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  • 1. DDz Quorum

A skin depicting an Ar234 as a nightfighter of Erprobungskommando in March 1945. The actual aircraft had radar antennae so it's semi historical. This skin has the gunpod painted black to fit in with the overall scheme.

I couldn't see how the upper surfaces scheme fitted in at night but the piccie shows just how it did....I think ;)

I have looked for schemes for this aircraft but most are included as default....if anyone finds one that's different please let me know.

A Git production using the official template.


Ar234 nightfighter nightime.jpg

Ar234 nightfighter daytime.jpg

  • Thanks 1
  • 1. DDz Quorum

Ta Crasheroni. I'm also looking for pictures of aircraft with schemes different to the default so I can have a go. I don't think this one varied very much from standard, there are some of the 4 engined C3 variants that have some differences but apart from that I draw a blank...

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Alternative scheme based on Neptun radar equipped 234s in service.



Ar234 alternative nightscheme.jpg

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