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Posts posted by DD_Fenrir

  1. Well, thanks for your feedback gents.

    It's nice and all but... ain't that easy. There's more questions to be considered:


    DCS looks after itself for the moment... some co-op style missions are WiP by me but at least we have a DF server we can roll in on at any time and practise what we like.

    CloD - similar to DCS. Some co-ops might be nice but we don't have a repository as such.

    GBS - DF server is good but for the co-op element we are reliant on FT/Arthur/other to provide co-ops; are they available on these days? Does FT permanently have to sit there editing co-ops and not fly? Does he even want to?

    Il-2:1946 - Are FT/Crash (our traditional '46 hosts) available on a Wednesday? Do they even want to host still if they are? If not, who can/will?

    My suggestion was based purely on the numbers. These elements have yet to be considered and as such will require input from the affected parties.



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  2. My suggestion:

    GBS BoX is now our primary and logically occupies the #1. Tuesday slot.

    DCS would logically be then the #2 Thursday slot.

    However in order to give members a better chance of flying the primary sim in a social manner, I believe GBS deserves two nights a week in order to allow exposure to the greatest number of members.

    Ergo #3. Sunday should also be GBS.

    CloD then moves to Monday, and Il-2 1946 to Wednesday.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 2
  3. But then Sid can't make DCS Thursday...

    This is not gonna be simple.

    We're gonna have people left out whatever we decide. At some point  we just have to go with what's got the numbers and if it's inconvenient then tough titties - if virtual flying socially with the dogs is important to you then you'll you do what you can to make real life arrangements to allow you to fly the nights you wish.

    We cannot pander to everyone's convenience. It's impossible.

    Everyones suggestion thus far has merit, which makes it doubly problematic.

    • Thanks 2
  4. Howdy chaps.

    Results are in.

    Before I announce the results, a quick explanation of how the voting was scored: 

    For simplicity, I went with a "points based on preference" philosophy, so First place = 1 Point, Second place = 2 points, etc.  As such it was a "lowest score wins" structure.

    Ergo, for the sims a voter had a total of 10 points (1+2+3+4=10) to distribute amongst the sims.

    For the days a voter had a total of 28 points (1+2+3+4+5+6+7=28) to distribute amongst the days.

    Where a voter only applied a preference position to one or a few of the total available sim/day choices, the remaining points total left available to the voter were applied equally over the remaining un-preferenced choices. For example if a user chose only Il-2: 1946, that scored 1 point. The remaining sims then scored equally (10-1)/3 = 3.


    The scores as follows:


    1. GBS/Box - 55 points

    2. DCS - 63.5 points

    3. CloD - 78 points

    4. Il-2: 1946 - 83.5 points



    1. Tuesday - 80 points

    2. Thursday - 95 points

    3. Sunday - 100 points

    4. Monday - 101 points

    5. Wednesday - 114.5 points

    6. Friday - 141 points

    7. Saturday - 152.5 points


    A total of 28 out of a potential 35 members voted, representing a round 80% turnout.

    Spreadsheet attached for transparency. Please feel free to double check and tell me if I made any errors.

    DangerDogz Voting 2019.xlsx

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 5
  5. For transmittal of forces - as long as the eye of the rose is both mounted and aligned correctly, and one end of the rod is fixed in my mind it *should* work.

    Use the FFB as axis and the assign the Warthog buttons. Simples! He says...

  6. Now that's some out of the box thinking there Dave - like that idea a lot! 

    Could be doable however, rather than add springs to the transfer circuit, which would dilute the FFB, why not use geometry to provide the necessary gearing to match the throws; similar to how old fashioned rack and pinion steering mechanisms provide differential rates of wheel angle whether steering left or right?

    Using the right length of arm in combination of mounting the MSFFB2 base at an angle could allow the centres to coincide and full travels to match at the same time?


  7. So, looking at the member map, activity in forums, communication and those who I know to have flown with us at least once in the last year, I came up with 35 no. members. There maybe some others.

    Of that, 25 have thus far voted, making 71.43%.

    I was going to allow till midnight Sunday 26th May 2019 and then publish the results.

    • Thanks 2
  8. We all like the Chuck's Guides that have been available for most of the DCS modules as a nicely condensed version of "what you need to know" in a relatively quick reference format, unfortunately a Chucks Guide wasn't forthcoming for the Tomcat; for a very good reason it turns out.

    As a US employee working for a contractor with links to the DoD he could not be seen to be generating materials that could be beneficial to countries that the US of A holds in some disregards - in this case there was some concern that an F-14 Chucks Guide could be used by the Iranians as training material for their actual F-14 pilots!

    I shit you not.

    However, given the recent hoo-ha regarding manuals, a Russian and sensitive materials it might not seem so far fetched but in any case, Chuck decided not to risk his career or his liberty and declined to produce a Guide for the Cat in the off chance someone decided he was a persona non-grata. 

    Fortunately another gregarious soul has stepped into the breach. MD-44 of Air Group 51 decided to give it a bash - and not a bad job he's done either! 

    Available here:


    • Like 1
  9. Quote

    Pre-Order DCS: F-16C Viper On 22 May 2019 and Save 20%
    The amazing F-16C is coming to DCS World! Pre-order it next week on 22 May and save 20%. Early access is planned for the beginning of autumn 2019.

    The F-16C is a single seat, single engine multirole fighter that was developed in the 1970s. More than 4,500 units were manufactured and are operated today by 26 countries where the aircraft performs numerous missions that include air superiority, close air support, precision bombing, air defense suppression, reconnaissance and more. Few other aircraft can match its versatility, maneuverability, firepower, and huge production numbers.


    Nicknamed the Viper by its pilots, the F-16 was designed with a reclined seating position for high G tolerance and a single-piece bubble canopy for exceptional visibility and comfort. Its lightweight and powerful F-110-GE-129 engine provides a greater than 1:1 thrust ratio.
    Housed in the nose of the Viper is a multifunction APG-68(V)5 radar. The aircraft can also be equipped with multiple sensors such as the Sniper XR targeting pod and HARM Targeting System (HTS).

    The Viper is armed for air-to-air combat with Sidewinders, AMRAAMs, and an internal 20mm 6-barrel Gatling gun. It can also be loaded with a wide range of air-to-ground weapons that include general purpose bombs, rockets, canister munitions, Mavericks, laser- and GPS-guided bombs, and more. The F-16 provides endless gameplay in DCS World!

    Key Features of DCS: F-16C Viper

    • Professional Flight Model (PFM) and authentic fly-by-wire Flight Control System (FCS).
    • The most realistic model of the F-16C imaginable, down to each bolt and flake of paint, animated controls surfaces, lights, damage model, and landing gear.
    • Detailed simulation of the Viper’s many sub-systems like engines, fuel, electrical, hydraulic, radios, lighting, emergency, and many, many more. Although features like "auto start" are available, the sense of accomplishment cannot be overstated while learning to operate this state-of-the-art machine.
    • Dozens of air-to-air and air-to-ground weapons and sensors. From simple rockets to high-tech GPS and laser-guided bombs, experience what only F-16C pilots have experienced ‘til now.
    • A highly realistic and exhaustively researched cockpit that is mouse interactive with 6-degrees of freedom. Interact with the cockpit by pressing buttons and moving switches. You will feel like part of the aircraft with our Advanced Systems Modeling (ASM).
    • Authentic F-16C sounds.
    • Virtual Reality support. Take advantage of the latest VR technologies to immerse yourself in the simulation. Other than the G's, you will feel like you are there!
    • Multiple liveries for the United States Air Force and Air National Guard, Air Force, Turkey, Greece, Israel, and others.


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  10. Another BIG update today chaps. Lots of fixes for everyone, plus the I-16 is available! Will add to mission ASAP:


    Introducing DCS: I-16 by OctopusG

    Network protocol changed, old servers are not visible

    DCS World
    • F10 map options for 'a/c only' and 'map only' will not make airbase icons disappear.
    • Uncontrolled ground units will not be be controlled by keyboard combos.
    • MP. Detected units in the fog of war conditions will be visible after reconnecting to the server.
    • MT4 Sherman and MT4A4 Sherman speed corrected.
    • All AIM-7 missiles have active guidance seekers like an AIM-120 - fixed.
    • M6 Linebacker will reload all Stingers by the stock for 240 seconds.
    • M192 HAWK launcher will reload faster, for 420 seconds.
    • After rearm SAM Hawk does not not attack enemy - fixed.
    • AIM-7 wing animation fixed.
    • AGM-88 adjusted accuracy. Autopilot tuning, overload rate response slightly decreased for avoid a hard bucketing.
    • AI S-3B can't takeoff from CVN-70 in some case - fixed.
    • Dedicated Server. Fix mission restart, now server not crashes even if next mission do not exists or broken.
    • AI aircraft will be accelerate to required speed for weapon launch if this weapon required certain minimum speed. For example ARM missile Kh-31 requires minimum 0.7M for sure launch.
    • MP. F10 map. With target mark on, the aircraft type, player nick and mark text is overlapped - fixed.
    • Fixed crash caused by video driver NV 430.39 when MK-20 or CBU canisters opens. We strongly recommend to update Nvidia drivers to version 430.53 (https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answ...tail/a_id/4798) for preventing crashes on graphical effects.
    • MP. Fixed crash on the taxi in the multiseater aircraft.
    • MP. Fixed starting dedicated server with settings saved from webGUI also checks if mission list is empty.
    • ME and F10 map. Added view of precise coordinates with hundredths of seconds. Cycle through coordinate display option available by pressing LAlt + Y.
    • ME. Incorrect removal of the list Waypoint properties fixed.
    • Ground AI. The algorithm of detour of buildings and obstacles was adjusted.
    • AGM-88. Turned off the loft trajectory for SP and TOO modes. Fixed trajectory sagging at terminal phase of flight.
    • TrackIR_external_views option will not inherited from previous simulation run.

    Flaming Cliffs 3
    • Duplicated input for Autopilot reset command in Su-27, 33 and Mig-29 aircraft both FC and standalone is now fixed.
    • MiG-29 throttle lag decreased (WIP)
    • MiG-29. Corrected RD-33 thrust and RPM at high altitude

    • Cockpit textures updated
    • MPCD Knobs Fixed
    • MPCD Brightness Control Updated
    • MPCD BIT Page enabled
    • LCD Display Updated
    • Damage Model is now enabled (WiP):
    • INS System
    • RWR Receiver
    • Weapons Stations
    • Chaff + Flares
    • SMS Damage enabled
    • DMT Damage enabled
    • FLIR Damage enabled
    • CMDS Damage enabled
    • CONF Page enabled
    • Training Missions updated
    • HUD Update: Steer-To point symbol available on NAV and VTOL modes.
    • HUD reacts to device damage:
      - INS
      - Mission Computer (MSC)
      - Weapons Manager (SMS)
      - Armament Control Panel (ACP)
      - Aircraft Computer (ADC)
    • Roll Stabilized Sight (iron sight) enabled (WiP)
    • MPCD STRS (Stores) page reacts to device damage (WiP)
    • Weapons Manager (SMS) damage model update (WiP)

    DCS C-101 by AvioDev
    • Added emergency fuel lever functionality and dependency on emergency fuel valve.
    • Added engine computer total failure.
    • Ignition light comes now on when emergency fuel valve is ON.
    • No more buffet on ground when there's wind.
    • Implemented the following Weapons circuit breakers:
      - CAMERA SIGHT (energizes the sight)
      - 115VAC SIGHT (energizes the sight head gyros)
    • Force feedback:
      -The stick does center now in roll when there is hydraulic pressure (stick stiffness in roll depends on hydraulic pressure)
      -Stick force in roll depends now on hydraulic pressure. (Low hyd press means more force at higher speeds)
    • Added pitch trim tone sound (both cockpits).
    • Added pitch trim tone circuit breaker.
    • Emergency guard cuts emergency pitch trim when closed.
    • No pitch trim tone sound when using normal trim and emergency trim guard is open.
    • When CB (circuit breaker) “PITCH TRIM TONE” in C-101EB is out, emergency trim guard does not cut the relation between speed brake switch and trim electrical circuits.
    • Changed emergency trim switch to spring-loaded type.
    • C-101CC ELT switch changed to spring-loaded type.
    • C-101EB TARSYN synchronization switch changed to spring-loaded type.
    • Fixed “AUDIO PANEL” label in C-101CC circuit breakers panel.
    • Added functionality of the following circuit breakers of armament panel in the C-101CC:
    • Fixed cockpit frame roundness between front and rear canopies.
    • Fixed position of some of C-101CC circuit breakers of weapons panel, so that the white ring is visible when the circuit breaker is tripped.
    • Fixed default position of C-101CC circuit breakers: white ring not visible now when the circuit breaker is pushed in (flushed).
    • Fixed ignition switch functionality when using keyboard or joystick buttons.
    • Fixed default position of ignition switch at mission start.

    DCS: F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations
    • Fix for DDD aspect switch unit scaling for supersearch & acquisition.
    • Fix for being able to fill dropped external tanks.
    • Adjustments to structural integrity and wing snap code (hopefully corrects less lenient structural damage with higher network latencies)
    • Fixed floating gear emergency extension handle.
    • New: Added radar beam structure emulation to the RWR.
    • RWR gains and signal strength thresholds adjusted.
    • RWR threat library version changed to "R9D2".
    • Hook bypass switch input fix.
    • Tweaked 6-dof view limits. Less goosing through the canopy.
    • Converted some lua option strings to facilitate translation.
    • Added custom cockpit livery option.
    • Removed l10n folder from coremods.
    • Additional push to talk entries for controlling SRS without interacting with the radio menus.
    • Added clickspots for the AN/ARC-159 buttons: LOAD and TONE.
    • Fixed ground air and electrical still on after flight.
    • Multicrew sync of ejection arm switches.
    • Fixed jester landing calls special option not working.
    • Restore functionality to show HUD movable reticle (pipper) for TCS in STT modes (hiding HUD steering tee implicitly).
    • Changed default Jester ripple quantity options to 2,3,4,6,8,16,28.
    • Fix Sidewinder keybind volume adjustment infinite loop.
    • Adjusted aerodynamic damage effects.
    • Small adjustments to thrust and drag models
    • Fixed the names of the RIO CMS input commands (AN/ALE-39).
    • Fixed the kneeboard displaying wrong mag var values for Nevada (first page).
    • NEW: JESTER now uses RWS and ground stabilize if asked for
    • Fixed trim speed ramp-up
    • Added close jester menu bindable command
    • Fixed some command categorizations
    • Added AFCS SAS Channel toggle switches
    • Fixed flap axis range
    • Fixed various flap input bugs
    • (JESTER) No “lost lock” call-out in dogfights
    • Fixed SAMs engaging with multiple subsystems not triggering the RWR
    • Hawk CVAR added to threat library
    • Threat library updated to version R9D3
    • Updated various single player missions & reactivated alert 5 mission
    • Updated Caucasus Free flight mission
    • Fixed JESTER menu opening when JESTER is incapacitated
    • Fixed MAK-79 loadout on right rear station
    • Released F-14 Paintkit: http://media.heatblur.se/HB-F-14_Paintkit-v1.0.rar

    DCS UH-1H
    • Restored a fire of door miniguns after rearming through ground crew.

    DCS F-5E
    • Updated Caucasus Instant Action missions.

    DCS L-39
    • Corrected training mission Bombs.
    • Corrected L-39C Cold Start Nevada Instant Action mission.

    DCS F/A-18C
    • JDAM initial implementation.
    • INS. Autostart. After aligned to OK, the switch will be moved to NAV.
    • LTWS. Added switching radar in STT mode in AIM-7 launch
    • LTWS. Added aged track of target's blips.
    • LTWS. RADAR relocks last tracked target after LTWS off/on fixed.
    • LTWS. No L&S symbols on radar page displayed if track under cursor fixed.
    • LTWS. HMD lock box not in the correct position fixed.
    • LTWS. Radar page doesn't update when DATA button pressed fixed.
    • JDAM accuracy increased.
    • JDAM crash fixed.
    • Added Training Day mission
    • The autostart procedure now automatically turns on the radios.
    • APU did not start up in some cases after repair - fixed.
    • After full depleted of fuel, the aircraft will not start even after refueling - now in this case it is necessary to make repairs.
    • Emergency braking system corrected.
    • Fixed JDAM QTY related crash.
    • GBU-38 corrected maximum range
    • HARM flight profile for SP and TOO modes adjusted to remove loft.
    Note: much of the Hornet effort this past period has been focused on the Litening targeting pod, AGM-154 JSOW, JDAM and JSOW dynamic launch zone and lofting, full simulation of the INS and GPS navigation system, precise waypoint input option, MIDS for LTWS, and correcting the logic for HARM guidance.

    DCS A-10C
    • Update of the A-10C Instant Action Missions
    • JDAM in-range indication restored.

    DCS AJS37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations
    • Fixed egregious CK37 CTD
    • Corrected crash when inputting runway heading >360 degrees.
    • Fixed bombing mode not stepping in when non BP and M waypoint.
    • Fixed typo in rocket quick start mission.
    • Updated RB 75 models Added RB 75 textures, requires a line in the livery to change from USAF texture.
    • Fixes to flight plan in kneeboard for custom cartridges.

    DCS MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3 LLC
    • Fixed distance indication for gun in radar mode (distance must be equal or less than 2000m for indication)
    • Improved inputs for ASP axis-based controls (rotaries)
    • Improved ASP LAUNCH light logic when attacking radar-locked targets (airborne or ground based)
    • Improved reticle size scaling.
    • Fixed emergency jettison switches to being clickable.
    • Fixed flaps reset switch going under control box when pushed.
    • Fixed SOD mode knob rotation range.
    • Fixed SPS launch button.
    • Fixed white flood light knob rotation.
    • Fixed air pressure gauge bezel's UVs
    • Added liveries' description.lua custom arg command for bort numbers.
    Note: This is not the full major cockpit update. These small fixes are brought over from it for testing.

    DCS MIG-19 by RAZBAM
    • FM Updates: Throttle logic and braking behavior.

    DCS Persian Gulf
    • Added new airfields: Liwa Airbase, Ras Al Khamiah International Airport, Lavan Island airport.
    • Added historical sites: Bam city, Persepolis, Rayen Citadel.
    • North end of Bandar Abbas - parkings added.
    • Cleanup after repair added.
    • Many minor changes.

    DCS Campaigns
    AJS-37 Viggen 16-2 Red Flag Campaign by Bunyap Sims - corrected mission 01.
    DCS BS2 Republic: fixed bug with broken default localisation.


    • Thanks 3
  11. Not at all Arjen.

    First we need to fix the schedule, work out what the most popular night is and what the most popular sim is. It makes sense to put that sim on that night, then work down the pecking order.

    That way when we go to the wider community to recruit we can say authoritatively "we play X on this night, Y on this night and Z on that night" and they can decide if it's something they want to get involved in.

    As for dropping 46 or CloD from our flying schedule?

    There is still room in the week for both the older sims - there are 7 days after all chaps, and only 4 sims - and there are people here, some of whom have no interest in DCS - understandably - and some whom have not yet been converted to the delights of GBS or are not keen of - potentially - spending a lot of $$$ to be able to play it. Some of these members are solid (if not crucial) supporters of the squad so by default they deserve to have the option of voting to keep their favourite supported. 

    Either that or we risk alienating - or even elbowing out of the squad - old friends.


  12. We need to start moving on making a decision on when we fly what.

    This being the DangerDogz, I believe it should be a democratic process.

    To do so, I propose a series of votes/scoring templates to in order to establish : 

    a) what prioritization to assign the various sims we have available.

    b) what days people prefer to fly.

    If you could please put the four sims in order of your personal preference, with 1. being most favoured.

    Then do the same and for the days you would most like to fly on.

    Here are mine as both submittal and example:


    1. DCS

    2. GBS (BoX)

    3. CloD

    4. Il-2:1946


    1. Thursday

    2. Sunday

    3. Monday

    4. Tuesday

    5. Wednesday

    6. Friday

    7. Saturday


    I will collate the results in spreadsheet which I will make available to all members on request and we can make decisions thereon.


    • Thanks 1
  13. Re: CloD.

    It's got a bit stagnant lately, low numbers, and a bit of a "same old, same old" aura creeping in; however, it is still:

    1) a flight sim

    2) a good number of us own it

    3) we have a strong presence in the CloD Community because of it (therefore could be a door to recruitment, which we need to work on)

    4) there is an expansion out soon to bring a new terrain and many new a/c.

    Plus, and from a personal standpoint, just because I don't fly it weekly does not necessarily mean I don't wish to fly it all! The server can be fun, particularly if you team to achieve an objective rather than just operate a collection of lone wolves.

    For these reasons, keeping a toe in the water with CloD could be prudent.

    It seems to me that GBS and DCS have the most numbers attending.

    These then I suggest should move to the Sunday (GBS), Tuesday (GBS), Thursday (DCS) slots.

    Perhaps have CloD Wednesday, and Il-2:1946 Monday or vice versa. 

    There's still Friday/Saturday also. Are we leaving these unassigned?

    • Thanks 1
  14. Good call Mick.

    If the current allocation of  particular sims to specific evenings is causing you to miss out regularly then perhaps a re-organisation is in order. 

    I myself can only really fly two evenings a week; as the squad DCS flagwaver, I've been concentrating on providing support for DCS users on these nights and joining other sim nights when I can. 


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    • Thanks 1
  15. Start-up: I just use the clickable cockpit buttons as mapping these would be a waste of something more usefully at your fingertips in combat or wanted in a hurry, i.e. during landing or refuelling (and there's a great deal of those...!)

    Taxying: having the "Nosewheel Steering" button handy seems a good idea, particularly for airbase ops with their concurrent takeoff/landing rolls but on the boat I find using the default keyboard bind fine as it's generally on and I leave it there.

    Takeoff: "Wing Sweep Auto", "Full Flaps", "Master Reset Button [for the CADC]" would be my go to choices here. You might able to bind the "Manual Sweep Override Lever" but I find it fine - and satisfying - to use the clickable cockpit. Having all your Trims to your HOTAS mapped is a must, as in all flight regimes you'll be tickling them regularly, particularly pitch.

    "Launch catapult" is a potential but as you'll only ever need it in that specific situation on one or two occasions in a given mission, why not leave it on the keyboard? most of us have moved it to the Spacebar however, as with a joystick, the default binding for that button to "Trigger" makes it moot and it's a darn sight easier to access than the "LShift+U" combination that the launch command is on by default.

    "Retract Gear" for once airbourne also recommended, but again, if buttons at a premium, you should only need that on two occasions during an entire mission, so...

    Landing: The usual run of commands to get your a/c in dirty config for landing, ("Gear Down", Flaps Down", etc). "Hook", sure, but again, it's nicely accessible clickably in 'pit, and you should be getting it down well before you commence the pattern so it shouldn't be coming at a moment of task saturation (unless you forgot it!) and you'll only use it once, so is it worth a HOTAS button? Your call.

    What I will say is "Speedbrake In/Out" is essential on your HOTAS, and if you have the buttons, "Activate DLC" and the associated "DLC Thumbwheel Up/Down" would also stand you in very good stead.

    Weapon systems..  now there's a can o' worms. I'll elaborate more on those later....


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