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Everything posted by Enforcer57

  1. You are an evil, evil, man. evil.
  2. As Darth Vader would say............ impressive, most impressive. However, i still subscribe the "drunk with power tools" hypothesis.
  3. yeah, neat. This is the only sim whose sunsets approach those of Janes WW2 fighters. Really nice.
  4. thats hilarious.....had to disable my firewall to see it (never had to do that before), but that's great. I would have loved being a gunner with that 20 in the tail, but I dunno if I could handle seeing those 5 in rockets heading toward me.
  5. ok, I'll be on shadows TS until a bit before 2100 est, in case anyone wants to test the ts with me. I hve mine working I think, but while I was on a channel with some fellows that were talking, I couldnt get the keys i pushed to get me out. Navigated fine otherwise.
  6. Ill give it a try if i can get everything set up. I THINK i have it set up. seems so. Hope to be there.
  7. More proof that Brits and Americans (north Americans-dont wanna leave out the canucs) are two peoples separated by a "common" language.
  8. Did you bring a sheep? We like sheep alot around here.
  9. I'm getting rather sheepish myself. The more I hang here, the more I'm glad I'm not married. That is a rather......um,.....strange photo with the rather intimate looking pose with the sheep. I mean, why the hell would they use that angle? They look like they have elephantitus (did I spell that right?). "Hey man, check out my sheep's 'nads !!" "My sheep has bigger 'nads than your sheep does !" "I'll have u know I'm hung like a sheep". The conversations must be very interesting. I guess everyone has to have a hobby. Well, at least they arent too busy arguing with their damn boyfriends to do any photography.
  10. Yeah, I paid my respects. Seems so inadequate for those guys that saved the world.
  11. Attention all good dogz and hounds who arent fruitcakes. Not tooting my horn (well, actually I am), but I think some of you may want to check out a possible new mascot.............of the female variety that I recently photographed. It abides by all the rules of purity and goodness (but just barely). I made two posts with the results of my good fortune....which I actually got paid for. It's a dirty job, but somebody has to do it. They are in the HH and Dogz private forum. All wives should be creatively lied to and any teenage boys (cough-Emann-cough) shouldnt go there since they will be permanantly scarred for life according to the leadership of the Ga. Taliban.
  12. Yeah, you guys should consider going all the way to 408, you dunno what you are missing. We'd love to fly wiht you guys sometimes if some of you have that and wanna pay us a visit. Always looking for somebody to satisfy our sado masochistic tendancies. I bought red orchestra, and it looked pretty good, but i was desperately looking for something that could use tanks, and it doesnt seem to be set up to do what I want (I miss Panzer commander). I also cant remember the key commands for more than one sim. If I could, Id still be doing strike fighters. I just wish an updated version of panzer commander, with brakes that work, would come out. I cant believe there is so little interest in tank sims these days.
  13. Neat job you have there DT. I couldnt see the vid though, but the story was very informative for a guy who never read that comic. I was (in the 60s-I'm old as dirt-but not as old as BG) a reader of Sgt Rock, Sgt Fury, Combat, Enemy Ace, The Balloon buster, Johny Cloud, and a few others whose names I cant remember. I had a few superman issues, but he was never armed....I couldn't deal with that. An appropriate story considering that our state is run by our own version of the taliban.....the Ga. Taliban to be exact. E.
  14. hhmmm, political treachery, sounds like it's biographical about the Ga. state legislature. I remember the original from when i was a kid......the history channel show was great.
  15. I love it because this is how I managed to, um, associate, with many of the women Ive.....associated...... with. I love it when bfs dump these chicks instead of letting them get it out of their system. Gives the rest of us a good shot at it. heh heh. I wish she'd come to Ga.
  16. Yeah, that was great. You guys in England might be able to see the ships those guys bought, as they certainly seemed eager to show them to anyone who was interested. I cant imagine having the original 8ft model of the enterprise D, with the saucer that seperated and all those neat working features (who the hell has that kind of money?). Man id love to work out with those things with my camera. I have a few of the micro machine miniature ships i got back in the early 90s (with some of the star wars ships to). I should have gotten the babylon 5 ships to, but I was too frugal when I made good money. I wish to GOD I had bought the three large ships and the other stuff that were quite well made and made noises. That stuff is pretty valuable now.A friend of mine has some of the christmas tree ornaments that have lights etc. Man I love that stuff.
  17. Ubi zoo has too many guys on it that should be on a Jane Fonda blog or be watching Rosie Odonnel.
  18. Very impressive. Where do we get such men? I hear similiar from every guy I encounter thats been there or in Iraq. Im really greatful for guys willing to put it on the line. Canada is well served by its soldiers, as it has always been.
  19. Ha! I finally won something! Photos in museums are really tuff to get, and they really arent useful for anything but reference and info......cant exactly sell em, but they are ffascinating to look at. You did very well. Some more of hte B25H would be interesting, especially the 75 installation.
  20. Man that was a blast again...even if i couldnt use my hounds paint scheme. I havent had time to post the screenies i took from the track, but it was a blast. I know we outnumbered them and alot of theirs were AI, but I think they used them well. It appears that the A20s were mostly AI and were sent against our ground forces with some effect. I thought I had really accomplished something when I blasted that Tempest, sneaking around under him while I thought he was setting up for a run on painless....however, since i reviewed it, i see it was AI. Here I was feeling like I'd blown a flying circus member outta the air, and it was a damn robot. Oh well, it was still fun. If i get home a little earlier, ill post a few sceens. Was a great time. VERY realistic I think. Right down to that overspeed crashlanding I made. Lots of fun. I hope next week our opponents are able to be at full strength. I kinda doubt Id have gotten those three kills on human guys.
  21. Did anyone watch that massive auction at christies in NY of the two warehouses full of trek stuff Paramount got rid of? From the first rejected pilot in 64 (managerie I think) to the last episode of Enterprise. The history channel did a 2 hr show on it, with the cast members thru the yrs, showed a bunch of neat stuff, and the amazing bids on that stuff. The original 8 ft long Enterprise D from next gen (before they made the smaller ones) sold for a half mil, as well as the large enterprise A (formerly the Yorktown y'know) which is hte oldest one paramount had ...yeah, about five times more than expected. Hell, that damn flute of Pickards he got from that probe that zapped him was listed in the catalogue as beginning at $800.....it showed this massive battle of guys bidding on
  22. Great shots man...tuff to do in such lighting. The H is amazing...didnt know any of those still existed. Is that turret from an Avenger?
  23. Ok, you DO have a digital camera dont you? You must take photos....of chicks in front of boats etc....use anything as an excuse. The last boat show i went to in atlanta had a chick show in bikinis along wiht the boats, so ......
  24. That's one of the things i like about hanging here.....Sometimes I get told im some kinda degenerate 'cause ive been known to shot some pretty 'good' photography of chicks.....I just direct em here for a comparative perspective. Thanks guys...
  25. heh heh, yeah, good one. the main difference between washington and bagdahd is that most of the victims in washington are unarmed. The monica jab is hilarious. It would be worse if he wound up in a room with hillary and was told he would be there for all eternity. True hell. Ask Bill. btw, anyone besides me notice from these enemy videos that all the choppers getting shot down are at medium altitudes which are perfect for manpads (shoulder missles)? Like, has the lesson book from Vietnam (and everywhere else) been thrown away, or what? You NEVER fly choppers at med to high altitudes in a combat area like that. And these guys have few if any heavy AA guns like 23mm to shoot them at low level. I marveled at that when i saw the vid of the CH46 getting hit by the missle from behind. sorta like us flying over a fleet of enemy ships at low altitude in this sim. You just know whats gonna happen.
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