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Everything posted by Friar

  1. Well as there do not seem to be any Saitek ones around I have gone for it so will see how it goes when they turn up.
  2. All sorted now - was due to me not having line of sight to the signal from the carrier (a little knowledge is a dangerous thing). Thanks to Fruitbat for acting as my Instructor in the back seat and putting me right. Thanks to @fruitbat and @DD_Fenrir for the session on Saturday evening.
  3. Above - Fenrir doing what Fenrir does....
  4. just checking out another video and it shows what I am seeing
  5. No, I have watched Grim Reapers video for the T-45 and it clearly shows the TACAN symbol in the direction I need to fly (see attached) but when I try and do it I do not see the icon?
  6. Salute I have had a look at the video Fruitbat posted about how to use the TACAN in the T-45 however I dont think it is working the same now? (unless I am doing it wrong, which is a high possibility) I wanted to navigate to the carrier which has a code of 74X STN. I plugged 74 into the TACAN box and switched on. The button to select X/Y does not seem tot work? I set the left display to TCAN but the display did not show the icon for the TACAN as demonstrated in the video, plus the heading seemed out? Is there any chance someone who knows about these things could try setting it up and tell me if there is an issue or it is me doing something wrong? Many thanks regards Friar
  7. Salute I am thinking of replacing my Saitek X52 with a new setup (current pedals are old and not fully working, stick has some issues etc). I have been looking at CH Products as a possible decent value replacement. What do we think of CH Products as an alternative? I can pickup stick, throttle and pedals for £230? I am not going to Fruitbats level and going Virpil before anyone suggests!
  8. It is so fen can put it on the server for Sid - I may fly it but have downloaded it just to help Sid.
  9. Might fire DCS up this afternoon (Friday) if nothing is doing work wise and have another look...
  10. ok, can i have a link and a reminder of how to install it please.
  11. Hello DangerDogz DCSers I posted a question over on the DCS forum that has 78 views (so I am perhaps not the only one wondering about this) but without a reply. Can you chaps think of any other channels I could approach to see if it is possible?
  12. Salute How do I get ride of the below please?
  13. In this time of Peace and Goodwill to all men, my mind turns to when will the next round of North Africa be! Does the 29th January work for you guys? Anyone CANNOT make that date please let me know. I originally suggested 8th or 15th but Deacon has said their guys have some travel and family commitments. Friar
  14. oh, good guess from @wingflyr. If I was to mark it like in the game and I say x=right number wrong place and o=right number right place and ?=number not included. I would give you xo?oxx
  15. Just like the old game of "MasterMind" (guess the code sequence of coloured pegs) 1 right, right position. And too high, I will give this type of clue for a bit to give you all a chance
  16. Salute Over Christmas I have been doing some work on tidying up our member details and groups etc. As part of this work I have exported some details of members last visit and number of posts etc. So here is a question for you... As at 26/12/2022 10:00 How many posts do we have recorded as having been made to the DangerDogz boards. I will give you a clue, its 6 figures and covers 454 people (guesses from administrators who are spot on will be viewed with suspicion ) I will post the answer once the guesses have dried up (assuming I get any at all of course!)
  17. Friar

    Viacom Pro

    Might need some special training where Delta is concerned....
  18. Merry Christmas one and all from the Priory @DD_Fenrir hope you are feeling better now
  19. Who Knew....The Sherman has a clock found in the driver position that is linked to the in game mission time.
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