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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Crash

  1. That is the idea. The problem is to link the sticks like the gear selector in a car. As for the FFB effect I think (Hope) the game might apply the effect to the first FFB detected. Well it did in 46. I dont want to spend $1000 on that Brunner base https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=220728
  2. My sons Lego Teknik is also in the loft...mmmmm Gears and rods and stuff
  3. So, in the loft I have a "modded" Sidewinder and I wondered if it could be coupled to the extension on my Warthog using a rod with rose joints. The X-52 handle on it wasnt the success I hoped it would be and now there is a 15mm stub sticking out of the base. I realise the throw on the sticks might be a bit different but I am sure I could use a spring to absorb any movement at the extream positions. I seem to remember seeing rods used on model helicopters am I right?
  4. Cant be many left who havnt said what they would like. Are you coming back Sweper? Fen, when will we have the results?
  5. Downwind take off????
  6. Users reaction Ladies and Gents, get set to have your immersion level go ballistic! Yes, I am Tester 1.. Yes, I broke the FCU housing. No, it wasn't the FCU's fault! lol The PointCTRL experience is AWESOME! Most of the items I have worked on are very minor and aren't related to the HMS and FCU build quality, tech, or operation. Mostly we have worked on how to get everyone to understand what to do, when, and how. Hence the instructions coming out and being added to. Once the correct operating environment is in place, calibrating and using PointCTRL is very simple. It, like anything, takes a bit of getting used to but it really is amazing. You are going to love it! One MAJOR thing we found is that you HAVE to have the "Use Mouse" box checked in the Settings VR tab. So if you are like me and used the cursor locked to the middle of your VR view, then looked at the switch you wanted to select, then pushed a mapped mouse button to select that item... well, not gonna be able/have to do that anymore. Yes, I found that out, hold your applause til the end, please! lol I have been using the Huey mainly as I get to know PointCTRL. Instead of mapping switches and dials, etc - Now, I reach up to the overhead panel and turn the lighting dial up or down just by twisting my hand. I can glance over at the rocket control panel on my extreme left side and adjust how many rockets to fire at once. Flipping switches that usually I would have to twist to look at before are done just like in real life. I fly Real Life helo's and can tell you, Miles' little gem makes it really FEEL real! Watching PointCTRL come to life and to the market has been very interesting. I know everyone is chomping at the bit. Well, it is coming NOW! It has REALLY been worth the wait, I promise!! you!!!
  7. Hello Avro, as it happens there is a bit of re-jigging going on at the moment. Read this and this As for Steam its the only version available for Cliffs but Cliffs is falling out of favour and we will probably move to Great Battles , see above threads
  8. and again Hello everybody, The Spring ends soon, and we're preparing the next update for you. In the next 2-3 weeks, we plan to finish the testing of the new game version, which has started already - this week we started the beta testing of Flying Circus S.E.5a and Albatros D.5a and today we add T-34 UVZ mod. 1943 from Tank Crew project to it. And the next week the beta testing of the long-awaited Me 262 A for Battle of Bodenplatte will begin. For Bodenplatte we also have the Summer US pilot ready, German and British pilots will receive their summer outfits soon. We can show you the US one today: Jet engine Jumo-004B-1 for Me 262 A fighter/bomber is nearly finished - it is installed on the aircraft, its characteristics are set up and it is being tuned right now. For our project, we have chosen the updated variant of this engine which had a modified valve that made the throttle controls more trouble-proof. However, sharp throttle changes still can cause an engine fire, so it requires a degree of caution. Speaking of available modifications, this aircraft in the game will have the following ones: - EZ 42 gyro gunsight with automatic deflection calculation, - R4M unguided air-to-air rockets, 12 per mounting, - Armored pilot headrest, - Pilot back armor, - Removal of the gun mounting armor for making the aircraft less nose-heavy, - Removal of two Mk 108 guns, - Bomber variant capable of carrying two SC 250 or one SC 500 bombs. The list of this plane peculiarities includes the dangerous effect of Mach tuck at higher speeds that at first decreases its yaw stability. This yaw stability decrease not only makes the aircraft harder to handle but also warns the pilot of the increasing danger of an uncontrollable dive. The nose landing gear is omnidirectional and has additional brakes. While the plane is capable of reaching up to 837 kph near the ground it has good controllability at low speeds thanks to wing slats. It should be noted that the longitudinal center-of-gravity depends on the remaining fuel, ammo and modifications installed very heavily. For instance, if you remove the nose gun armor and two guns, it becomes so tail heavy with full tanks that it is dangerous to fly. Positive characteristics include good roll controls at any flight speed. All in all, the plane is going to be controversial, unusual and very interesting to fly: Next Flying Circus planes, S.E.5a and Albatros D.5a, are completely finished and are being tested at the moment. The new level of visual quality allows us to have a fresh look at the aircraft of the Great War - previously invisible details became apparent, the materials became more lifelike. We hope to be able to show you the first screenshots of the Arras map soon. Meanwhile, we started the work on the next pair of WWI planes we have to develop - Bristol Fighter and Halberstadt CL.II. Bristol Fighter was a general purpose frontline aircraft that served as fighter, light bomber and recon plane while Halberstadt CL.II was a specialized frontline attack aircraft, sometimes also used for recon. But today we can show you the screenshots of S.E.5a and Albatros D.5a: Tank Crew owners will also get much new stuff in this update - our partners from Digital Forms have finished the work on T-34-76 UVZ mod. 1943 and it will also be added to Early Access. There is much info on T-34 available, but some things can be repeated. Fast, maneuverable, with good armor and weapons - sloped angle armor made it only slightly less armored than heavier KV-1s. However, long 75 mm and 88 mm German guns in 1943 were very dangerous and this armor was no longer enough, so this means that T-34 crews need to rely on the main advantages of this tank - speed and mobility - even more. However, the new tank isn't the only addition to Tank Crew you'll get in the next update. We're currently testing the new, more detailed tank damage model. The damage sustained will be indicated on a special overlay toggled by Enter key and in the messages on the left of the screen. The following systems can be damaged: - Engine, - Cooling system (coolant leaks that eventually lead to an engine overheat and damage), - Oil tanks (oil leaks lead to fire danger), - Fuel tanks (fuel leaks also increase the danger of fire, more for gas engines and less for diesel ones), - Transmission and gearbox (longer gear shifting, inability to change the gear, complete transmission failure), - Steering (more difficult turning), - Electric system (inability to start the engine, inability to use powered turret traversing mechanism, internal and external lighting, radio), - The left part of the suspension and left track, - The right part of the suspension and right track, - Radio, - Main turret traverse mechanism, - Manual turret traverse mechanism, - Gun mounting, - Main gun, - Machine guns, - Crew. Of course, this feature is linked to another - the possibility of field repair. It is also being worked on and most of it will be usable for aircraft as well. The crew will be able to repair the tank systems in the field as long as the tank is not completely destroyed. In addition, the mission designer can add special repair and ambulance tracks that accelerate this process both to single and multiplayer missions. Later, during Summer, we plan to add refueling and ammo trucks to replenish the fuel, oil, water and ammo reserves. And today we can show you the screens of the coming T-34-76 UVZ mod. 1943:
  9. https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2019/05/14/the-navys-probe-into-sky-penis/
  10. I think we need to be able to say that we fly this sim, at this time on these nights. I have mentioned our squad on the Elite Dangerous forum and I sent MB Avro who popped up on the ATAG forum (a name I remember from the Ubizoo) a pm but he said he couldnt join as there was an error message on our website.
  11. OK I will share with him. I will arrive on the Friday PM and am setting off for home via Santa Pod on the Sunday. Cost will be £150
  12. Nick and I have both booked a double and I dont know about any sharing arrangements yet.
  13. 1 GBS 2 DCS (when I get it set up) Mainly for VR 3 1946 4 CloD Sunday Tuesday Thursday (once a month) Thats it really
  14. It seems the Red Arrows are there Saturday only. What ever next
  15. How would people feel about a weekend PM session? Not too sure about how regular I would be.
  16. Again we need the views from the people who seldom fly or are thinking of returning as they might not have GB or DCS
  17. Looks like jets for me. F-14 and A-10C and maybe the Flaming Cliff set as well. I have them just not done much with them
  18. Well in that case I really really MUST try to join in
  19. So, what happens on a DCS night?
  20. Looks like it works on a flat screen as well Quote: Originally Posted by Chic Hey Miles, I'm relatively early on the mailing list but I'm running 2D. Specifically, I sit 26" from a 65" 4k monitor. (Ebayed my Rift. VR just not there yet for me). If you think I could fudge any degree of functionality with PointCTRL in its current state, I would purchase one and experiment with it then happily purchase any "add on" down the line when/if you adapt PointCTRL for Track IR. Appreciate your thoughts on this and the strong work you've already put forth. Hey Chic, I am sorry, I know you asked about this before. I just tested out what you want to try, and it worked pretty well. I mounted the camera to a fixed position, above and behind my head. Calibration was identical to VR. The only difference is your arm should stay the same extended distance as you calibrate at. Its a pretty natural thing to do. If you have track IR you will have to hold your head still while clicking. If you mounted the HMS to your head I think the ratios would be to far off. Thanks for being patient. Miles
  21. I see what your thinking Mick, however there are many CloD flyers who are very loyal and find CloD suits them best. I am not sure that ATAG would want to take over running missions that a few squads see as "easy" settings but the DD server does seem to offer what people want, and if we stopped running the CloD server the DangerDogz would dissapoint quite a few flyers. I dont know how much donations have come from squads, individuals who are on our server an awful lot. Everone who has posted in this thread is a regular flyer so its hard to guess what the no flyers would like.
  22. Yes indeed Arthur, in a way its a shame that the server is so popular
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