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Everything posted by Enforcer57

  1. I emailed you guys thru an old email that had everyone on it (some of you have hidden emails on here (cough-painless-cough) so I just sent it to everyone. If you dont get it, let me know by giving me your email (since my telepathic powers are kinda crappy) and ill send it rt then man. remember to keep your bursts in the mig 9 under 2 seconds or youll wind up losing an engine, and make your approaches from way out and be down to about 120kts when you cross the threshold.....takes a while to land. If you land at the ruskie base from the east, you can run off the end without exploding, but you may wind up in the water. Kinda fun to park on the edge of the runway and watch everyone else come in. the single corsair driver should take off rigth out of the revetment, and turn onto the runway or taxi way without running off either. same for landing....ive got invisible runways over those that you can run off of and go boom. the this doesnt affect the runway the F-51s are taking off on. watch the tail pipe temp on the F-80s, though they are certainly competetive to the rusky jets. You are also gonna need all the performance of the new FM of the F-51s (my dad always called em that after he got out in 49). the captured arados the VVS are using work ok, but I cant remember how to stabilize those things (hard to fly). The ai ones work ok though. I didnt have any griffin engine spits liek they had at the time, so i used the 25lb jobs, and they are almost as fast as the jets. Let me know how they work on your cmputers. I recommend flying from all perspectives as its very different from each one. I put my dad's little radar installation on the tip of the peninsula near the small seaplane and sub base, complete with BOTH .50 cals they had set up. I have a few cameras around to. Let me know if you have any questions or if you dont recieve it.
  2. OK, ive finally finished this damn thing that ive worked on so bloody long. I sent this improved version to all the hounds, but I thought id see if any dogz want to this offline in the FMB by just selecting various planes and checking "player". Its got some of hte new planes in it, and some prop jobs to. I need to see if it flies ok on most computers and if i left out something important, like putting toilet paper in the outhouses (I understand our Brit comrades just sit on rocks and use leaves, so this may be confusing......you dont use icecubes either I hear). Anyway, I put way too much work into this thing to release it half-A, so see what you think if you get time. I may make this into a mini cmpn, but need to know if i need to change the primary template or whatever. Let me know if you want this thing and ill email it to you. When i get the series done, ill post the whole thing on here. Im going to bed now.
  3. Damn....we WON? holy cow.....I KNEW the tide of battle would turn, as I stated (at some point) last time. I was too late to get in on it, but Sun night as Painless and i were the only two left flying, we took off on a seafire misn......or at least Painless did. I wasnt too familiar with the seafire, and tried to take off like it was a mk9. I promptly nosed over and shattered my wood prop. So I watched Painless kick ass on the IJA and blast three zekes outta that air. I usually screw up on landing , not take off. Its EASY to prang on takeoff; one of the many realistic aspects of this sim.
  4. Heh heh. ..........then a line from "Beetlejuice" would be be appropriate (in michal keatons raspy dead guy voice); We come for your daughter, Chuck.
  5. the match with the 352cd continues today, but I intend on flying on the dogfight map (fighter pilot heaven for those who die in the match, or hell, depending on your perspective). ......unless i get drafted to fly combat in the match of course,
  6. Ok, since nobody else is gonna say it, I will ........ Make love not war!!
  7. Actually, it looks like it was well handled by the Ba-146 pilot (I htink thats what that is). Lots of rudder input man. I really dont know wht they mean by "in the nick of time".
  8. Well, I see that is not an EX parrot, which is good, because then you'd probably want to be a lion tamer, or maybe a singing lumberjack with unusual orientation.
  9. I just showed up to fly the dogfight map with the dead guys. Took about 30 seconds before we had a whole squadron worth. Till then, I flew around giving sunflower's son the chance for some target practice. Kid pounded me.
  10. HA!! totally priceless. Might wind up at Gitmo attending Koran meetings though. Heh heh.
  11. Jesus H God. THats the kinda nightmarish nonsense that kept me off flying online so long. I just knew id F up and have a public stoning. It wasnt until Dubbo invited me, repeatedly, to fly with the hounds, that I tried it. I had the pleasure of flying a dogfight map with them and several dogz that night, and i didnt even have teamspeak yet....dub was tallking to me on yahoo voice messenger, and the rest thru teletype. I had alot of stuff poiinted out to me that night (usually by Rattler as he was blasting me-but my flying was so eratic that I flew him into the ground-my first online kill I guess). But I had so much fun and laughed my ass off so much that I kicked myself in the head for waiting so long to try it. I was really lucky to find you frackers I suppose. I can just see the ubi posts the next day if I had been handled the way the guy in the ubi post was.........."and this noob kept climbing into my sights, and flew so badly that he caused me to crash........what a moron". I for one, am also glad to be here.
  12. I DID NOT bite her.....I sneaked a photo up her knickers as she bent over to give me a sponge bath (which nearly caused her to impale her eyeball-figure it out). I plan on flying with the hounds sat evening, and of course, you dogz are always welcome. I MAY get to fly wiht the dogz sunday, but it depends. My current "sort of" employment keeps me busy tues thru sat till 1800 hrs EST, so Ive not been able to fly much. However, i am working on a coop project that will let us fly a bit of alternate history ala 1947, if i can just get the F-ing AI to work out in some planes. And yes, I have had some real wing dings of some arguments with myself......which I usually lose. I tried talking to my dog, but he doesnt talk back, only pisses on stuff......and tries to hunch the cat. I also tried talking to chicks, but as is universally known, there is NO talking to those nutjobs, so I just take pix of em. Be nice to me and I may post some more.
  13. For what its worth, I got the answer at the zoo. You have to use the set function and set it to the runway icon from the take off WP.Then it works. Dont have to do it on the grass runway 4,but you do the
  14. Heh heh. I love those things. I think i may hve found a very bad bug though. If these things dont work, it makes alot of cmpns etc unusable. More research.
  15. Ok, I just wanted to make a coop misn in Kyushu, but my plane explodes on test runways and turns upside down etc. I can land on them ok, them take off, but cant spawn on htem. I have them on the large island on the NW corner of the map, finally found a flat spot, but this is bizarre. Ive used these before, test rwys 2 and 3. I wanna make
  16. OK, I was gonna say...where the hell is you from? but that would really be dumb. I need to watch the news alot more....or you guys need to keep a higher profile. I take it you were being consulted on air power matters, and your opinions on whether the spit 25lb or the mustang mk3 would be a better choice for a new fighter. Of course, Im sure you volunteered to be the test pilot.
  17. Well i got it, and it installed easily. I just cant figure out how to start it. No shortcut, doesnt show up in my programs list, and ive read all the readme files etc. Not a word about how to crank it up. never encounteredt htat before. It doesnt seem to show up at all in the programs list, but Its present in the programs file. I just couldnt find anything to start it up.
  18. Ok thanks. I didnt know anything about that. If it deosnt fly, shoot, take photos, or look military in general, I dunno much about it. Kinda goes along with my interests: If you can't shoot it, fly it, drive it, take pictures with it, eat it, or F it, I dont give a damn about it. (chicks used to think that was cool). I'll give that a try.
  19. EDIT.....Could you tell me what program was used to make this? for some reason, my comp cant recognize it. I also suddenly realized that wordpad seems to have disapeared from my computer (!?!?!?!?). I hope that wasnt the one it used. EDIT AGAIN: Well FRack!
  20. Man, Ive been trying for tow F-ing days to post on here and it kept refusing me. Anyway, Has an objects list been made yet? I just dont have time to hunt and peck, and I wanna do a few coop misns with the new stuff. Thanx.
  21. Yeah, they handle well, but the reason they do is because they are practically unarmed. Id love to have one for weekend flying out of the local airport, but I dunno if I wanna go to war in one. No wonder hte AVG had about a 10 to 1 kill ratio over those guys. Still, that Nate is fun to fly. I had a fun quick msn against I-153s and I-16s, and actually managed to shoot one down.
  22. Heh heh, Yeah, JP gives me alot of hell to when Im flying against him.....as does Von Tonar, Rattler, and that damn Painless, when Im not flying his wing. And beware of that whackjob psycho..........his callsign is appropriate...big time; He's really sneaky to. And Painless, I was supposed to be covering you, since you were lead. I was actually amazed how long I was able to stick with you like glue (another line I stole from "Battle of Britain"). That all ended when I wound up with 3 Ki-84s on my butt and I stalled out evading them. When I recovered from the spin 6 inches over the water (which also delayed my demise), I could only run for my life. Corsairs are a good mount for that. THis thing was so real, I nearly barfed from being airsick
  23. Well, I musta been abducted by aliens, because i lost a day. I thought Saturday night was Fri night.....and I missed the fight. Note the time I posted my sunday screenies thread......while my squadron was having a rip roaring good time Im sure. I was really looking forward to flying the 4.07, but (and this is a recuring theme with me).........nooooooooo. When I was riding my scooter 50 miles to Jasper this mornigng to get my windshield mounted (in gorgeous weather), I kept noticing churches with full lots....I thought the state had finally converted to full fanaticism at first, then I realized it was sunday. Well damn. In my own defence, i can only elaborate that at the car lot ive been doing paper work for and other jobs part time closed before i was done, so i closed the place up. Well, I forgot to put up that 10 ton Honda classic bike before I locked the garage area. So I had to find the owner (who was in a big poker game-an illegal sin in taliban Ga) and get the keys, hauling ass about 60 on my scooter to and fro. Anyway, I finally got home at ar0und 9, and just lost my chronomatic orientation (I forgot what day it was). Thats why i wasnt there. And I missed flying with the dogz today because a 40 min windshild installation took 4 freaking hours. And once i got back, I ran over an unfinished ditch dug in the road and it jarred my bike so bad that the spark plug wire came off and it died. If i hadnt called the dealer in Jasper who told me what to do, Id STILL be sitting in the middle of methville on the worse street in town. Ive had a really Fracked up weekend.......damn. It's tuff to go a week without killing anyone.
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