alignment fixed.
    • Updates to IFF and datalink to include interrogation of already locked target

    DCS Flaming Cliffs
    • MiG-29. RPM hangs at 100% if player moves throttle from max to medium position at supersonic speeds is fixed.
    • Su-33. Training lessons from Simon Pearson added.
    • Su-33. Fixed small jumps on carrier spawn.

    DCS F-5E
    • Corrected some cockpit materials: radar indicator, gunsight glass, pilot textures.

    DCS F-86F
    • Added chinese manual.

    DCS MiG-15bis
    • Added chinese manual.

    DCS MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3 LLC
    • Fixed flight model not reacting to damage values.

    DCS Campaigns
    A-10C Basic Flight Training (BFT) Campaign:
    BFT08 - Corrected Manual Reversion oscillations.
    BFT10 - Corrected altitude triggers. Added F10 Nav Point references for VR.
    The Enemy Within 3.0
    Mission 02: Updated radio settings for the wingman (35.5 FM).
    Mission 04: Small adjustments and bug fixes for radio system. Updated laser code in the kneeboard.
    Mission 05: Fixed bug where sometimes the RTB conversation wouldn't be played. Wingman will no longer speak after he has been shot down.
    Mission 12: Updated timing of some voiceovers.
    Mission 16: Fixed bug where HVA would be destroyed even if player killed all enemy units.
    Mission 18: Fixed rare bug when some players would not hear comms with Overlord.
    Black Shark 2 Republic Campaign. Structure of campaign changed. Minor changes in missions.
    L-39 Kursant campaign. Changed banking around targets.
    Mi-8MTV2 Oilfield: 16th mission, place of emergency landing of 325th moved to the clean place.
    TEW 3.0 by Baltic Dragon
    Mission 13: Updated positions of some enemy units to decrease difficulty a little. Fixed occasional bug with allied helos not landing on the roof - now they will land beside the main building.
    M-2000C Red Flag by Baltic Dragon
    Mission 06: Updated F-14 model and loadout. Reduced skill of Aggressor Phantoms.
    Mission 11: Updated triggers for Hawg flights - they should RTB when task is complete. If AI flights crash after mission complete it won't affect the score.


  11. Depends on your hardware Dave;

    Warthog users get a fairly comprehensive and apparently logical mapping.

    I, on the other hand, with my cosmopolitan selection of hardware elements, did not.

    What you looking for specifically? Recommendations of what to map to your HOTAS as priority controls?

  12. The A-4E mod has jus received an update!


    v1.3 Changelog:
    - New carrier catapult mechanic
    - New RWR System, complete with originally produced sounds
    - Aircraft chocks now available, allowing carrier cold starts
    - Enhanced Shrike Usage, with originally produced sounds
    - Reworked Internal Lighting
    - New Menu Music by Eric Haugen (Thanks!)
    - New collision Mesh (Hitbox), aircraft no longer invincible
    - Huffer now works on carriers
    - Fixed TrackIR issues

    However, for now, for the sake of simplicity and making sure for tonight's session we are all singing from the same hymn sheet, I strongly suggest you delay updating.

    It would be best to wait until the current Beta version is ported to the Release as this also solves the issue of exploding Skyhawks when spawning cold & dark on the ground.  


    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  13. 25 minutes ago, Kira said:

    Crash, the answer should be "NO, you do NOT need DCS Beta installed.  The STABLE version should be fine.  It's the module itself, the F-14B, that is in Beta form."  I think.  Can't guarantee it, but I'm 95% sure this will be the case.

    Translation: We should all be flying our Beta version of the F-14Bs on the newly installed Dogz DCS Stable server on day one of release: March 13th/14th.

    Alas, Kira, this would fly in the face of the release process of every module thus far released. Unless they make a special case for the 14 - which isn't beyond the realm of possibility I grant you - but I haven't seen any information to support this.

    As such I would tend to assume the worst case and that it will release to open beta first.

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