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Everything posted by Jabo

  1. Welcome aboard Tony. Glad to have you here.
  2. Oh, I think past performances are very much indicative of future returns, just not the one in the film...
  3. Oh my - and they're doing the 'Tsetse fly' mod too?
  4. Jabo


    Welcome aboard Kimo, glad to have you here.
  5. I'm using it, only downloading the 4K skins and I'd select all the planes anyway, so it'd make no odds to me.
  6. Assuming all the planets align correctly, I shall be attending tonight.
  7. Is it me? Looks a lot like Coventry... or it could be Painless
  8. Agreed, thanks Chris. I'm not surprised that the IWM were after the summer airshow slot, but interesting that Mr Grey was at pains to point out that this was a decision that neither side wanted - sounds more like TFC were presented with a done deal - but maybe that's just me. Anyway I'm off to dig out the passport - la ferte alais next year chaps?
  9. We're more likely to see the removal of 'Imperial'. I notice the BBC have decided to have instrumental versions of Rule Brittania and Land of Hope & Glory played at the Last Night of the Proms because of Covid - so nothing to do with anything else then...eh Mr Hall?
  10. So that's that then - Legends has been my 'must do' airshow since I was in my 20's. Very sad to read this today of all days. For me, part of the point of Legends was the location - Duxford is still very much a time capsule and I for one will be sad to lose that. Jabo
  11. So far it recognises my Saitek rudder pedals but not the Sidewinder or the CH Quadrant
  12. MSFS2020 is currently available on the Xbox Game Pass which at the moment is £1 p/m (normally £3.99 p/m). Could be a cheaper way for anyone who wants to check this out without spending big wodges of cash. Word to the wise though, the games available through Game Pass are not set and they do change periodically. If MSFS isn't on the game pass when they change, then it's not available to play unless you buy it.
  13. I think I've found a way to do this Arthur without having to write down the numbers - be happy to walk you through the process at some point.
  14. I've not got the game installed anymore Dave, but I think I have a copy of it somewhere. I'd be happy to look it out and join in but Friday/Saturday nights tend to be busy ones for me so any attendance may well be patchy.
  15. I had a similar issue with Forza Horizon 4. Given that I had to go through the process above for that game, hopefully with installation of this one will be simpler. Will report back.
  16. Colin, seeing as you are the (self) appointed head of this...this...well, whatever this is, could I also request Git-Juliet-Alpha-Bravo-Oscar?
  17. With apologies to the Eagles... You can check out any time you likeBut you can never leave"
  18. If I'm free and someone can stream this (Twitch or Steamviewer maybe?) I won't have the game until next week (Thursday) at the earliest though.
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