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Everything posted by Enforcer57

  1. HEh heh, I for one, am looking forward to the unholy alliance between the 352d and the hellhounds.......to quote beatlejuice....'we come for your daughters chuck'. Ive tried to log into your nifty site but I and my password still dont exist according to the keeper at the gate. I wanted to log in and badmouth my compatriots.
  2. Id buy it from a crack dealer named pimpstick in the local projects at 2 am if they had the damn thing (but Id carry a Glock). Deosnt look like even wally world will have the thing any time soon, if ever, in the US. This marketing strategy must have been dreamed up by a teenage girl.
  3. That terrain looks like its gonna be a real trip to fly low over...or thru. Should make low level ops pretty intense.
  4. Well if somebody would just sell the damn thing in the colonies rather than me having to order it from Nigeria, I'd be able to make use of all this and comment....but noooooo
  5. Hmmph. I saw Dr. Quest and Race Bannon doing this 40 yrs ago.
  6. unless somebody brings along their hot sister who's a bit snickered at the time........Ill bring my camera.
  7. Is this actually the basis for the 1946 cmpn ? Kinda interesting, and alot of thought went into this. I wonder if anyone will come up wiht an invasion of japan scenario....we got the planes for it. Is this the basis for a dgen cmpn or a scritped one? I feel a bit of canibalization coming on if its scripted. I also forsee a bit of red star v white star posibilitiies, though there would ahve to be some appropriate skins to deal wiht the blue red thing. Since I dont seem to have time to do an offline job, maybe some coop ones.........who am I kidding?
  8. Where the hell is this cd rom shop located anyway? Does this joint just ship to Canada, or will they send it to the colonies as well? Hmph. EB doesnt have it in Ga. either damn it....hell, htey just have a small shelf with the remnants of PC games anyway. They used to have a whole wall full of stuff for computers, so I have no idea when they will get it. Ill keep checking walmart to I guess. I hate ordering stuff with a credit card cause I never know what the hell is gonna happen. I dont wanna be the only guy without it though........and I want all that neat new stuff to damn it. Ubi does have a rather odd way of marketing products.
  9. OK, i came home, checked TS, and nobody was killing anyone. Seems somebody takes that peace on earth crap a bit too seriously. Buncha wussies. Of course, i kinda forgot it was christmas eve. On my planet, we don't stop waging war against (or for) the forces of evil just because some overwieght guy from one of hte planets poles wants to ingratiate himself with our younglings by giving them stuff. Jeese. Carbon based life forms.....oi.
  10. ok, wait a second. I see this 4.06 andf 07 showing up at the same time nearly........I thought there wasnt gonna be any more of this till after 46. What the hell have we been flying every saturday and sunday? Now im confused again.
  11. Kitty litter.....Kitty litter..........hhmmmm....Oh , I get it, public restrooms are hard to find in the snow, and you dont wont to disturb the environment. How PC of you.
  12. Well, since nothing I click on here works, I cant see it. I am curious, does it show the peasants bowing down as his vehicle passes? Such vast land holdings......All I have is an outhouse. Poo.
  13. Yeah, I already had this. Hilarious....I hate those bastards.
  14. Im with quazi....war is all hell. If the CAP guys cant hack it, then I think I saw some version of Pac Man at walmart really cheap. Or was it asteroids? heh heh. Just trying to get everyone in a fightin mood.......heh heh heh. And has anyone noticed practicing for this that AI P-47s and outclimb and outrun a spit mk 9 that were supposed to fly? Of course, i know the human ones cant, but this is kinda odd I think.
  15. Well as usual I miss everything. I wonder if his birthday party was anything like the devil's was on that Southpark episode.
  16. Thats why I keep colliding with my own guys.....I get target fixation, but even if I didnt, Id lose site of my opponent and get waxed.
  17. Im lookin forward to this, as Im kinda wanting to try making some red star/white star type scenarios.....not that id ever have the time, but I like thinking about it. Tearing thru a formation of Tu-4s in an F-80 sounds like it might be fun. And yeah, I kinda wish some of this had gone toward making some Korean war type AC (only need 4 or 5 actually), but this is obviously something Oleg and company have thought about for a while, and it IS his party. If nothing else, it is all very original. Janes ATF had a UFO in it you could put in misns sometimes......kinda freaked you out when youre flying along in an F-14 and a Reticulan scout ship came screaming through your formation. The lerch kinda falls into that category.
  18. Wow. I saw the B36 in the USAF museum adn you have to see it to believe how big it is. I cant believe some of the stuff they have there, like the A20 and the B18. The B29 gate guardian at Dobbins AFB near here is from Pima. Good place to keep em there in the low humidity.
  19. Yeah, it usually clears up after a time or two. This morning ive been trying to log on, and I made it to the forums. When I clicked on this thread however, it wont load and my task manager indicates 100% CPU usage. The blue progress bar gets to about 20%, then stops and everything locks up. I can still hit the back button on IE and get back to the forums though. So I left for a moment, came back , and got on with no trouble at all. It's obviously a devious British conspiracy against us "colonials".
  20. I hvent had time to do any of these in weeks, but I stayed up way too late last night to finish this. I usually have trouble trying to reply and nothing happening, then losing my connection (). I have no idea why. I can usually reconnect and do ok....for a while. Now If I could just get a few shots of Britney Spears climbing out of a car.
  21. Welcome aboard comrade. I enjoy the brit accents because it's kinda like flying in the movie 'Battle of Britian' ; Painless kinda reminds me of a deranged Michal Cain. Anyhoot, these guys broke me into online combat also, and i too was totally lost and without TS the first time I flew. I knew I was in trouble when Rattler showed up and I asked whose side he was on (typing). Dubbo typed back "he's on his side". The problems you listed are the exact same thing I faced also.....dont be intimidated. Ive not looked back since. If you wanna see some of the grand adventure and insanity you can expect, check out my post on BG's UFO spitfire and the rough ride he gave me sunday. And keep in mind that the Hellhounds fly on Saturday nights (US nights), and we always welcome Dogs to the fray.
  22. Holy ski, as they say in upper Lenningrad. Thats amazing. how long did he stay there? Seems like a twilight zone episode. That could be scary.
  23. It finally ended when I just couldnt climb any higher and my engine was boiling over....badly. Delta7 was already on his way down (see vapor trail), and surprisingly my "advanced" Arrow was falling outta the sky. At this point, it was obvious that Adolph's finest had failed to cut the head off the snake. Curse u CAnadian barron !
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