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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Crash

  1. To be honest ..... me too however more people need some input.
  2. I have been following this and it looks like a must have if you fly DCS and have VR. Much better than using a mouse or the Oculus Touch controllers.
  3. If there is anyone who wants to fly a specific sim at a specific time please say so
  4. Looks like Santa Pod for me on Sunday, so no 1946 AGAIN for me .Sorry. However I am interested in other peoples views on what we should/need to do to get more regular flyers.
  5. Thanks Tom, a click pit is a bit awkward in VR until the pointcontrol is here and operational. At present all I want to do is launch and land on the carrier so I will be setting things up over the next week or so
  6. https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/38978-mod-icons/
  7. Found this for VR pilots https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=238208
  8. FT this might help with the icon for waypoint showing
  9. Please add any useful stuff you find. I have just seen this looks promising aspecially in conjuction with this https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=218861
  10. What is the minimum mapped requirements for take off and landing? Usual axis, gear, hook, start up anthing else?
  11. Dear friends, The time flows and the Summer draws near, and we're another step closer to the release dates of our projects. For Bodenplatte, the biggest chunk of work to be done is the map. With first cities, settlements and airfields done, the work continues on placing the rest of them according to historical data. In the code, we have begun the long-awaited work on aircraft AI improvements: for instance, in the next update, we plan to release the improved formation logic. For Career mode, new squadron emblems, military ranks and awards for all three countries will be finished soon. P-38J-25 and Tempest Mk.V FM are in the works, while Me-262A jet fighter-bomber FM should be finished soon. Speaking of visual models, P-51D-15, P-38J-25, Tempest and B-25D are nearing completion and proceeding according to schedule. Of course, the new theatre of war requires new ground vehicle models too. Today we can show you the screenshots of another one - German Sd.Kfz. 7/1 halftrack with 20 mm Flak-Vierling 38 AA gun: For Flying Circus, the development of the Arras map (1918) continues, it will use the new art techniques being developed for 'Bodenplatte'. We should be able to show you the first screenshots of it in Summer, but today we have some new WWI aircraft cockpit screenshots, S.E.5a and Albatros D.Va. As you can see, the work on them is nearly complete and we plan to release them for Flying Circus owners before the end of this Spring: For Tank Crew, the work on enhancing the tank damage modeling is progressing well. Physical tank models now include many systems and their damage while visual models have many new animations and working instruments. The already released systems have their damage modeling improved and we have added simple GUI damage notifications for systems and crewmen. All significant events will be displayed in the 'technochat' (log) on screen. In May-June we plan to implement repairing, refueling and rearming (which later will be also applicable for aircraft). In the next update, we'll release the animated crews for PzKpfw. III Ausf. M and M4A2. Today we can show you the PzKpfw. III Ausf. M crew and PzKpfw. IV Ausf. G interior: And to finalize this Dev Blog we would like to show you the new promotional video for Battle of Stalingrad created by =HH=Pauk. It shows that the development of all of our projects doesn't stop on release date by all means and they are continuously developed and improved. Enjoy:
  12. 16 gig will be winging its way to BluBear very soon...
  13. I think that the MB will match the slower speed memory I dont think its worth buying DDR3 if you are going to upgrade in the next year or so
  14. Another point to bear in mind is most motherboards are now DDR 4. See PM!
  15. Hi Chris, I have 16 gig of DDR3 1600 Corsair 1.50V 9-9-9-24 (what ever that is) you can have I have taken the heatsink off one modual as it wouldnt fit under the cooler.
  16. Crash


    And shiney wheels
  17. Crash


    Needs flames
  18. And if you dont like it you will know, and be able to sell on putting the funds towards an 4K monitor and super graphics card to drive it I might be a bad influence again
  19. Of course you could always buy a second hand Rift instead of a monitor
  20. Maybe Delta might be interested in the 1070.
  21. Glad for the progress Siderly
  22. Got a linux boot disc?
  23. To be honest a 1050 isnt the best card for the job.
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