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Everything posted by Enforcer57

  1. I think Kursk hurt them worse. I still think that Stalingrad was THE turning point, like the BoB was in the west and Midway was in the Pacific, but the Germans could've recovered if they hadn't thrown away those forces at Kursk and gave the momentum to the Soviets. They lost so much armor thrown into the kill zone of all that artillery that they
  2. Ok, I got it. works great, but I can tell that I don't like that damn vista too much, not yet anyway. Took me a half hr to figure out how to turn it off. STarted loading the software I want, and I can tell it's noticably slower than my desktop, of course.
  3. Damn right it can...man, I had no idea that had happened. I thought they were approaching, and never realized that he was fired on by the shermans. A unique situation. I did a similar one in my VVS fighters pt 1 cmpn I posted a couple yrs ago, with you having to take off as german tanks overun the base. Havent seen this kinda thing since. Definitely a movie subject. This is why I wanted to see ohter perspectives on this....I completely missed this. Very dramatic. I saw that Marder get hit by the runway. A good shot of that.
  4. Being on the offensive is always better in an insurgency than waiting for the bad guys to pick the time and place to fight. Best way to use your advantages in firepower etc. Better to be able to pick the alley your'e gonna fight in.
  5. Ok, I intend on getting it first thing tomorow morning, and Ill probably look into getting some more ram after I run it a bit. It has no software other than the vista thing, so I have plenty of room to put stuff on it that I need. The guy there i talked to said it had room to expand that. I also get to use it to put my portfolio on it and wonder around trying to recruit subject matter .......as well as try and convince people to let me do their wedding (ick) pictures. Lots of chicks at weddings btw. I dont think im gonna use it for any internet stuff though, since Ill keep it at my own house in town and my main computer is at my mother's house. Gotta get me a saitek twist stick to I recon, for testing stuff.
  6. Ha! I hope you kept your wallet pocket buttoned. Those guys are pretty shifty. Dubbo was the one who convinced me, after several mos of email and IM pursuasion, to try flying online with the hellhounds. So began my addiction. BTW, Rattler was the first guy who shot me down, and also my first kill.......he flew into the ground chasing my wildly gyrating P-63. I wish I had made a track of that. Pitty the museum was closed....somebody must've warned them they were enroute. For what it's worth, I still think Dubbo's "castaways" cmpn is the best one ever made for this sim.
  7. It has an invidia gforce 7000. All the other ones had an intel job, but this one was the only one that had a different one. It's a display model.
  8. Ha, that's rich. Most Americans couldn't sing the national anthem because they don't remember the words. I liked the Mounties in th e background....that's really stirring seeing all those folks singing like that. I gotta go there someday, maybe dig some holes for BG (depending on the pay). The only thing they needed were some lumber jacks......Monty Python style. Yeah, Michal Palen stepping up and singing the "I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok, I cut down trees and I work all day", complete with the Mounty support singers. Oooops, sorry, my warped mentality came forward again. I promise not to sing the "Blame Canada" song from the Southpark movie again......well, for a while anyway. I was so inspired that I watched that again and sent a link to some friends.
  9. Where do I send my application? Surely they need an experienced food service worker to handle the kitchen.
  10. OK, ill check on that today when I go to work, as it's right across the hwy where I work. My budget is limited to about what the cost on this is, but I can always get a better vid card later on of course......or so I assume. I wouldn't worry about this except that I had to put myself into hock for another 5 grand this week, as I HAD to order a new insulin pump since the outfit that supports (recalibrates every two yrs) the type Ive had for 15 yrs decided to stop supporting it and force everyone to sell thier first born to get another one if they don't have insurance (5 grand is discounted 20%-oooh, how nice of them). Well anyway, that's another 103 bucks a month for the next four yrs, and as usual, I go off on a GD rant. Sheeeesh. Ill see what the card is and report back.
  11. Damn....I'd a never thought of that. She certainly is using a rather original distraction technique. She coulda pulles a Tiger tank outta there and I'd have believed it.
  12. Im gonna have to get a laptop i think since I am gonna have to divide my time between my mothers house where Im staying and my house in town htat Im working on and have my studio. Im gonna use it for photography work, but I want it to be able to run IL2 stuff good enough for me to make misns and test them etc. I was doing that on the rather old AMD processor computer at the location I was working at for the previous yr (lots of spare time) and it actually ran it good enough to do that. I found htat circuit city has somel Compaq laptops wiht amd 64 something x2 dual core job, though Ive lost the paper I wrote down the exact type-duh. It has vista of course, which I understand has problems wiht IL2, and I could find nothing about the type of video card it has. They are suposed to be display or returns that have been reconditioned, and are small enough for me to carry around for photographic work as well. It was 450 bucks, and it had the same guarentee as the new ones. I know I need to get more info (I will tomorow), but I keep seeing guys say that they fly on a laptop online even. I know next to nothing about these things, but wondered if there was at least a good chance that such a computer would be equipped to run this thing at reduced settings with vista. I assume it would, but I always make an ass outta me when I assume such. That is all.
  13. Yeah man, I heard Jabo yelling something about "that hellcat came outta nowhere and flew right in front of me, so I shot 'im". He was really amazed at the shot. Man I knew I had to see what the deal was on that. You must've caught the edge of the burst and a 20mm or two, since a 30mm woulda been kaput city. A little bit after we withdrew, my gunner (Psycho) said "you got your lights on man?" I looked out at my wings and nearly pooped. I had no idea that I'd been saying "kill me" as I made my run. The clincher was when I took this screen shot of you hauling outta the crash and saw the look on the pilot's face. I nearly fell outta my chair,and I just knew what I had to do.You almost made the runway to.
  14. Where does she hide what? Oh, she's doing a majic act. I get kinda......distracted. I should be punished....by HER. In the colonies, the puritans would never allow such anywhere but Vegas. Protesters would be in the street throwing bibles......which they've never read btw.
  15. Wow man, great movie u made there. The
  16. Heh heh. You should get back in time to help us defend italy with Mausers. Try not to kill any moron govt wienies. BTW.....WTF they gonna ask her? "You a terrorist maam?" God the crap they come up with to justify their worthless jobs.
  17. Hey JP, I tried to cover for you. I thought the forward scout in the water thing was pretty...........well, actually it wasn't plausible at all. I on the other hand, have never done anything stupid.....other than the taxi incident where I ran into the tail of the 110 that time, and my running off the runway and crapping out on take-off, and letting a switch file change my game to an old version accidentally, or......well, that's enough. Vee vill do better this time.
  18. I dismiss his concerns as the 110 is the easiest plane in the med to land, and I shot about 20 landings that morning with no problem. Well......... All I could do is sit in my humiliation as my gunner shook his head and reminded me not to be a runway hazard The allied pilots make it home to, although a Hellcat and two Spits bellly in, the two spits on the beach. None of them are counted lost and are recovered though. This was a tough fight, but the luftwaffe is still a force to be dealt with. War is all hell. If I left anyone out or mis identified anyone, please let me know. This is about as good as I could do, as there was a great deal going on at the same time. Was a great misn, and I salute our allied opponents on making this a real challenge.
  19. Meanwhile the allies are RTB, and the Canadian robber baron BG his mind on his many aquisitions and not on his flying. And he forgets to lower his gear.......... As I approach my base, on a rather large runway, my gunner reminds me to watch my flying, reminding me how glad I am that I never got married, espeically to a naggy bitch like him. I'm sure he is wondering about the fact that HE is the one called Psycho.
  20. Bear's gunner scores Painless's Merlin, magically managing to shoot below the tail as Stukas are prone to do. First time I was ever glad they did this. Painless wisely turns back to base and Bear goes feet dry on his way back to Axis lines. Both are trailing smoke.
  21. Bear fights back and puts a few holes in his tormentors, as does GK. Greyknight shoots a Jug that is attacking, and manages to escape it and several other fighters. Painless takes over attacking Bear and flies incredibly low to get under him in some pretty amazing airmanship. He leaves a trail on the water.
  22. The bomb is on target, but bounces above the deck and can be seen by the mast as it sails over the ship. I thought it was a miss, as the bomb sailed a good ways past the ship before it hit the water and exploded. Howver, it's so powerful that it sprang the hull plates and the ship sank. Unfortunately this attracts the attention of every allied pilot in theatre. Here Bucky drops his tank as he lines up to attack the two stukas as they egress. B Bloke attacks Greyknight's Stuka, but is not able to bring it down with several passes on the wildlly manuvering Stuka.
  23. Meanwhile, Greyknight and Bear attack the transports scoring one each. Here GK pulls off after blasting one. Bear dives to the water to make a skip bombing run as GK pulls off to the upper left. Bear drops though the angle isn't the best. No time to improve it as the place is crawling with allied fighters. The huge bomb heads toward the ships hull.
  24. OK, storm over. Im back dammit. As our intrepid Stuka pilot head toward the flattops, BG attacks him. He needs more slave labor to help build condos at his seaside resort he opened, especially since they have lost both KGV class battleships and thier 14 in guns which came in really handy for digging holes for such projects. Campi tries to get his bomb off, but is unable, traveling over the deck of the Brit carrier. This captured photo was taken on the ships flight deck and was captured when we found a courier trying to sneak into the battle area. Here's another shot of him taken from the superstructure. It's just a neat shot.
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