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Everything posted by Enforcer57

  1. Jabo hits his target as well and overflies his victim. At the same time, the Stuka flight, loaded with the SC1800 nukes, looks for the carriers, arriving shortly after we do, and in the middle of the furball. However, JP, ejects to act as an observer to give us intel on the enemy shipping movements. This actually had nothing to do with him assigning the space bar (biggest key on the board) to the bail out command and accidentally hitting the thing. That was a rumor started to confuse the allies. Campi is the only pilot to find the carriers and boldy atacks......they were hidden in a sound a few klicks away to the south. OK , I got a damn stinking electrical storm going on here......back to finish this as soon as it stops. Damn
  2. Tonar does an incredible job of energy management as he goes dead stick on approach to his runway. Note the hiding enemy carriers in the background at BG's resort he just opened on the Italian beach. Tonar nearly makes it home intact, but wipes out just a few hundred meters from the runway. He dejectedly hauls ass, wondering how he will explain this to his comrades and the command staff. Taken out by a 110 loaded with ordinance......"I thought these things were supposed to be vulnerable as hell" he later tells his commander. Unfortunately for us, the SEOW does not count this plane as lost. BG can afford to have anything repaired. Meanwhile, I and my section 8 gunner haul ass on the deck outta there. We wind up right over the town and base that had been getting beat up the entire misn up to this point. Just my luck. One Hellcat sees us and rolls into attack, Psycho bringing his twin MG-15s to bear and giving him a short squirt (sort of like the conception of many of the allied pilots we face). I change course and hug the ground, as the Hellcat amazingly loses us in all the excitement.
  3. In all the excitement, I accidentally hit my nav lights, making me the priority target for any bandits that see me, like Tonar in his Hellcat, who is the only fighter to break through our escorts at this point. My lights are like a sign saying "kill me, kill me". Well, I never claimed to be a rocket scientist. Undoubtedly the enemy thinks that I have taken the valiant action to help guide my planes on target. Fortunately for me, Tonar gets so fixated on killing me that he flies directly in front My flightmenber Jabo, who opens up with his four cannon as my bomb explodes in the tanker's bowels. A puzzled and alarmed Tonar pulls off target with a damaged engine and goes RTB.
  4. While Badaim, Cold Gambler, and Knight are keeping them busy in their 109s along with Rattler's flight in the FWs, the 110s led by Lt. Enforcer of the illustrious Hellhounds k9 squadron (me btw), approach the enemy shipping unmolested by fighters that are too busy tangling with our guys. I see that the carriers are nowhere to be found, so I order my flight to attack the shipping. The sky is full of a big furball and enemy fighters are on either side of us, so we don't have time to stick around. I nose over in a steep dive to get down on the deck for a skip bombing run on a tanker, almost making my gunner Psycho lose his cookies. YUP, I had one of our best aces as a gunner, so I felt pretty comfy, even if I was bouncing him all over the cockpit. I dropped low and close to the ship. I pull up hard with my throttles firewalled as Psycho tells me I hit the target...woo hoo.
  5. Badaim, as all the Luftwaffe fighters, was totally surrounded and giving as good as he got. Here he continues to engage despite his engine burning. Here Painless, as opportunistic as ever, adds to his damage in a head on pass as Badaim continues firing. Knight also gives the allied pilots a hard time, as he is outnumbered by about 3 to 1 like the other axis pilots are. The 109s used excellent tactics but were also just overwhelmed, though they were totally successful in fulfilling their misn to keep the fighters off the bombers.
  6. Bloke closes to near point blank and takes off Rattler's rudder, as the FW has taken heavy damage. Allied buzzards fill the sky smelling blood. The forces of evil are like that. Rattler eventually goes in from B Bloke's fire and the other damage he has recieved. Meanwhile, his wingman Friar runs for it but also has a month's worth of allied aircraft production behind him. He managed to belly in and made it back to our lines. Being he is our padre, he stopped by a local convent to see if the nuns needed any......."help". Apparently they did, as he has yet to report in. Directly above this, the 109Fs are mixing it up with the same planes, plus some Hellcats assigned to protect thier shipping. Here Cold Gambler takes out the evil Doubletap, leading ace of the allied forces. He won't be straffing any school buses or orphanages this misn.
  7. Friar's four 20mm at point blank range blow the 47 apart, and another allied pilot becomes fishfood after yet another furious dogfight. As Funflak hits the water, Friar sees his wingman below him being harried by a variety of Allied aircraft, all shooting at Rattler. B Bloke finally comes outta the stratosphere with tremendous speed and angles for a shot at Rattler while Seafires continue firing.
  8. The air combat starts as the Luftwaffe escorts led by Rattler and small in number but large in grit (and testicular fortitude) waded into the heavy allied CAP over the beach where the transports were unloading. Our 109Fs and FWs wound up in a hornets nest of Spit mk8s, Seafires, P-51Bs, and Jugs. The fight quickly wound up on the deck. The large fight could itself generate an extensive thread, but wound up in several daisy chains where the Luftwaffe fighters were always heavily outnumbered, but held their own rather well. Here another daisy chain erupts as Funflak closes on Friar who is chasing a Seafire who is chasing Rattler; a scenario that repeated itself many times. Funflak's Jug overshoots Friar, who reacts quickly.
  9. Tonar is just a little too late to save his comrade who explodes before he hits the ground, which is especially frustrating to him since Bonger owed him money. A single B-25 was assigned to recon the roads and attack our vehicles apparently, using terrain masking and flying very low (If the pilot would ID himself-I couldn't tell). FHere it takes out one of our 85mm guns covering a road. The B-25 pilot then straffed a Panther guarding the same rd with no effect other than chipping the paint, contrary to what is often said on the Ubi Zoo.
  10. Finally! Justice rules by God. Now sheep and showers can both be visited safely........ And ditto Rattler about lawyers speaking Romulan all the time. I always figured that Fireman outfits would make great flasher suits.
  11. Um, I gotta poloriod of Nina Hartely standing next to me at a club in Atlanta, and she's only wearing a watch and a smile. I can't post that though........well not all of it. heh heh. I have no claim to fame though other than that though.
  12. Other than the nose being a little long for the reasons mentioned, it looks like an F6F. Just make sure you don't fly in front of a 110 you don't see. Heh heh. (Runs from room laughing maniacally)
  13. Awww, that's eeeasy; all you gotta do is get a piece of styrofoam and carve away anything that doesn't look like an F6F. Tonar, I knew you had a sense of the dramatic when you attacked us in those B-25s two misns back. I see why nobody sits in that chair.
  14. Cool. Now I know where he got the idea for the Ooompa Loompas.......I think.
  15. Man you guys are ...............well, you just are.
  16. OK, it's up there. Did as advised, and it's resting comfortably.
  17. Well I was wondering when they would have that on. Thanx......got to get some more VHS tapes.
  18. Thanks comrade. Lemme see if I can cause yet some more problems......
  19. Just wait till youre 50. It took me 10 min to wade through all those damn kill marks to read the blasted post btw......including at least two that are mine. Did you get any toys, or attention of a decadent sort from any fluzzie type chix? Enjoy it while you can young'n.
  20. Ok, as usual, I get kicked in the arse by software......I tried to upload the track to the last misn, which is very complete, but it won't let me. Says i don't have permission to upload to any categories etc blah blah, and to drag a webmaster outta bed blah blah. Anyone know how I can get that blasted thing uploaded without having to put 14 hrs work into it? Im already bumbed out for accidentally exposing our top secret written in concrete
  21. Yeah, They are having a marathon of the last three seasons on Sci fi channel before the last season begins; I'm watching it now.....didn't realized I'd missed so many episodes. I love that thing. Some really epic battles and a story line htat just gets wilder. Just wait till the Pegasus and Admiral Cain show up.....heh heh. Not Loyd Bridges this time though....It's an actor from one of the Star Trek series......Better buy some VHS tapes man. Their will also be some more issues of combat comix......several more, since the blue forces are far from defeated. Be sure. (the reds are the Cylons).
  22. Mobius, (trembling with fear as I say this), since you are getting so bloody old, you should spend your Sundays chasing chix, not killing blue pilots. I mean, where are your priorities man? And I too, wanna know what you got? I'm not referring to itches or rashes, I mean what did you get toy wise?
  23. Tee hee hee. I could've used those saddle bags on my moped when I had one.
  24. Yeah, these guys can give you some flight time that will help you online. When I was....drafted........ by the Hellhounds a couple of yrs ago (they literally dragged me outta my house at gunpoint), I felt a bit out of place. But they had me in the groove pretty quickly. I now can absorb bullets without looking quite so bad, and have alot of fun doing it. I actually kill somebody sometimes. God this is fun.
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