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Everything posted by Enforcer57
OK, despite horrible guilt at not deploying while you fought for your lives sunday, I did manage to do a few decent shots of this, um, rather nice blonde chick as I promised. Unfortunately it was a bit chilly and windy (to her at least) and It took considerable cajoling to get her to her tank top. Still, she is rather pleasant on the eyes, and hopefullly Ill get some more such oportunities. I just wish I had run across her during summer. These were taken at Berry college campus after I left my post at the end of the runway where I got some decent shots of the airshow. When she changed clothes, I wound up having to stand in front of her to shield her from any prying eyes about.....unfortunately I had my back to her with my jacket open. I guess Im a real fracking gentleman, huh? I tried to get her to do a scene with this one, but I was advised that she was a bit stiff. Oh, and Im sorry about the obvious sheep cruelty. (though the sheep seemed to have some idea of what kept running thru my head). I had to give her my flight jacket to get a little bit more of a wardrobe change. Damn wind.
:-XWhew......I was afraid BG was retiring and appointing Psycho to take his place.
Thanx and yes comrades......yeah, she be fine. Pity she's getting hitched, eh? Anyway, I'm going to see if she still has any of her Hooters outfits....man, that will be a real coup if I can get some shots in that. Hootie Hoo! I cant wait till sunday. The local airshow is already screwed up, as they have lost participation of all the military jets, and most of the warbirds havent showed up yet for the show tomorow. Maybe these sisters will keep the weekend from being a total loss. She has said she would like to do some in the flight suit, which has sat in my closet since 1989. She can sure fill it out.
Heh heh. I swear, I think if Jessica Simpson showed up at some of youse guy's houses and offered a hummer, you'd complain about her lipstick color. I like chicks with junk in their trunk.....yee haa. Wait till you see the results I get Sunday (Enforcer wrings his hands and twirls mustache). She wasnt exactly dressed for it that day, but we shall take care of that this weekend. Despite this fact, I still managed to avoid compromising my moral fiber (yeah, right).
Ok there I was, taking a deposit for a wedding to photograph in November from this incredibly hot blonde who used to be a hooters girl (for good reason). She was having a good time and there I was firing off shots with my Pentax, since she wants to do some modeling type photography to. WARNING - this may result in impure thoughts, so have the Friors email addy ready so you can make confession...yer gonna need it. SLAP!! Stop gawking down her shirt you pervs!!
Hmmph! Ill have you know that I on the other hand EXCELLED at digging goddam holes all F-ing night long.....so there. I also provided fantastic target practice for you guys to use sunday night, to make up for me not being there.
Link to my photography site (make sure your wifey isnt looking)
Enforcer57 replied to Enforcer57's topic in Jim's Place
Heh heh Painless. Amazing how well you guys can get to know womeone by just flying with them online. -
Link to my photography site (make sure your wifey isnt looking)
Enforcer57 replied to Enforcer57's topic in Jim's Place
Ha! there's a reason I said to keep your hadns on the desk. Not responsible for damage to keyboards. I cant get into the gallery without this locking up on me, in fact, i hvent been able to do anything after making an initial post on here in a while, but I think it may be on my end. Gonna try to get in there again. -
I had every intention of showing up and helping to defend the master race today, but a last min deal came up from someone wanting to hire me for some photography, and I do mean HIRE. Its a pretty good op for me, but I had to go see this guy (at Hooters btw) at the worse possible time. And I missed any sat night fights because I had my 30 yr high school reunion. I got home at 0100, and I searched and I searched all the world over, but couldnt find anyone on teamspeak, so I assumed all you old F-ers got tired and went beddy poo. So I got on here to
Link to my photography site (make sure your wifey isnt looking)
Enforcer57 replied to Enforcer57's topic in Jim's Place
Thanks guys....and Quaz, just 'cause I shoot em doesnt mean I get to do 'em....well, maybe a couple of 'em. But those are mostly friends of mine, with a couple of gfs over the yrs thrown in. There hasnt been much 'trade' recent yrs because of the stigma the Ga. Taliban has created in this state, but Ive generated alot more interest. Ive got two that im gonna see tomorow, one for wedding photos and both are interested in doing some modeling type stuff. God I hope. One is about one notch below jessica simpson. Anyway, that site has generated me alot of interest and some bsness as well. Already got two weddings from it. Eman.....I wish to GOD I had gotten into it when I was a young whippersnapper like yourself. I did a little, just for the occaisonal air show, but I didnt get serious about it till I was 29 and saw just how good a gimmick, er, uh, vocation , it was as far as hanging around chicks. -
Link to my photography site (make sure your wifey isnt looking)
Enforcer57 replied to Enforcer57's topic in Jim's Place
Im glad youse guys like em. I supposedly have a few more that are wanting to do some photography as a result of that site (and some wedding photos i did for their reletives). Ahhh, if you read carefullly, you will note that I said I photographed them in stuff OTHER THAN nuns habbits. Please note that this is Georgia, whose state attorney general told local lawyers that the constitution doesnt apply here. This place is ruled by puritan fanatics, so I have to be kinda careful. I wont even take nudes of chicks any more unless I know them really well....its that bad in this goofy state. you can get prosecuted for having "lustful inclinations"....Im not making this up. And if you post something too cheeky or even a hint of a nipple showing, you get your pix pulled from most web sites. I have no idea how those damn porn sites can get away with all that....they must be based outside the US. -
I dunno about much of that, but you could just copy the stuff in your skins and misns folders to the new install I assume, unless they have it rigged to where just the new stuff could install keeping your oldstuff. I wouldnt be surprised if they have it rigged that way. dunno though.
whoa. looks like the pacific and all the planned adons will be in one set. Kinda simplifies the whole deal, just make it all availible at once, and aviod the damn confusion. Somebody will still bitch like their hemoriods are on fire on that ubi zoo though, even if it is all inclusive.
Or you'll get bitched at. This is a link to my photography site on myspace. I can put just as much there as I use to have on a paid site (yrs ago) and it's free. I also havent had any puritans bitch about me showing females in something other than nun habbits. Believe it or not, it's actually gotten me some gigs so far, like the wedding I just shot and one in Nov. I also have a couple of, um, good subjects wanting me to do some stuff for them; and yes they are hot enough for me to do them for free. I've used that new Pentax more in the last month than in the previous three mos.....now If I can just make a bit more money. http://www.myspace.com/colonialphotog there's also some more of chick in the flightsuit on the F-86D in my Ubi avatar. Two slideshows, so have fun. HANDS ON THE DESK! I'm working on another portfolio at another site to, so be good boys, say your prays Frior instructs you to, and you may get to see some more. I hope the damn link works.
No yer not......frackers. And here I may be a bit late tomorow night.
THat guy mustve flown 3 tours.....man thats hairy. I know a guy who flew 3 tours in F-104s, F-105s, and F-4Ds. Man theres alot of neat stories there...be sure.
He sent it from Budapest.....I didnt know it was two cities either. He's enroute to Prague afterwards, so I guess he'll be back home soon and says he'll be back online by the time I get it. Anyway he says..."hit contl-E for me". You frackers are never gonna let me live that down, are ya? Well, maybe he'll be in the virtual skies Sat or Sun.
B16Enk-I cant access your photobucket link now
Enforcer57 replied to Enforcer57's topic in Jim's Place
Pilot error my arse you bastages.....(I always wanted to say that). I realize that the control E thing has forever put a photo of me besides the Websters definition of pilot error, but in THIS fracking case (I love Battlestar Galactica), that is a load of fieldercarb (heh heh....I wish they would make a Viper sim). Obviously a Cylon computer virus infected this things mainframe, because I only hit the key thingy once.....and just wait till sunday and I'll show you frackers some pilot error. Im glad the new season of BSG starts tonight.....Im also glad we dont fly on fridays, or I'd have to be AWOL. -
I was gonna use your photobucket link for posting some stuff, but the link to it just locks up now (and I have trouble getting some pages to dnload to), so can you give me the link and pw to ti again please sir. thankee..... UPDATE....I think there may be yet another issue in the gallery...I uploaded a photo to image gallery, and one to photos, but teh one I put in the image gallery, a P-40 in a sunset, repeated itself and is now on there at last count ....three times. just thought you might wanna know. Ill hold off before i upload much more.
HA! Yeah, the dukes of hazard is totally accurate as far as the place i live in...... and Im not exagerating. Boss Hogg is REAL....he and his clones live in the state capitol. Anyway, Starsky and Hutch arent too far off either....I used to own both a Colt Python (hutch's weapon) and an SW M-59 (starsky's).....and I used to date a chick who drove around in her boyfriends 75 torino in that very same paint scheme. (What he didnt know didnt hurt him). The rub a dub and gadivers sounds very interesting. Id give assorted organs to be able to show up there. I got invited by some brit vets I met in Texas at an airshow in 90, but alas....... Someday that is one place I intend to wind up in.....someday.....but I gotta have ice cubes in my diet coke.
If it was a B17 and a 23 together it had to be the Collings foundation...they tour all over the place, and ive photographed them on several occaisions. They also have an A-26C in Korea markings and an F-4D in viet ace Steve Ritchies markings....the only civie owned F-4. Havent seen that yet. About a decade ago, I heard some radials overhead from my car. I pulled over to a lot, and nearly pooped. it was a B-24. It was Kermit Weeks newly purchased bird (from david Tallichet) and he was makign the delivery flight, and came thru here to refuel. Its a good idea to keep a camera handy.
Yeah, cool. I think we need some more gunners to fly with us.
Well Im gonna have to learn this here LImey Lingo and Aussie Autism....thanks for the link Painless. Either that or Im gonna have to take a refresher course and wathc Battle of Britain (for the 1000th time) and find a copy of "Monty Pythons search for the Holy Grail". Everything I know about the Brit commonwealth I learned from those two sources.
I think a line from "the search for the holy grail" is appropriate here..... "T'is just a scratch".......
JA!! I vill fly for der forces of evil this time as last D-day.....when Psycho kept dragging me thru those flak traps after pissing everyone off vulching them. Ill fly BLUE, but am willing to be merc if imbalance arrises. I pretty sure there were a fair number of 109Fs and early model 110s in use in the west by then. I also DO remember reading some accounts of Spit mkVs being used over Normandy on D-day, and of course there were still a large number of P-51B,Cs in service on June 6....be sure.