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Everything posted by Friar

  1. seeing as no one else has done it... happy birthday to you....happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear delta7/david, happy birthday to you. drinks all round tonight then ah dave? Cheers, I'll start now
  2. thanks, i'll have a look. (I already have Shift_E's program by the way.)
  3. hi, i thought that i would give the complete ed a go. i have renamed my old folders so that i can pull back files that i want to keep. my problem is..when the dvd runs up the "install" option is greyed out (not selectable) any offers please.
  4. without me looking does anyone know the largest map/grid ie a-z by 1-20 i am embarking on a project to make a headings calculator. my idea being you set the starting grid ref and the destination grid ref and you get the heading back. i am thinking about this as a paper/card wheel. you dial in the two points and the heading is displayed. all this may be futile but it has got me thinking at the moment. (until someone tells me i am wasting my time!) my idea is based on a right-angle triangle. the east/west leg is one side, north/south leg is the other. i am planning to calculate the steps from grid to grid i.e 4 across and 3 up to get from a1 to e4. this gives a right triangle. i compute the angle and get the heading. does anyone have any thoughts on this? am i wasting my time?
  5. its when you fly out of the cockpit. all you see on the screen is the cross hairs. you can also cycle the views to show some dials - atrifical horizon, heading and speed plus altitude. you can also set it to have red and blue arrows around the perimeter of the screen showing direction of other aircraft.
  6. i was having a look through the ubi forums and came across this.... One day a fourth-grade teacher asked the children what their fathers did for a living. All the typical answers came up -- fireman, mechanic, businessman, salesman, doctor, lawyer, and so forth. But little Justin was being uncharacteristically quiet, so when the teacher prodded him about his father, he replied, "My father's an exotic dancer in a gay cabaret and takes off all his clothes in front of other men and they put money in his underwear. Sometimes, if the offer is really good, he will go home with some guy and make love with him for money." The teacher, obviously shaken by this statement, hurriedly set the other children to work on some exercises and then took little Justin aside to ask him, "Is that really true about your father?" "No," the boy said. "He flys Pacific Fighters on-line using Wonder Women view, but I was too embarrassed to say that in front of the other kids."
  7. would you like to know the manufacturer of the boots and suspender belt she is wearing as well? (yes I DID notice the young lady demonstrating the joystick) and having recently had to go through health and Safety training would have to point out that I do not think that she is using it in the most egonomic efficient position. :shock:
  8. yep..i had to stop using it because the roll to the right would only go so far, no matter how i tried to calibrate it, so i use it in my left hand and a saitek evo in my right.
  9. logitech extreme 3d pro (i've got one, does not work properly so i use it as a button pad)
  10. yea great film. i bought it on dvd a whileago as well. the special 2 dvd set is cool as some of the behind the scenes features are interseting to watch as well.
  11. great, thanks roger, i think that i'll give that a go. i like to fly to the theme to battle of britain but as the track is only 2 mins or so, putting others in will be good. S!
  12. file names does that mean: 123-music1.wav 456-music2.wav 789-music3.wav ?
  13. many thank gents, i think that it is going to be really helpful. i have printed off the texts and downloaded the sniper s/sheet. looks like i've now got plenty of interesting papers to read up on at lunchtimes! :shock: (shame i cant play and try them out!)
  14. do those settings apply off line as well, or is it only online to account for the lag?
  15. playing last night (thursday 23rd) it was suggested to me that i should set convergence on the 109 to 1000m. should i extend all convergence (inc wing mounted guns) when playing on line? i currently have machine gun and cannon set to 200m
  16. just been back to check...it was made by beebop...of the Hell Hounds!
  17. i remember seeing that someone has done this mission over in the ubi missions forums. iifc they had a lot of trouble geeting the walls right. the bombs would either have no effect or take out the wall, the buildings and surrounding objects.
  18. hi, you may already know about this but I have only just seen it. i found the link through the missions forum on the ubi site. www.sturmovik.de/oe/index.php it is a filter (with pictures) for objects. looking for winter industrial buidings? make your selection and the pictures and their ref nos are displayed.
  19. hi. i have recently added a second joystick to assist in flight control. my main stick is a saitek cyborg evo. i use this for the 4 weapons. the hat for looking around. i aslo have increase/decrease prop pitch on 2 seperate buttons. i use the slider for the throttle. there are two other buttons as yet un programmed. i use this in my right hand. in my left hand i am using the stick that the evo replaced (due to stick malfunction) logitech 3d pro. on this stick i have the trigger for center view. the hat for radiator (move to left) and flaps up (hat forward) and down (hat down). the slider is set for aileron trim. the other 4 buttons located around the hat are set for cockpit view / external view / wide view and zoom view. there are 6 other programable buttons on this stick, as well as hat move to right. what do you guys think are the most important settings to have to hand on these buttons? (the two spare on the evo and the six on the logitech)
  20. Friar

    time zones

    thank you for that. ~ even though i do seem to get lost in the mix that is the co-ops i am still having a blast. it has shown me though how little i know about flying.... S!
  21. Friar

    time zones

    i am thinging about buying a bunch of clocks to put by the computer and set them to the different time zones we all play in. How many do I need and what are the zones?
  22. with all these pictues of young ladies....remember to check our banner........
  23. i would vote for ddogz:frior-one (is a colon allowed?)
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