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Everything posted by Enforcer57

  1. I think that is absolutely the funniest friggin thing ive seen on the internet yet. I literally can't stop laughing, and I am sleepy as hell. The comments really set it off. I had to stop reading them to allow myself to breath again. I've spetn alot of my time trying to kill and wage war on things that sting, bite,have 8 legs, poop in my closet, or make my nads itch.....so I can sympathize with them. What i cant figure is how nobody called 911 demanding the PD or FD or both. The gasoline tour of duty really set it off. And the photography was fantastic. God I can't stop laughing.
  2. Well, you can always do what I do.....if your engine starts coughing or you start leaving a dirty brown smoke trail, raise it and lower it until it goes away. Works for me. Im going back to bed now.
  3. Well, they could use that to send thier kids to school
  4. I dont F-ing believe that!! Looks like something from the X-files.
  5. :(Grrrrrrrrr Ok, you pull something controversial before the king of controversy can look at it? Damn. Since when are the Dogz recruiting anyone wussy enough to be "offended" by anything? and...........WHAT THE HELL WAS IT ANYWAY? BTW...In the USA, we don't get offended..........we get even.
  6. Heh heh. I GOTTA see that. Robo cop goes to Iraq.
  7. ONe of these days Im gonna figure out why I can't see half the pix/vids (even the link) that guys post on here, even when I turn off the firewall etc. Maybe it's just the massive censorship in the US imposed by our own version of the Taliban.
  8. I use an Iomega external HD.....320 gig I think (Getting old, cant remember stuff anymore). I have photos, my skins backed up, all sorts of crap I use that I dont want to lose. I work on photos in photoshop on the drive and it performs as quickly as my internal HD does. Easy to organize files etc, and I have left that thing on overnight when I fell asleep after flying with some of you guys (its all your fault). It was kinda hot, but it still functioned, so it's not that delicate. I don't think it's good form to leave it on all night, but I have worked for several hrs in it with no problems. I would also do a backup of photos on DVDs. They are slow to work with, but make a great storage back up to the back up. The advantage of the external HD is that you can work with stuff on it in a timely manner.
  9. Yeah, you cant say he's a jack of all trades and a master of none, 'cause he's sure a master at this skinning thing. I've already sent some of the ones he's done or modified for my east/west 1947 cmpn to you guys, but there's gonnna be some more. Very unique stuff.
  10. Yeah, these are great. There's an A26 korea scheme that would look good on an A20 hack. also saw some warbirds Ive photographed over the yrs that have been repainted.
  11. Now you know why Im not enslaved, er, uh, I mean married at my age.
  12. Enforcer57


    Heh heh.......that's why when cavorting with a married wench, I always keep a Glock m-20 10mm close by......to make sure nobody brings edged weapons to a gun fight. But this is the kinda luck I've had all my life. Good thing I can run fast while pulling up my drawers. BTW, this is hysterical. I'm going to steal this........
  13. Yeah, that thing should have dollar signs as a bomb group insignia on the tail. Did you guys see the B52 model wiht 8 actual turbo jets take off? and then did you see it fall off on one wing and crash and burn like a real one? Yup, time to get more lottery tickets.
  14. Heh heh. He said "crack". Heh heh. And my site isn't as deviant as I want it to be, but it could be if they didn't have "standards". (hmmph). The Ga. Taliban appears to have completed its indoctrination of all hot chix in NW Ga. They are all private property of doper dealers or rich guys. I don't do dope. I do however, feel the need to go buy some lottery tickets.
  15. Sounds like you need to do what I did and luck up on a friend who has a perfectly good one he wants to give away.
  16. Now Psycho, quit beating around the bush and say what you REALLY think. I'd advise you to take your own soap though next time you meet these guys at Duxford.......especially that old Canuc guy BG, I think he has beady eyes. Has an unhealthy obsession with (get ready for it)........ HOLES.
  17. I wanna fly with those guys !! Yesssirreeee....I sure do. I'd get a frequent flyer package if I could. Total confidence in maintenance chief and chief witch doctor Tobanga Wonga Honga and his number one boy, Haun hunng leow. I wonder what they do when thier planes come to the edge of the earth? I hope they check with the sungod as well, since the Sun is the center of the Freaking universe as we all know......
  18. Heh heh. a far more realistic story this way.
  19. Naaaah. Kill them. If they cant catch em, they should know that the war effort comes first. If they are that far away and not gaining and they were under my command, they would wind up sweeping mines with their boots if they protested. You can't really pay much attention to anyone who badmouths us for being effective in combat.......if we ever become effective in combat.
  20. Problem is solved; in an example of amazing timing, a friend of mine asked if I had any use for a 2 yr old 17 in flat screen monitor. I said "Hell yes", and I now have an E machines monitor hooked up, and it works great. A bigger screen will have to wait till I get a new computer in a yr or so. thanks for all the input. I just wish I could have this kinda luck with the lottery....or meeting Jessica Simpson.....before she gets totally nutso like Britanny Spears.
  21. Neat. You keep coming up with so much neat stuff on those airbases. Pity the Italians couldn't afford to put real guns on most of their planes.
  22. Yeah, I still see stuff I can't believe. If I can ever figure out how, I've got a few shots of naked wenches I took myself that would make great nose art and pinups for such use.
  23. Ok, latest question....I've noticed in some of the 19" screens that some appear to have a wider aspect ratio, and are advertised as wide screen. What's up with that? I don't want to get something that's gonna mess up my view, so what should I consider regarding this? Been over 10 yrs since i needed a new monitor, so this is a bit unfamiliar to me.....that's IF i decide to get one of the newer ones. I think im gonna get the older technology, but isn't 19 in about as big as you need to get for this sim, or is that some more crap I read on ubi-zoo, like the guy in CID's M-1 thread that said .223 and .308 civilian ammo isnt compatible. Well, I digress.
  24. If I ever go anywhere with you guys and you bring ANY of your relatives along, I'm packing some extra soap, so I won't have to pick any up if I drop it.
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