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Everything posted by Enforcer57
Well, that explains alot.....like how the hell he can be in two places at once, and shooting at me from both.
Keep in mind that those IL-10s were mostly flown by N. Korean pilots, unlike the Migs. Those guys doing the test were well above the average pilot I should think. I think he's mostly correct, with some glaring mistakes. My P-39 lost an elevator in a 420 kt dive online. I know damn well that wouldnt hve happened....diving was one of the P-39s best traits. 400+ just wont cause that much damage. I think most of the flt models are pretty close though. I know i freak at how good hte P-47 is in everybody elses hands but how sluggish it is in mine. Go figure. :?:
Man that is wierd. Cant post too much on there like that for all the members of the Rosie Odonell fat club, er, I mean fan club, spouting off.
Dub's sliding between parallel universes right now I think. Who knows, he may have happened upon an alternate Earth where women aren't totally F-ing insane. He may never come back. :roll: And those vehicles are incredible. The gun truck even has support legs. I wonder if there will be any infantry just for a little added atmosphere.
Dub's sliding between parallel universes right now I think. Who knows, he may have happened upon an alternate Earth where women aren't totally F-ing insane. He may never come back. :roll: And those vehicles are incredible. The gun truck even has support legs. I wonder if there will be any infantry just for a little added atmosphere.
All of mine are always set to 200m. Always. I've read too many accounts like Bader's that this is about the best if you subscibe to the theory of letting the target fill you gunsight (some say you whole windscreen). Any farther and Im gonna waste my ammo, though therre are exceptions, like when you fly a P-39 with that 37mm-low velocity it is, but most of your firepower is centrally located anyway.
Um, I can do the photography of the novices, for security purposes of course. In the interest of accurate ID, they should be, um, dressed rather sparingly (if at all), as I will post the results so we can make sure we have no infiltrators among us. I can then assist in the training regimin as well. And I don't give a damn if I mispelled any of this. They should be not quite so well dressed as this: The sacrifices I make for the squadrons. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following is a ver-batim quote from the only time my late grandmother made the incredibly inadvisable mistake of asking my late step-grandfather to say the blessing at the unique American holiday of Thanksgiving: "(Ahem).....Good food, good meat, good God, let's eat. Amen." It was at this point (circa 1969) that I discovered that older Christian ladies were possesed of a rather extensive profanity vocabulary.
Enforcer's HH sat debriefing-one epic dogfight-screens.
Enforcer57 replied to Enforcer57's topic in Jim's Place
Well CRAP! How the hell you suppose to target somebody youre gunnin for? No wonder I couldnt find certain guys in the last few fights I had. sheesh. That's the lamest thing to come out of Russia since Stalin. :evil: -
What isnt visible in the background are all the indentured servants. They sitll have that in the great north I understand. They pay them with beer. Nice chairs there BG. Neat dogs too. God I gotta go to Canada someday.
In the parallel universe that I'm from, it's Henry Fonda. Amazing these 'subtle little differences in our parallel worlds. I keep hoping to show up in one where chicks actually like me, I'm married to the Olsen twins ($), and my gunnery is decent. :idea:
Ah thank you fellow marauders of the virtual skies......and BG. And now we know how BG aquired his vast land holdings and all those indentured servants. I bet he has a vault downstairs like Jack Benny had, complete with a guard that wonders what they're gonna do with the kaiser. I bet he even looks alot like Goldfinger - "No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die." I knew the origigin of that coin meant trouble. :idea:
Enforcer's HH sat debriefing-one epic dogfight-screens.
Enforcer57 replied to Enforcer57's topic in Jim's Place
But how the hell does it post twice.....never mind. Oh, and why do some callsigns not show up while some do? It would help me ID the pilots involved if all our names were up there. I had no idea that was sunflower doing that boom routine with JP. -
Here's a couple of pix. I have no idea what the inscriptions mean, but the coin is a Canadian 1981 $50 piece (kinda makes me wanna bite it, like they do in cartoons), and the other is from a bank in NY with a london outfit's name on the back. The word "pure" shows up somewhere. I also have the original sales reciept from a local bank that shows the "Canandian" maple lead" cost $439 US in 1981, and the bar cost $426.
Now how the blazes did this thing post twice? Hey mods, we got a malfunction here! :?:
oh, and I like the name "Cunt".......I like that alot. :!: If Steve Martin can call his dog "Shithead".........
Ha! that's probably why you hardly ever see it on TV. I've only seen it once, yrs ago on the History channel. They really need to change it, since it would get ALL the media attention and distract totally from the important story of what these guys did. They deserve all the attention, and the dog's name is pretty meaningless in history anyway. I want the story to get all the attention.
Enforcer's HH sat debriefing-one epic dogfight-screens.
Enforcer57 replied to Enforcer57's topic in Jim's Place
What's really eyebrow raising about all this is the fact that Quaz is always bemoaining what a lousy fighter jock he is......yeah, right. That deflection snapshot he took on me was the most amazing shot Ive seen in this sim. Then the tactics he used to foil JP's hostile intentions sure didnt look like a guy who can't dogfight to me. :idea: I don't think I would play pool with Q for money. -
Enforcer's HH sat debriefing-one epic dogfight-screens.
Enforcer57 replied to Enforcer57's topic in Jim's Place
What's really eyebrow raising about all this is the fact that Quaz is always bemoaining what a lousy fighter jock he is......yeah, right. That deflection snapshot he took on me was the most amazing shot Ive seen in this sim. Then the tactics he used to foil JP's hostile intentions sure didnt look like a guy who can't dogfight to me. :idea: I don't think I would play pool with Q for money. -
Enforcer's HH sat debriefing-one epic dogfight-screens.
Enforcer57 replied to Enforcer57's topic in Jim's Place
Everybody seems to stall at once, JP's pursurer at point blank range, but with no airspeed, he cant bring the jug's eight .50s to bear; they're about 2 meters apart it appears. They're so close and slow that they could exchange phone numbers, if they were, uh, so inclined. All three pilots are just passengers at this point, with little actual control. Quaz and JP recover nicely and go into a dive, JP still glued to Quaz's T-bolt. At this point, Quaz pulls another classic move-he dives into a cloud bank at speed, and just as JP lets him have it, Q pulls up sharply, pulling a few Gs and probalby getting that tunnel vision thing you get before you pass out. JP loses him here, but scores a hit with his last burst. Note the smoke trails of the Gustav's rds. As he comes out of the clouds, Quaz returns to attacking the German collumns in the town, but takes a hit for his troubles. In the meantime, the illustrious Enforcer (me) manages to limp back to his base on rudder and elevator with a screwed up engine, and ALL his ammo of course. He never fired a shot, and the irony isnt lost considering all the firepower this machine has. He bounces all over the runway and veers back and forth, nearly clipping the tower. His recovery robs Quaz of a kill, but at least he will still make his date with Frau Hartely tonight. And what of Zeus Cat? Well, it appears that he wound up on the wrong end of somebody else's fifities, which turned his Gustave into a sled. Thus endeth another rousing fight amongst the hellhounds and their Devil Dogs comrades. -
OK, if I get anybody misidentified, just correct me-I was kinda busy getting my ass handed to me on a platter to take totally adequate notes most of the night. As usual, the combat was enough to make a Klingon horny, but this fight goes to show that there may be a few ringers amongst us (as well as some pretty good evasive tactics). There we were in our Gustavs, some of us a bit overloaded with preselected armament of a mk108 (cool) and a pair of 20mm pods (a bit heavy), trying to protect the Panzer guys from these marauding P-47s commanded by our illustrious CO, Col Beebob. After an intense chase in which both seem to ignore gravity, Zeus Cat blasts his prey with cannon. Not even the Jug can handle this. Kaboom! Meanwhile, back at the batcave, I am cursing my machine's slowed climbing ability as it seems everyone else has afterburners. I'm totally oblivious to a pass Quazi made on me. :shock: But he deosnt give up that easy. He comes around while Im desperately trying to climb to the furball above me, making a classic attack directly out of the sun that I never saw- The MG sound is not exagerated-was about a quarter second deflection shot. At that point, we both go outta control, as I have no ailerons and he snaprolls while turning with me. However, we both recover before we dig any holes. But now the hunter becomes the hunted; Jensenpark locks on to quaz's tail and won't let go. Quaz uses the Jugs diving ability and gets a boatload of energy, then converts it into the verticle to evade Jensenpark. Damn P-47s never climbed like that when I flew them. JP follows suit and ignites his DBenz, following Quaz into the verticle. What he may not realize is that there is another P-47 (dunno who) lining up on him.
Yeah, you'd probably LOVE it from the oil covered cockpit. You'd also think that this would help cool damaged boiling engines, but it DONT! And I was so busy staining my drawers that I didnt know till now who or what had finished me off........um, let me rephrase that; I didnt know who made the final contribution to my demise.
Ok, this is kinda goofy, but ive googled all over the place and all i can find is crap about redeeming gold motel points etc. My mother found a couple of one ounce gold pieces her late dad gave her yrs ago. they are in plastic sleeves, one is a coin, while the other is a rectangle with a British bank stamp. She went to her bank and a couple of others, but they dont fool with it anymore apparently. :?: Anyone have any suggestions as to getting $ money out of these? Im asking because I will get some benefit outta this, and I hope its more than a buck fifty. Nobody I know aroundhere has any ideas, and the only othe places i hang out on are moped and photographer sites, and im not asking any of those gooberheads a damn thing. I figured some of you guys might have an idea, and Im open to suggestions. Merci. Oh, and you guys may be totally apeshit, but It seems some of you actually have some grey matter in your beanies, unlike most of the "people" on those other sites I visit.
Well, I started to point out how crappy the angle on that torp drop was, but you hit the bloody CV, so never mind.
Yes M-one, you will be awash in adrenalin. What's really great is when all the opposition has been boozing it up all day and they're all drunk on their asses. REally hard to hit those guys then. Watch you posterior when on the ground, as Psycho and Von Tonar are pretty ruthless about that straffing thing (as per my screenies on that subject). And Von Tonar san......you may as well not have a plan, because you sure dont have a chance. We are gonna massacre you guys like Spruance and Max Leslie did at the real battle. And since you are the high value target, and Im a natural born killer, you'd best look over you rice eating shoulder, cause I'm coming for ya :twisted: . (you guys notice how Im using psy war against him? He'll be so distracted looking over his shoulder for me that his command structure will go straight to hell). :idea: I sure hope i dont wind up in a Buffalo though. :!:
Yeah, as long as they leave Ben Afleck and that romance crap out, it should be incredible. Gonna have a hard time filling Richard Todd's shoes.