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14 hours ago, Painless said:

@Reggie Happy to take 10% of any bit coins you might have sir. 👍🏻😉

I don't have any I am afraid, it is unsanitary to chew money and then give it to other people 🤑🤢

I can give you a credit card statement and a mortgage statement if you like? 😁

  • 1. DDz Quorum
3 minutes ago, Reggie said:

I don't have any I am afraid, it is unsanitary to chew money and then give it to other people 🤑🤢

I can give you a credit card statement and a mortgage statement if you like? 😁

So it begins....

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Tell you what I’ll do Reggie, one 500g tub of decent quality Buffalo milk coffee ice cream, delivered to my door, first Saturday of every month for six months.... we can call it quits 👍🏻🤝

  • Haha 1
  • 1. DDz Quorum
2 hours ago, Painless said:

.... we can call it quits 👍🏻🤝

Eating all that it will be more like call it squits.....

  • Haha 1
  • 1. DDz Quorum

I'll be on leave the 16th, Sunday. A friend has lined me up with a Swedish gal, Swepina.  Can't wait.


  • Haha 4

402nd FS Combat Report - 13/12 - Air patrol over 's-Hertogenbosch

Firstly, apologies for the lateness of this report; you will understand why as you read on.

Up to the relatively decent strength of six pilots this time round, the 402nd set off for a patrol over some unpronounceable Dutch city to the North, carrying a pair of 500lb'ers for good luck.
Shortly after reaching the patrol area, a gaggle of unidentified aircraft were spotted much lower, but before we had the chance to investigate we received a call for help from the 485th which we dutifully accepted. Steering South West at Angels 14(ish) we soon saw flaming wreckage falling from the sky to our 1 O'clock. Another call to Zenith revealed they had everything under control, so we headed back to where we last spotted the lower unknown gaggle. Sure enough we spotted a formation of four low and uncharacteristically slow Me262s flying in a line heading roughly East, we ditched the bombs and prepared to engage.
Despite best efforts to reduce speed from the lofty intercept, it soon became obvious that we were going to overrun them.
With the straggling number four aircraft quickly filling my gunsight evasive action was taken but the now unsighted Jerry jet collided with the underside of my aircraft knocking out engine number two and ripping off my horizontal stab in the process. With no chance of recovering the aircraft I hit the silk and watched the rest of the engagement as I drifted to the uninviting snowy frontline below.

At this point Capt. Fruitbat who was flying as White One assumed lead and proudly reports that all four Me262s were smacked down, one by himself, one by 2Lt Handley and two by 2Lt Over.
Unfortunately, our newest recruit 2Lt Brem Sprow suffered electrical failure and had to return to base early on in the mission and 2Lt Wanderweit suffered a similar fate to myself, also colliding with a 262; though thankfully he was able to recover at Eindhoven and even beat the 410th BG to the mess, much to the chagrin of his hosts for the evening!

After getting my bearings I headed South along the hedgerows until I reached the Waal river and a rather conveniently moored rowing boat. Rowing my way to the South shore my luck struck again by attracting the attention of a retreating friendly supply column. After a couple of stops I finally hitched a ride in a Jeep and made it to Eindhoven just in time to see Red Four beat one of those bomber boys to an arm wrestle 7 pints in.

So, despite losing one aircraft and damage to two others, with no pilots lost and four of the enemy's new jet fighters destroyed, an arm wrestle won and a mess that wasn't our own completely drunk dry, it was a good day. Well done gents!

  • Haha 2

Unfortunately I will be missing this one chaps. good luck fellows.:salute:

  • Sad 1
  • 1. DDz Quorum

Mission Date 15/12/44

402nd FS - Attack Armour Column, Julich

485th FS - Transport Interdiction, Duisberg

410th BG - Reconnaissance, Julich



370th FG

402nd FS:

402nd Sqn Log 15-12-44 a.PNG

402nd Sqn Log 15-12-44 b.PNG

402nd Sqn Log 15-12-44 c.PNG


485th FS: 

485th Sqn Log 15-12-44 a.PNG

485th Sqn Log 15-12-44 b.PNG

485th Sqn Log 15-12-44 c.PNG

485th Sqn Log 15-12-44 d.PNG

485th Sqn Log 15-12-44 e.PNG


410th BG

410th Sqn Log 15-12-44 a.PNG

410th Sqn Log 15-12-44 b.PNG

410th Sqn Log 15-12-44 c.PNG

410th Sqn Log 15-12-44 d.PNG



370th FG

Awards and Promotions:

2nd Lieutenant Roger Over is awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross.

Jabo's DFC 17-12-44.PNG



Captain Les Payne is posted to the 485th FS.

1st Lieutenant Reggie Nailed is posted to the 485th FS.


410th BG

Awards and Promotions:




No changes.

  • Like 2

Quick question chaps, after my sad demise last night, is there any chance of a skin change? 

I am not a skinner myself, but wonder if there is any chance one of you kind chaps may be able to throw together a NMF skin for me with a new noseart I can provide? If not, I will stick with my current OD skin and resurrect it. 

Also, not sure if the framerate issue is something I need to look at more closely re pc performance or not - it was pretty dire last night. To be honest, I should have known the evening was going to go the way it did, I should have taken the fact all my controls were screwy and had to be remapped in the practice server as an omen 🤔

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Sid is your man to ask about a new skin Reggie. 👍🏻

Bloody shame our run of luck came to an end mate, but it was good while it blasted !



Quite the sobering first mission for Norman Gannet.  He arrived back to base under a black cloud shrouding the 485th,

And the day had started out so glorious. 


Launching on his first early morning raid with the 485 Norm was struck by the beauty of his first combat sunrise.  The luminous orb outlining his esteemed commander, such a sight.  Surely a good omen.  

Last flight of MajPainLess.jpg

The reality of war, soon disavowed him of that illusion.


Shortly after sunrise Lt Johnson, RTB'd with engine difficulties.   The rumors in the training cadre about the cold winter weather being unkind to Allison engines, seems to be bearing bitter fruit.


Left without a wingman, Norman was given the choice of attaching himself to white flight but, chose to remain with his commander and chip in where he could.  It would not be long before he would regret that fateful decision.


Prior to target we encountered 3 enemy bombers escorted by fighters, however both sides elected to continue on mission,  there were jobs to be done after all.


Over target :

To quote the British, "Bloody 'ell!"    So much AA, Norman had never born witness to such a display.  To see Maj Painless and Lt Reginald simply dive straightaway into the teeth of such fire gave Norman such pride.

He too shall not quail!  Giving the lead pair much distance he dove in as a straggling #3, and promptly buggered up his run and held his drop.  Climbing back up he watched as the Maj and Lt wreaked havoc on the AA.


Picking his window of opportunity he dove in on a halftrack and managed to hit one of two vehicles.  As the airspace was crowded he requested to hit the rail yard solo and placed one 500lb square in the center of the enclosed station.  It was difficult to see weather or not it had any effect.   By this time the AA had been diminished and He was eager for a few of his own.  The first few runs he seemed to fit nicely into the chaos.  with everyone calling in and out on target, the 485th doing serious damage to the enemy.


It was only when running in on that one damn gun, It had spat such a mouthful of venomous 37mm directly at his head that Lt Gannet lost his nerve and broke away to the safety of the South, where the AA had already been hammered.  Directly across the path of the oncoming Maj.Painless. 

With an almighty  "NOOOO!" from the radio echoing in his ears, Lt. Gannet was looking rearward for tracers when he saw the good Majors aircraft strike his tail and disintegrate before his very eyes. 

'It was at that moment, he knew he @#$%ed up.'

Witnessing the remains of the Majors aircraft cartwheeling into the river, Norman quickly checked his aircraft over, and was astonished to find absolutely no damage.  The guilt and remorse would have to come later, there was still a job to do.  


Lt Reginald bought it shortly after,  he was hit by Flak and seen to go in.


With the 485th now at half strength, Lt Artage of White flight spotted aircraft lights and investigated to find a lone Ju52 attempting to sneak in under our noses.  He looks to have damaged it severely as Lt Gannet saw it bellied up in the snow a few miles short of the airbase.  Lt Gannet found another train hiding in a nearby village and strafed it with Capt. Rea of White flight providing cover.

Back at target Capt. Rea made one last pass before calling us off to return home, laying a beautiful stick of 3 bombs right down at the bridge footing and decimating the Germans hiding there.   

Not a moment too soon as well, for a marauding flight of FW190's appeared.


Lt. Artage and Capt. Rea soon got stuck in with the flight of 3, and Norman dropped his remaining bomb on an 88 crew that had the misfortune of being between him and the fray.

With one 190 down to the Captain, and Artage poking holes in the 2nd, Norman Gannet locked his jaws solidly on the tail of the 3rd 190 and chewed it like a bone until finally the bandit rolled over and buried itself in the forest below.


With ammunition low, It was past time to leave, and we departed for home.

In the process of organizing the remains of the 485th, Capt. Rea's radio gave up while crossing the frontlines, and Lt's Gannet and Artage landed at the nearby friendly field of Ache.


Looking back on his first mission, Norman had the stark realization that there is no glory or excitement in war.  Only Fear, adrenaline, and determination.   Also regrets.. lots of regrets.

Who ever said it was absolutely correct.  "War, is hell."

  • Like 4
  • 1. DDz Quorum

Nice report Squawk, no one really f**ked up though, just one of those freak sets of multiple circumstances coming together at exactly the wrong moment to create an “ incident” 😉

Looking forward to the next one as Capt Les Payne. Apparently he has chiselled good looks and is hung like baboon 👍🏻

Major Tom :    Requsting 1st Lt Reggie Nailed as my new wingman if possible.


402nd FS Combat Report - 15/12 - Attack Armour, Julich

Before I commence our report, I'd just like to acknowledge the regrettable loss of Maj Payne-Less.
Despite his diminutive form, he was a towering figure in the 370th FG; ably leading the 485th FS through countless scrapes to become a ground pounding, jerry-downing, knicker flinging legend and the longest serving member of the group. A dark day made darker also by the unfortunate loss of their promising young Lt Reginald. Consolatory drinks are on the 402nd tonight.

We proceeded to the target area as a five-ship armed with 4x 1000lb bombs; strong intel reported a build-up of armour approaching Julich from the NE.
This was confirmed by the bomber boys of 410th who were on a recce in the area before our ingress, thanks for that guys! Sure enough, a significant number of tank columns and artillery were found in the midst of their advance hammering our boys on the frontline. With light to medium flak keeping us in check, a series of well-coordinated attacks rendered the armour well and truly buggered, with particular mention to Lt Crown flying as white two who pickled two and smacked two in one run.

Whilst the majority of red flight continued to deal with various ground targets, white lead Capt Fruitbat spotted a gaggle of enemy aircraft high to the South West, tangling with our Florennes stable-mates of the 474th who had been escorting us. It quickly became obvious that our friends from the other side of the field were having quite a hard time of it, so with all hands on deck the 402nd made swift work of the enemy threat. Another mention here to white two who managed to smack down two 190s! During the melee, Lt Sparten – red three – had a slight coming together with the enemy and had to hit the silk; much like my own misfortune last mission. Luck was once again on our side however, as he was soon picked up by friendly units on the frontline.

Well done chaps, it was a little hectic at times but an impressive haul of air and ground targets with a great display of teamwork and situational awareness nonetheless.

  • Like 2
  • Thanks 1
13 hours ago, Painless said:

Looking forward to the next one as Capt Les Payne. Apparently he has chiselled good looks and is hung like baboon 👍🏻

Major Tom :    Requsting 1st Lt Reggie Nailed as my new wingman if possible.

Have to say Les Payne, sir, I hope you are not "hung like a Baboon, their "overhanging bit" is not very attractive you know.



Secondly, it would be an honour to be your wingman should Top Brass see fit to allow it :salute:

  • Haha 2
  • Confused 1
  • 1. DDz Quorum
8 hours ago, Reggie said:

Have to say Les Payne, sir, I hope you are not "hung like a Baboon, their "overhanging bit" is not very attractive you know.



Secondly, it would be an honour to be your wingman should Top Brass see fit to allow it :salute:

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder Reg 🤪🤣😳
Cheers to failing eyesight, poor taste, poor judgment and too much wine 🤗

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