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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Crash

  1. The only thing we can do is get more members, so people with a life doesnt have such a big effect
  2. I dont think we have to rush this but the numbers do need to go up for 1946 nights. The idea is to get new members and we arnt going to do this if we still concentrate on 1946. Wednesday would probably be no go for me but maybe a Saturday or Sunday afternoon might be OK for me but I doubt that it would suit many.
  3. That was quick! Target is easy to use to allocate keystrokes/macros or just press da buttonz.
  4. I think it can only be used with MS flight sim. Could be wrong though. If you need more buttons try the TM MFD pack https://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_4_3?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=mfd+cougar+pack&sprefix=MFD%2Caps%2C170&crid=7M95W2BVC0I
  5. I use Target (TM) and there is an issue that the game needs to see a slight pause between CTRL+keystroke NO other game needs it and 1C-777 says its not them who causes the issue. Go figure as our American friends say
  6. http://www.stormofwar.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=6432&start=60
  7. It was Wolverine that complained about the AI
  8. I think that it could be the best thing to do. It might encourage those who want to do 46 to play on a Sunday. I would really like to know more about how coops are run. FT is concerned about the FMB but from what I can gather there is a Dynamic Mission Generator style so the missions dont repeat the same AI formations and people are building missions now.
  9. BoX seems to be attracting new players https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/32571-there-increase-pilots-lately/ I hope we can get some of these next year
  10. How do you run coops? If killed, RTB do you respwn? When does it end?
  11. Should we compile a list of who has got what module? It might help for when coops happen.
  12. The new map looks great My controls were screwed up rudder is now joystick 7! and my guns have magically moved to joystick 2 Fuggin window updates
  13. I am VERY GOOD at senior moments
  14. Cant get the map to display It is set to the m key but pressing it doesnt make it show. Any ideas?
  15. Delta said he has bought a new graphics card last week.
  16. Which one did you go for? Have you put your new card in yet?
  17. The ubizoo and Joint Ops are sorely missed. Once we decide the what and when we can start recruiting on the main BoS forum
  18. Why not have a plan to do that after we see how the coop mode goes. It shouldnt take too much time. Although the coop mode seems to be already working. We need to know more about how to run a session, and plan out how and what we as a squad can offer potential recruits. Good post from 401 Wolverine on the SOW forum If nothing else, a working co-op mode would encourage more and more people to get comfortable with the mission editor. I was building co-op IL-2 missions for far longer than i was making multiplayer and campaign missions/maps. It's the best way to cut your teeth on something like that. Honestly, I would still be building for and playing Cliffs of Dover RIGHT NOW if it had working AI, working ground units, and working AI skill settings. CO-OP is what allows smaller groups to grow into larger ones. It allows people to play and practice together as a group before taking on the scary MP scene against living opposition. A lot of people just don't want to face another human on the other side because they either feel they're not good enough, or just don't want that level of conflict real or imagined. I feel the big multiplayer online crowd are the squeakiest wheel most of the time. They have a big presence online by necessity and have pushed hard for their agenda. I truly believe that this is partly why CloD is basically an online only game at this point. Look at what is being added via 4.5 / 5.0. It basically amounts to more toys for multiplayer. There's been lip service to improving the single player side of it, but I haven't seen anything to date that shows it's being improved. I'm sure people will argue that adding a Beaufighter or making explosions brighter, or making flak look better or fixing trees are all things that will improve singleplayer, but honestly it's just more and more lipstick on the pig designed to appease online multiplayer concerns. To me it sometimes feels like they're just making changes to things that they know they can change (did we really need or even want new ground explosions for aircraft??). I'd say AI aircraft and ground units and ships make up at least a full 3rd of what a game has to offer, probably more. We've been cajoled and pushed to believe that these elements are not necessary anymore (look at all the multiplayer only games out there now), but all that's done is cheapen the experience and make us accept less for more.
  19. The fall off in the numbers of people who fly is now getting serious. 6 turned up on Tuesday, Thor, Dan, Ovy, Delta, Sid and me. Due to the time zone difference Thor, Dan and Ovy left about 9 ish GMT Delta bailed out soon after as it was so quiet,. Sid and myself gave it another half an hour and called it a night. I had a feeling that the low numbers in the summer wasnt due to holidays and nice weather, so we need to change something or at least plan what we want to do. I know that in the survey people said leave it to the host to call time on coops but I dont want to spoil someones fun if they either want to fly a damaged A/C back to base (which can be satisfying) or they are in a target rich environment. Maybe it might be best if numbers are low if we use a moving dogfight map and set objectives instead of running a coop for less than a certain number of flyers. Any thoughts?
  20. Go on BluBear, you know you want to
  21. I think I paid £12. I have spent an awful lot more since Just seen this, Train Simulator all download content a bargain at over 3000 euros (thats sale price!)
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